Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
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Notes |
10/1/2019 |
8:14 AM |
0.00 |
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clear sky, sunny, no wind nor rain, dew. 82.6º/41.4º. @0814 50.7º, RH 4% |
10/2/2019 |
8:33 AM |
0.00 |
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Clear blue sky, no wind nor rain, dew, sunny.o/n low 40.8º, @0833 53.8º, RH26% |
10/3/2019 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
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Not a cloud in sight. sunny & cold. dew, no wind. 82.6º/38.1º, @0740 43.5, RH 39% |
10/4/2019 |
8:00 AM |
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obs. time is correct. No clouds nor wind, sun & dew present, 84.0º/45.7º, @0800 52.3º. rh 39% |
10/5/2019 |
7:31 AM |
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Clear blue sky, no wind nor rain, sun and dew. 79.9º/ 42.4º. @0731 45.5º, RH 46$ |
10/6/2019 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
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few high thin clouds in SW. no wind or rain, sun and dew. 82.2º/37.9º, @0739 43.0º, RH 30% |
10/7/2019 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
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Dry, clear, calm, sun, no dew. 83.8º/44.2º, @0742 48.9º , RH 16% |
10/8/2019 |
7:55 AM |
0.00 |
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dry, clear, calm, sun, no dew. 83.7º/45.7º,@0755 52.8, RH 36% |
10/9/2019 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
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Clear, calm, no dew, sunny. 81.5º/38.5º, @0708 39.7º, RH 21% |
10/10/2019 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
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dry, clear, calm, sunny, dew. 76.1º/38.7º, @0740 43.3º, RH 30% |
10/11/2019 |
7:27 AM |
0.00 |
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dry, couple of high thin clouds, very lite breeze, sun, no dew. 73.6º/41.5º, @0727 43.9º, RH 16% |
10/12/2019 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
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Dry, clear, calm, sunny, no dew. 73.9º/37.6º, @0739 42.4º, RH 18% |
10/13/2019 |
7:52 AM |
0.00 |
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dry, one little high thin cloud, calm, sunny, dew. 76.6º/37.6º, @0752 44.1º, RH 30% |
10/14/2019 |
7:46 AM |
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dry, clear, calm, no dew, 78.1º/38.5º, @0746 44.1º, RH 16% |
10/15/2019 |
7:43 AM |
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Dry, clear, calm, sunny, dew. 75.4º/40.3º, @0743 45.5º, RH 37% |
10/16/2019 |
7:38 AM |
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yesterday lots of smoke up on the rim, Coconino must have been having a prescribed burn, but it is clear. no clouds either. calm, sunny, no dew. 78.6º/ 43.1º, @0738 46.0º, RH 17% |
10/17/2019 |
7:42 AM |
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yesterday I was thinking I hadn't seen any contrails in a while, then this morning there were 8, never that many before. clouds in the east, calm, sunny, no dew. 83.8º/45.5º, @0742 48.4º, RH 17% |
10/18/2019 |
7:36 AM |
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yesterday afternoon mostly scattered cumulus clouds, many with dark bottoms, but no rain. today only clouds in the E , light breeze, sunny, no dew, heard a plane, but no contrail, 79.9º/45.3º, @0736 47.1º, RH 19% |
10/19/2019 |
7:12 AM |
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early today, going to the big city. clear, calm, sun coming up, thin frost on windshield, 73.9º/36.0º, @0712 37.0º, RH 33% |
10/20/2019 |
7:42 AM |
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dry, 1 little cloud and the half moon straight overhead. Calm, sunny morning. 74.4º/34.5º, @0742 39.0º, RH 20% |
10/21/2019 |
7:42 AM |
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Dry, a few high thin scattered clouds, calm, sunny, no dew, Mexican Jays were really excited & noisy. 73.2º/ 35.1º, @0742 39.7º. RH 19% |
10/22/2019 |
7:48 AM |
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dry, clear, light breeze, sunny, warmer. 74.4º/42.4º, @0748 56.1, RH 15% |
10/23/2019 |
7:38 AM |
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Dry, clear, calm, sunny, no dew. 80.4º/37.0º, @0738 40.3º, RH 19% |
10/24/2019 |
7:34 AM |
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dry, very windy, no clouds, hazy sun. 78.6º/42.3º, @0734 49.1º, RH, 16% |
10/25/2019 |
7:36 AM |
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Dry, clear, light breeze now, but has been very windy with things blown off the deck. sunny, o/n low 39.7º, @0736 51.3º, RH 16% |
10/26/2019 |
7:38 AM |
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Dry, clear, calm, it was windy yesterday, sunny, cooler. 74.7º/33.1º, @0738 36.1º, RH 18% |
10/27/2019 |
7:49 AM |
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dry, sky a little smokey, especially to the west, calm, sunny, 75.8º/32.7º, @0749 37.2º, RH 20% |
10/28/2019 |
7:41 AM |
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Dry, clear, light breeze, sunny. 71.6º/35.4º, @0741 38.8º, RH 9% |
10/29/2019 |
7:49 AM |
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dry, clear sky, calm wind, frost on car & roof of deck. cold. 65.5º/25.9º, @0749 30.4º, RH 19% |
10/30/2019 |
7:31 AM |
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dry , clear sky, cold wind, sunny, leaves on trumpet vine starting to freeze. 62.4º/29.7º, @0731 30.0º, RH 18% |
10/31/2019 |
7:42 AM |
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Dry, clear sky, light cold breeze, sunny. 51.8º/26.2º , @0742 35.8º. RH 20% |
11/1/2019 |
7:42 AM |
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Dry, clear sky, calm wind, sunny. 68.8º/24.4º, @0742 27.5º, RH 20% |
11/2/2019 |
7:42 AM |
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Dry, scattered high thin clouds, some haze, light breeze, sunny. 73.6º/31.3º, @0742 33.8º, RH 18%
11/3/2019 |
7:47 AM |
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Dry, mostly altocumulus clouds, 1 contrail, very light wind, sunny. 75.7º/329º, @0747 36.5º, RH 18% |
11/4/2019 |
7:44 AM |
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Dry, clear cloudless sky, calm wind, sunny, 75.9º/32.9º, @0744 35.4º, RH 20% |
11/5/2019 |
7:41 AM |
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Dry, clear sky but a little hazy, calm, sunny, 75.4º/ 34.5º, @0741 37.6º, RH 20% |
11/6/2019 |
7:34 AM |
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Not much but it is wet and it smells good. Mostly dark cumulus clouds, calm, sun in and out behind the clouds. 76.1º/44.1º, @0734 49.8, RH 27%
11/7/2019 |
7:39 AM |
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Wednesday cloudy all day. Abt 3:45 had brief tstorm, T&L, heavy wind and rain for no longer than 30 minutes. .11" catch. 11/7: no clouds or wind, sunny, frost on the car & melting off roof. 71.8º/ 38.3º, @ 0739 40.3º, RH 58% |
11/8/2019 |
7:36 AM |
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Dry, cloudless, calm, sun, light dew. 72.3º/40.1º, @0736 45.7º, RH 39% |
11/9/2019 |
7:40 AM |
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Dry, cloudless sky, calm, very light frost on car. sunny, 72.2º/35.2º. @0740 37.6º, RH 20% |
11/10/2019 |
7:37 AM |
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Dry, clouds to S and E, clear overhea, dew on windshield, calm, sunny, 72.9º/39.0º, @0737 40.1º, RH 40$ |
11/11/2019 |
7:33 AM |
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Dry, cloudless sky, calm windº, sunny, dew. 74.8º/37.9º, @0733 38.7º, RH 46% |
11/12/2019 |
7:43 AM |
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Dry, cloudless, calm, sunny, no dew, 75.9º/34.9º, @0743 36.7º, RH 20% |
11/13/2019 |
7:43 AM |
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Dry, no clouds, no wind, frost on car and metal roof, sunny. Temps dropping. 70.5º/31.8º, @0743 33.4º, RH 41% |
11/14/2019 |
7:36 AM |
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Dry, thin streaky clouds in the west, also 1 n/s contrail, calm, frost on car, sun, 70.9º/32.2º, @0736 33.6º, RH 36 |
11/15/2019 |
7:37 AM |
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Continued dry, mostly cirrus clouds, almost complete cover, very light breeze, sun just coming up, no dew nor frost. 74.8º/36.1º, @0737 38.1º, RH 20% |
11/16/2019 |
7:25 AM |
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Dry, mostly cirrus clouds, 1 W/E contrail right overhead, calm, sun just breaking, Light frost on car & roof. 72.7º/33.4º, @0725 34.3º, RH 25% |
11/17/2019 |
7:20 AM |
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Dry, cloudless, calm, no frost nor dew, sunny, 72.3º/ 35.5º., @0720 39.0, RH 19% |
11/18/2019 |
7:30 AM |
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Dry, no clouds, calm, no frost nor dew, sunny. Rain coming sez the news last night. We shall see.
73.9º/33.3º, @0730 34.2º, RH 18% |
11/19/2019 |
7:34 AM |
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Dry, partly cirrus clouds, calm, no frost nor dew, sunny, 75.9º/35.2º, @0734 37.0, RH 20% |
11/20/2019 |
7:22 AM |
0.73 |
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Can you see that? We got rain!!! We left at 1330 for town, no rain then but lots of clouds. At 1515 hubby looked outside and said it was raining (in town). Came home at 1730 it rained a nice steady rain all the way home. So I don't know when it started here. 11/20: Complete overcast, no sun yet, wind stirring the trees, puddles in a few low places. 68.7º/47.7º, @0722 48.7º. can't read the humidity. .73" catch! |
11/21/2019 |
7:46 AM |
1.95 |
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That is the most I have recorded in 1 day. Wednesday 11/20 it was lightly sprinkling when I emptied the tube & continued thru the morning. I emptied it at 2:30pm, catch was 1.12" for the morning. This morning there was an additional .83 in the evening & overnite. For the 1.95". No sun on Wednesday and starting again today. Complete cloud cover, no wind, very light sprinkle. 51.6º/41.9º, @0746 43.2º, RH 66%. |
11/22/2019 |
7:32 AM |
0.48 |
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Thur. went to town at 10:00 and it rained on us, Came home at 1400, no more rain, 11/22: first sun since Tues. Just a few streaky clouds to S&W. No wind, dew on car w/a little ice on the edge. 50.2º/38.1º, @0732 39.6º, RH 64%. Just looked out and either it iss fog or the FS is doing a burn. It is spooky! but clearing. |
11/23/2019 |
7:30 AM |
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11/23 streaky cirrus clouds to W&S, no wind, sunny, lots of frost on car & roof, had a stellar jay at the feeder. 57.2º/30.7º, @0730 31.6º, RH 54%. |
11/24/2019 |
7:50 AM |
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Scattered streaky cirrus clouds this morning. Calm wind, frost again on car & roof. Sunny, looks like a beautiful AZ day. 60.1º/32.2º, @0750 32.7, RH 49% |
11/25/2019 |
7:49 AM |
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no rain, frost on the car and roof, calm, sunny, clouds in the south. 62.4º/30.0º, @0749 31.1, RH 51% |
11/26/2019 |
7:35 AM |
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all reports are for snow on Thanksgiving. No precipt, wind, clouds, this morning, just cold and sunny. 57.2º/ 28.6º, @0735 28.8º, RH 58%. |
11/27/2019 |
7:37 AM |
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Complete overcast this morning, calm, no precipt, no sun, very light frost. 48.9º/25.9º, @0737 33.1º, RH 63% |
11/28/2019 |
7:44 AM |
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Rain overnight. Complete cloud cover, no wind nor sun yet. We will be w/kids overnight. 53.6º/43.2º, @0744 44.4º, RH 73%, .22 catch. |
12/1/2019 |
7:52 AM |
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No precipt on Sat. just sunshine. A couple of places I see big patches of ground. No wind, frost on car. Still snow on roofs, Altocumulus clouds scattered about. Bright sun again. 3 contrails, 45.7º/28.2º, @0752 29.8º, RH 77%. |
12/2/2019 |
7:56 AM |
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No new precipt. mostly cloudy, keeping sun covered. Abt 50% snow on ground melted. still 1.5" on board. no wind, frost on car, 4 contrails, several critter footprints, rabbit, elk, squirrel in snow. 56.7º/ 29.8º, @0756 32.4º, RH 76% |
12/3/2019 |
8:08 AM |
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No precipt today. mostly cloudy, sun filtered, no wind, abt 40% snow left, 1" on board. Overnite low 31.1º, @ 08833.1º, RH 78% |
12/4/2019 |
7:32 AM |
0.33 |
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After last night's rain there isn't much snow left, complete dark cloud cover, no wind or frost, a couple of puddles in low spot. Warmer. 63.9º/45.8º, @0732 46.5º, RH 85%, .33" catch. |
12/5/2019 |
7:37 AM |
0.03 |
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Rain drops hanging on the fence and on the car, but only .03" in tube. scattered clouds. fog along the bottom of the mountain, calm, no sun yesterday, it is bright today. snow mostly gone. 55.4º/43.3º, @0737 43.3, RH 82% |
12/6/2019 |
7:31 AM |
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No precip. mostly cirrus cloud cover, no sun yet. No wind, frost on outside of tube, car & roofs. 59.4º/35.4º. @0731 36.5º, RH 81% |
12/7/2019 |
7:38 AM |
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no precip. mostly cloudy, frost on tube, car, roofs, calm, storm tomorrow, 61.3º/34.5º. @0738 35.2º, RH 80%
12/8/2019 |
7:37 AM |
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Must have sprinkled most of the night and continuing at obs. A number of standing puddles. No w ind nor sun, clouds are low, can just see the bottom of the mountain to the NE top in the clouds. No frost. 60.4º/457º, @0737 47.1º, RH 88% |
12/9/2019 |
7:24 AM |
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mostly clear sky with scattered cumulus clouds, 1st sun I have seen in a few days. Yesterday after lunch took a nap and at 4:00 it was sprinkling, not sure how long. 12/9: Foggy, no wind, frost. 52.5º/37.6º, @0724 38.1º, RH 84%, .11" catch. |
12/10/2019 |
8:18 AM |
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Just frost this morning. calm clear cloudless sky, sunny, colder, 58.6º/30.4º, @0818 32.0º, RH 79% |
12/11/2019 |
7:34 AM |
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Mostly cloudy, no wind nor sun yet, eveything is frosty, 1 contrail right over house. Iwonder if our little community is a landmark for the pilots. 59.8º/32.4º, @0734 34.2º, RH .78% |
12/12/2019 |
7:54 AM |
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Dry, mostly high thin clouds, frost, calm, sunny, chilly. 58.8º/30.6º, @0754 31.5º, RH 78% |
12/13/2019 |
7:37 AM |
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Dry, clear sky, no wind, frost, sun, 59.9º/32.4º, @0737 33.1, RH 76%. |
12/14/2019 |
7:33 AM |
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dry, mostly high thin clouds, calm, filtered sun, frost. 65.5º/32.5º, @0733 33.1º, RH 75% |
12/15/2019 |
7:38 AM |
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Where is the predicted rain? Beautiful rosy cumulus clouds, very ight breeze, filtered sun, The day after Thanksgiving a family tried to cross the Tonto Creek that is south of us & were wash away 3 children were lost. The last little 6 yo girl was just found in Roosevelt Lake. Later a man crossing up stream was also drown. 59.7º/40.6º, @0738 41.8º, RH 77%. |
12/16/2019 |
7:44 AM |
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Sunday, lots of clouds and very windy. 12/16: scattered high thin clouds, light breeze, frost, sun, cold. 57.4º /27.0º, @0744 27.1, RH 66% |
12/17/2019 |
7:36 AM |
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Clear, gusty cold wind, no frost, sun, dry. 43.9º/ 28.2º. @0736 30.9º, RH 28%% |
12/18/2019 |
7:34 AM |
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Empty tube, cloud cover, sun havig a hard time breaking thru. no wind yet, no frost. 46.8º/27.0º, @0734 28.0º, RH 50% |
12/19/2019 |
7:37 AM |
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empty, clear cloudless sky, no wind, light frost, sunny. 54.5º/23.0º, @0737 23.6º, RH 58% |
12/20/2019 |
7:29 AM |
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empty, clear cloudless sky, no wind or frost, sun coming up. 53.8º/29.8, @0729 38.5º, RH 36%. |
12/21/2019 |
7:28 AM |
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dry, thin layer of rosy clouds to begin the day, sun breaking thru, no wind, very light frost, cold, 64.2º/ 27.5º, @0728 28.0º. rh 55% |
12/22/2019 |
7:32 AM |
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dry, mostly thin clouds with sun breaking thru. No wind, very light frost. Now the days get longer. 62.2º/29.8º, @0732 30.2º, rh 59%. |
12/23/2019 |
7:44 AM |
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Dry, overcast, sun trying to come thru. no wind, light frost, cold. 59.9º/29.1º, @0744 32.2º, RH 59% |
12/24/2019 |
7:35 AM |
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Between 8:30 & 9:00pm last night hubby stepped outside and said it was lightly raining. At 8:35am it has started again. Cloud cover, no sun nor wind nor frost. 52.5º/40.5º, @0735 42.6, RH 79%, .25" catch. Sorry for being late, internet problems. Happens sometimes when it rains. Merry Christmas to all, see you Wed or Thur. |
12/26/2019 |
7:51 AM |
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Scattered clouds, mostly sunny, will make for much melting today. no wind, light frost over night. This precipt for two days (reported on multi-day). Light frost. Hi for 12/25 40.5º and overnite low 26.8º, @ 0751 30.0º. Internet problems again this morning, sorry to be so late. |
12/27/2019 |
7:38 AM |
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12/26: sunny, clear until late afternoon. then some rain. 12/27: cloud cover, no wind or sun yet. Snow overnight and was lightly snowing at obs. time. 47.1º/ 35.8º, @0738 36.9º, RH 83% with .58" catch. |
12/28/2019 |
7:45 AM |
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12/27: mostly cloudy and a little melting. Started snowing in the evening & thru the night. 12/28: cloud cover, no sun yet, calm, for 3 days I've seen rabbit tracks in the snow. 42.4º/36.1º, @0745 36.3º, .24º catch. |
12/29/2019 |
7:41 AM |
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cloudy in the morning, by noon the sun was out and the big melt was on. This morningst a few scattered clouds, probably less than 50% snow left on ground. sun shining, no wind, lots of frost. Nothing in tube, just frost on the outside. 39.4º/21.0º, @0741 22.3, That is cold. RH 73% |
12/30/2019 |
7:31 AM |
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empty, mostly cloud cover, as sun breaks thru the clouds become pink. no wind, frosty, abt 75% snow melted.
43.9º/25.9º, @0731 28.8º, RH 75% |
12/31/2019 |
7:48 AM |
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empty, mostly scattered clouds, ligh t breeze, sun starting to show, snow in patches maybe 15%, 47.4º/ 33.1º, @0748 34.5º, RH 51% |
1/1/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Happy 2020!! The end of another year. Total rainfall 25.66", Total for December 3.32". 1/1/20: Clear, calm, sunrise, frost. 49.1º/25.5. @0741 25.9º. RH 70% |
1/2/2020 |
7:48 AM |
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1/1:cloudy most of day. 1/2/2020 clear, very windy, sun rising, frost. 51.6º/28.6º, @0748 37.6º, RH 45%. |
1/3/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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Dry, mostly high, thin clouds, light frost, sun, very light breeze. 48.9º/26.2º, @0744 26.8, RH 60% |
1/4/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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dry, partly high thin clouds, no wind, frost on the car, 2 contrails. Still patches of snow on the ground. 58.4º/27.3º, @0742 28.6º, RH 69%. |
1/5/2020 |
7:14 AM |
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dry, high thin clouds as sun comes up, light frost, no wind, cold, 61.1º/25.7º, @ 0714 26.4º, RH 68% |
1/6/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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Dry, but there are still patches of snow on the ground. Clear, calm, no frost, 61.5º/29.8º, @0746 38.1º, RH 45% |
1/7/2020 |
7:54 AM |
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Dry, clear, calm, light frost, 57.5º/25.5º, @0754 26.2º, RH 59% |
1/8/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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dry. mostly stratocumulus clouds, pink as the sun comes up. Calm, frost, small patches of snow. 62.1º/23.9º, @0746 24.6º. RH 63% |
1/9/2020 |
7:49 AM |
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no rain yet, predicted later today. complete cloud cover, no wind nor sun, frost, heard plane, above clouds. 55.6º/25.0º, @0749 30.9º, RH 67% |
1/10/2020 |
7:33 AM |
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yesterday 1830 hubby went out and came back with graupel on his shirt. At 2130 I stepped out and ground & car had a dusting of snow. This morning it is cold, clear, no wind, there was an ice layer under the little snow on the board. 57.8º/29.5º, @0733 29.7º, RH 73%. Glad we got this moisture last night as we are leaving today and will be gone several days. |
1/16/2020 |
7:52 AM |
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Nothing in tube, complete cloud cover this morning, no sun yet. calm, very light frost on roof. Heard plane above the clouds. 1/15 high 60.4º, overnight low 31.3º, @0752 35.3º. RH 65% |
1/17/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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No sun all day Thursday. Sun just rising 1/17, mostly cloud cover. Calm, frost, 59.1º/34.2º, @0744 36.9º. RH 77% |
1/18/2020 |
7:39 AM |
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clear sky, calm wind, frost, sun coming up, won't be around tomorrow. 56.4º/25.5º, @0739 25.9º RH 62% |
1/20/2020 |
7:52 AM |
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Nothing of note happened while we were gone. Mostly altostratus clouds this morning, warmer because of the clouds. No wind, or frost, sun just coming thru. 66.4º/ 38.1º, @0752 39.2, RH 57% |
1/21/2020 |
7:51 AM |
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overcast all day on Monday. DARK CLOUDS IN THE EVENING, Rain overnight and sprinkles when I went to the tube, Still overcast, no sign of sun. no wind nor frost, 59.4º/44.1º, @0751 44.6º, RH 78%. |
1/22/2020 |
7:45 AM |
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After 2 days of overcast, gloomy, it is good to see the sun coming up. Partly altocumulus clouds, no wind or frost, Last night abt 0545, coming home from town there was heavy fog. 48.7º/41.9º, @0745 41.9º, RH 80%, 28" catch. |
1/23/2020 |
7:47 AM |
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dry again, car covered with frost, no wind, clear sky, sun coming up. Cold. 56.5º/30.4º, @0747 31.3º, RH 78% |
1/24/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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Dry, mostly high, thin, streaky clouds, very light breeze, frost, cold. 61.0º/30.2º, @0744 30.7º, RH 73% |
1/25/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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Dry, partly streaky clouds, 1 contrail. calm, frost, cold, 61.5º/28.6º, @0746 29.1º, RH 71% |
1/26/2020 |
7:48 AM |
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Dry, partly cloudy, high thin clouds. 1 contrail, calm, frost, bright sun. 63.3º/30.7º, @0748 31.8º, RH 73% |
1/27/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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Dry, clear sky, calm wind, frost, sun. 62.2º/33.8º, @0746 33.8º, RH 74% |
1/28/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Very windy in the afternoon. Clear sky this morning, no wind or frost. 58.8º/35.1º, @0741 35.1º, RH 46%. High & RH down, low up, strange. |
1/29/2020 |
7:49 AM |
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dry, overcast, gloomy day, no sun yet, no wind, very light frost. cold. 60.3º/31.3, @0749 36.1, RH 64. Maybe rain soon. |
1/30/2020 |
7:54 AM |
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Rain missed us but cloudy most of yesterday, mostly high, thin clouds this morning. no wind, just frost and bright sun. 52.9º/29.1º, @0754 29.7, RH 59% |
1/31/2020 |
7:27 AM |
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Dark clouds for a couple of hours in the early afternoon, but no precipt. This morning clear, sunny, no frost, wind gusts. 56.1º/38.5º, @0727 40.1º, RH 37% |
2/1/2020 |
7:24 AM |
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Dry, no clouds, wind, light frost, cold. 62.2º/31.1º, @0724 31.5º, RH 49% .50" total for January, not much. |
2/2/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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dry, clear, calm, frost, cold bright sun rising. 68.7º/28.6º, @0744 29.1º, RH 68%. |
2/3/2020 |
7:56 AM |
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dry, partly cumulus & stratocumulus clouds. Brisk gusty wind. bright sun rise. 66.0º/34.5º, @0756 44.6º, RH 44% |
2/4/2020 |
7:58 AM |
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Mon. dark, promising clouds & windy. No precip. Clear & cold this morning, again wind, bright sun 51.1º/23.7º, @0758 24.8º, RH 35% |
2/5/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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Hubby remembers hearing we will have a cold, dry winter, seems like we are. mostly cloudy, light wind gusts, no frost, 40.6º/21.4º, @0746 25.3º, RH 32% |
2/6/2020 |
7:48 AM |
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Dry, partly high thin clouds, very light breeze, light frost. bright sun for now. very cold. 46.6º/19.9º, @0748 21.6º, RH 48% |
2/7/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Dry few high thin clouds, mostly in the E, calm, frost, bright sun rising, cold. 54.5º/25.0º, @0742 25.7º , RH 61% |
2/8/2020 |
7:43 AM |
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dry, clear cloudless sky, no wind, bright sun rising, frost, 63.5º/25.3º, @0743 26.6º. RH 66% |
2/9/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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dry, few clouds around the edges, one contrail headed NE. , calm, bright sun rising, frost, cold. 64.3º/25.7º, @0741 26.4º, RH 64% |
2/10/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Surprise, surprise!!! Sunday was cloudy and windy! This morning mostly cloudy stratocumulus & cumulus, but starting to break up, blue sky showing. Very light gusty wind, no frost, 59.0º/34.3º, @0741 42.3º, RH 75%, .03 catch. 18days without rain. |
2/11/2020 |
7:51 AM |
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Monday: cloudy & windy. Light snowfall overnite. Mostly cloudy, no wind now, but must have been lots with the snow, back deck is covered with a very light snow. 1" on hood of car, but 1/2" on snowboard. Not all ground covered with snow. Tube was frozen to bracket and strip of snow on one side of tube. 59.4º/ 31.1º, @0751 34.5º. RH 72% not sure about melted snow as there was snow on the top of tube that might have been included so .35 might be high. |
2/12/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Tues. going to town about 1:30 the snow was mostly gone but the trees had about a 3" strip of snow on the N side of the trunks. No snow this morning, no clouds, no wind, frost and bright sun. 41.7º/23.2º, @072 23.5, RH 69% |
2/13/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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dry, clear cloudless sky, no wind, frost, bright sun rising. 54.3º/24.4º, @0746 25.3º. |
2/14/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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dry, mostly altocumulus clouds, no wind or sun yet, frost. 59.3º/27.7º, @0746 30.7º, RH 73% |
2/15/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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dry, clear cloudless sky, calm wind, bright sun, frost, pleasant morning. 62.4º/25.9º, @0744 27.0º, RH 67% |
2/16/2020 |
7:47 AM |
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dry, few high thin clouds, calm wind, bright sun, frost. 62.4º/27.9º, @0747 28.9º, RH 68% |
2/17/2020 |
6:49 AM |
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Early appointment, dark, so hard to see much. dry, no wind, frost. overnite low 30.0º, @0649 30.7, RH 67% |
2/18/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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yesterday after there was light, there were lovely sweeoing cirrus clouds, but none today, no wind, bright sun, frost, 64.3º/30.7º, @ 0741 31.3º. RH 70% |
2/19/2020 |
7:35 AM |
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Dry, again mostly streaky cumulus clouds, no wind, filtered sun, frost. 66.6º/30.7º, @0735 30.9º, RH 68% |
2/20/2020 |
7:40 AM |
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Dry, clear, light breeze, sun, light frost. 65.5º/31.8º, @074 39.0º, RH 47% |
2/21/2020 |
7:51 AM |
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Dry, but mostly altocumulus clouds gearing up for predicted rain today & tomorrow,no wind, filtered sun, 68.5º/37.2º, @ 0751 37.9º, RH 61% |
2/22/2020 |
7:51 AM |
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Rain, still sprinkling at obs, complete overcast, light breeze, no sun, 64.0º/44.1º, @0751 45.5º, RH 78%, .23" catch. |
2/23/2020 |
7:50 AM |
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woo, lots of rain, after no sun all day on Sat., starting complete overcast today, Rain off & on and wind too yesterday, no wind this morning. 54.0º/39.2º, @0750 40.6º, RH 81%, 1.28" catch. |
2/24/2020 |
7:43 AM |
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no sun on Sunday. Light mist on the way home from church at 2:30. This morning I could see about 6 drops in the bottom of the tube. Mostly overcast with sun trying to break thru. No wind or frost. 46.4º/37.0, @0743 38.6º, RH82%
2/25/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Dry, clear blue sky, cold wind, sun rising, no frost. 61.3º/28.9º, @0741 37.2, RH 43%. |
2/26/2020 |
7:28 AM |
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Lots of wind and cold yesterday. Startingt way this morning. Clear cloudless sky, sun rising, no frost. 46.6º/34.7º, @0728 35.1º, RH 19% |
2/27/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Very windy and cold yesterday. No clou58%ds or wind this morning. Bright sun and frost. 59.7º/26.1º, @0741 28.9º, RH |
2/28/2020 |
7:55 AM |
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Dry, mostly altostratus cloud cover, no wind nor frost. filtered sun. 64.6º/34.6º, @0755 36.7º, RH 49% |
2/29/2020 |
7:19 AM |
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overcast most of yesterday. Sat. clouds on N&E horizon, no wind, bright sun rising. frost, cold, 66.4º/29.5º, @0719 30.0º, RH 64% |
3/1/2020 |
7:36 AM |
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Dry, mostly cumulus clouds, calm wind, dew on car, sun coming up. 65.8º/36.5º, @0736 37.0º, RRH 65%. |
3/2/2020 |
7:38 AM |
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Dry, clous in the E, no wind, frost. bright sun rising. 60.8º/30.6º, @0738 32.4, RH 65%, Total rain for February 1.86". |
3/3/2020 |
7:52 AM |
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Abt. 4:00pm looked out the window and there were a few sprinkles on the water barrel, but not a drop in the tube this morning, blustery wind, no frost, bright sunrise, just a few scattered clouds. 59.7º/41.7º, @0752 44.6, RH 40% |
3/4/2020 |
7:36 AM |
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Dry, clear cloudless sky, calm, very lt. frost, bright sun. 62.4º/35.2º, @0736 36.3º, RH 37% |
3/5/2020 |
7:47 AM |
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Dry, scattered high thin clouds, 3 contrails, no wind, frost on car & roof, bright sun. 68.5º/32.0º. @0747 35.1º, 69% RH |
3/6/2020 |
7:47 AM |
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Dry, complete cloud cover, filtered sun, light breeze, no frost, warmer, forcast rain. 73.2º/40.6º, @0747 47.8º, RH 46% |
3/7/2020 |
7:48 AM |
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Dry, scattered altocumulus clouds, calm wind, frost, bright sunrise, 71.2º/35.2º. @0748 38.5, RH 65%. |
3/8/2020 |
7:40 AM |
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Saturday very windy afternoon, Sunday continues dry, stratocumulus cover. calm, no sun yet, no frost, warmer.69.4º/44.4º, @0740 45.7º, RH 56% |
3/9/2020 |
7:51 AM |
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Sunday looked like we might get rain, dry this morning. A few scattered altocumulus clouds. No wind, frost, bright sun. 60.6º/33.8º, @0751 37.0º, RH 74% |
3/10/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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News predicted 2.6", missed that mark. light breeze, complete cloud cover, very light sprinkle at obs. No sun. 66.0º/45.3º, @0746 46.4º, RH 76%, .14" catch. |
3/11/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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Tues.o/c all day, rain in the evening. overcast again this morning, no sun, calm, warm. 58.6º/48.9º, @0744 50.7º, 89%, .81 catch |
3/12/2020 |
7:29 AM |
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Wednesday overcast most of the day, and rainy off & on. Another day of no sun that is 3 days in a row. No wind, 56.5º/48.4º, @0729 49.4º, RH 92%, .87" catch. |
3/13/2020 |
7:19 AM |
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Thursday cloudy and rainy off and on. This morning mostly cloud cover with a few patches of blue. Sun trying to break thru. no wind, some standing water. 58.8º/40.8º. @0719 42.6º, RH 86%, .60" catch, 2.23 total for 4 days. |
3/14/2020 |
7:32 AM |
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Friday cloudy & windy most of the day. Mostly clear with some altocumulus clouds to the N & W. Colder, no wind, saw a plane but no contrail. Light frost on the car. 54.1º/39.0º, @0732 40.5º, RH 84%, .34 catch. Got the 2.5" rain predicted in 5 days with 2.66 total, Good to see the sun again.00 |
3/15/2020 |
7:55 AM |
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Saturday sunny and partly cloudy. You can see snow on the edge of the Mogollon Rim. Sunday, partly thin clouds, no wind, not sure if this is rain or heavy dew dripping off roof and on car. Filtered sun, 60.0º/34.0º, @0755 39.2º, RH 85% |
3/16/2020 |
7:50 AM |
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Not a cloud to be seen, calm, frost on car and roof, melting as the sun reaches it. 65.8º/34.0º, @0750 38.1, RH 82%. |
3/17/2020 |
7:48 AM |
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Monday started out clear, but soon the clouds gathered. This morning a bank of altocumulus clouds to the E and scattered cirrus clouds around. calm, dew on car and roofs. Bright sun. 65.4º/37.9º, @0748 41.0º RH 78%. lite snow forecast for later today. Last Tuesday noticed ornamental plum trees in full blossom. Now what? |
3/18/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Tuesday: sunny some clouds. This morning no sun, complete cloud cover, calm, no frost, rain overnight. Promise of more. Flash flood watch on small streams. 63.3º/42.1º, @0742 45.1º, RH 71%, .02" catch. |
3/19/2020 |
7:47 AM |
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got up at 12:30am, looked out the bedroom window and the car was covered with snow, but the granite driveway isn't covered, just grassy places. Complete cloud cover again. Yesterday cold wind, rain & mostly cloudy. no wind yet, or sun, or frost. 53.4º/35.4º, @0747 37.6º, RH 84%, 1.44" rain and snow from top of gauge. |
3/20/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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yesterday AM rainy. great grandson up from valley made a tiny (8") snowman on hood of car, all gone now. Today no cclouds, wind. Eastbound plane very short trail. frost, melting quickly, Bright sun. 50.4º/31.3º, @0741 34.8, RH 81%, .16" catch frozen in tube. |
3/21/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Dry, bright sun rise, no wind, scattered wispy cumulus clouds. frost on car & roof, melting fast. 59.5º/34.3º ,@0741 38.8º, RH 74% |
3/22/2020 |
7:40 AM |
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Dry, thin cloud cover, frost, melting fast, calm. 63.5º/ 34.0º, @0740 36.9º, RH 75% |
3/23/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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dry, mostly altocumulus clouds, bright sun, dew, calm, Sunday gloomy all day. cloud cover. 62.6º/37.8º, @ 0741 41.7, RH 73% |
3/24/2020 |
7:49 AM |
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By 10:00 Monday we had overcast most of the day. In the afternoon a light rain briefly, with gusty wind. This AM bright sun with clear beautiful blue sky, no wind, frost on car. 59.5º/33.6º, @0749 38.8, RH 80%, .05" catch. |
3/25/2020 |
7:43 AM |
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Dry, partly altocumulus clouds, bright sun, frost melting, calm. 68.2º/34.9º, @0743 40.6º, 74% RH, |
3/26/2020 |
7:31 AM |
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Forecast snow, didn't get anything. Overcast sky, filtered sun. Light wind,, but not cold. no frost, 62.6º/ 41.7º, @0731 46.2º, RH 57% |
3/27/2020 |
7:32 AM |
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Thur. gusty winds, cloudy. Today: dry, complete cloud cover, no sun yet, light wind, no frost nor dew. 60.6º/ 35.1º, @0732 39.4º, RH 49% |
3/28/2020 |
7:30 AM |
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Fri. abt 1500 got up to go to the back of the house and looked out the kitchen window and it was snowing lightly. Didn't last but a few minutes, no accumulation. Windy all day. This morning there was snow on the top of the car and the roofs, bright sun melting it fast. Maybe .16". Clear sky, no wind. 79.8º/25.3º, @0730 29.8º, RH 63%. |
3/29/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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dry, mostly clear, a few thin clouds in the E. Bright sun calm winds, frost on car, 61.8º/32.4º, @0741 38.5º, RH 64% |
3/30/2020 |
7:33 AM |
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Sunday light breeze thru the day & cloudy. Dry, clear, calm, frost on car and roof, melting quickly this morning. 66.0º/30.7º, @0733 36.0º, RH 62% |
3/31/2020 |
7:41 AM |
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Dry, thin cloud cover, filtered sun, very light frost, melting, calm, 72.3º/33.3º, @0741 39.4º, RH 65%. |
4/1/2020 |
7:30 AM |
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Tuesday was overcast all day. Again overcast, Warmer, no wind or frost, Dry. 72.3º/41.2º, @0730 44.2º, RH 62%. Nice rainfall for March 4.54", 6.77" for 2020 |
4/2/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Wednesday, morning was cloudy, finally ended with a nice sunny day. Clear and sunny today, no wind, light frost, 71.1º/34.7º, @0742 43.0º, RH 66% |
4/3/2020 |
7:39 AM |
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Dry, clear blue sky, no wind, light frost melting. Bright sun, looks like a lovely day in captivity. 72.4º/34.2, @0739 41.7º, RH 65% |
4/4/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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Another bright sunny, dry day. Calm, clear blue sky, light frost melting. 73.8º/33.6º, @0744 41.7º, RH 63% |
4/5/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Clear blue sky, bright sun, dry, light breeze, frost, ovely morning. 73.1º/34.2º, @0742 43.3, RH 62% |
4/6/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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dry, clear blue sky, bright sun, light frost, calm, another lovely morning. 74.8º/32.7º, @0742 42.4º, RH63% |
4/7/2020 |
7:39 AM |
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Dry, clear blue sky, calm, frost, bright sunrise. 79.5º/ 32.7, @ 0739 42.1º, RH 60%. |
4/8/2020 |
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Dry, no clouds, wind. Light frost, bright sun, Rain predicted for next day or two. 75.3º/35.8º, @0742 46.2º , RH 63%. |
4/9/2020 |
7:34 AM |
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Wed. I reported clear sky, by 10:00 clouds filled the sky some with dark bottoms and it was very windy. This morning bring a few puffy cumulus clouds but mostly clear, no wind yet, bright sunrise. 72.3º/39.º, @0734 44.8º, RH 64% |
4/10/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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Dry, clear, cloudless sky, calm wind, frost, bright sun, scrub jays were sure cheeping at mel. 72.3º/30.4º, @0744 40.5º, RH 60%. |
4/11/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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Dry. mostly cumulus & stratocumulus clouds to start out with, no wind, filtered sun, no frost. 71.1º/34.9º, @0744 45.0º, RH53% |
4/12/2020 |
7:44 AM |
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dry, complete cloud cover, filtered sun, no wind, no frost, 59.8º/42.4º, @0744 46.0º, RH 65% Starting out a gloomy Easter!!! |
4/13/2020 |
7:33 AM |
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Well finally! All around us have reported rain in the past few days, now our turn We have had dark clouds now for 3 days. No sun yet, no wind, no frost. 58.9º/ 44.8º, @0733 45.1, RH 73, .20" catch. |
4/14/2020 |
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Mon. we had almost all. Morning started with complete cloud cover, a few sprinkles. Afternoon we had a hard downpour for maybe 10 minutes and rice sized hail. early evening the sun came out and was beautiful. This morning there isn't a cloud to be seen, light chilly breeze, bright sun, light frost. 64.4º/34.7º, @0733 43.7º, RH 45%, .53" catch. |
4/15/2020 |
7:22 AM |
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Back to dry, clear blue sky, no wind, frost, colder. 72.3º/29.8º, @0722 37.8º, RH 62% |
4/16/2020 |
7:50 AM |
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Dry, clear cloudless sky, no wind, bright sun, frost. 77.4º/32.2º, @0750 44.8, RH 59%. |
4/17/2020 |
7:36 AM |
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Dry, clear sky, no wind yet, bright sun, light frost. 78.4º/33.5º, @0736 44.8º, RH 57% |
4/18/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Dry, mostly altocumulus clouds, no wind, filtered sun. very light frost. 77.2º/34.5º, @0742 44.2º, RH 5% |
4/19/2020 |
7:40 AM |
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Dry, clear sky, no wind, very light frost, 73.0º/34.5º, @0742 45.7º. RH 62% |
4/20/2020 |
7:39 AM |
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Dry, partly altocumulus clouds, sun playing in the clouds, no wind, no frost. 76.8º/40.6, @0739 47.1º, RH 62% |
4/21/2020 |
7:42 AM |
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Afternoon it was windy. Tues:Dry, no clouds, but the sky is a bit hazy. sun, no wind yet. moisture dripping off west facing roof. 78.4º/35.8º, @0742 48.9, RH 57% |
4/22/2020 |
7:38 AM |
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Dry, 3 little puffy clouds, otherwise clear. light breeze, bright sun. 72.7º/36.9º, @0738 51.6º, RH 63%. |
4/23/2020 |
7:36 AM |
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Wed. lots of dark bottomed cumulus clouds by noon. 4/23: dry, clear cloudless sky, calm wind, bright sun, warmer temps. First 80ºF of 2020. 82.1º/39.4º, @0736 52.0. RH 51%. |
4/24/2020 |
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Clouds come up by 10 or 11. Today it's dry, clear, calm, bright sun. 84.4º/44.2º, @0735 57.0, RH 36%. |
4/25/2020 |
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Dry, clear sky, gusty wind, bright sun, warmer, I think summer is here. 89.2º/46.0º, @0738 64.2º, RH 19%. Already a fire in the Tonto Nat'l Forest, to the south, closer to Phoenix. |
4/26/2020 |
7:43 AM |
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Dry, high thin streaky clouds, calm wind, sunny. 89.8º/ 43.0º, @0743 56.1º, RH 46% |
4/27/2020 |
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Dry, again high thin streaky clouds, no wind yet, filtered sun. Warmer. 85.8º/45.3º, @0731 56.3, RH 48% |
4/28/2020 |
7:40 AM |
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same old thing! Dry, high thin streaky clouds, no wind yet, filtered sun. 88.7º/41.4º, @0740 56.5º, RH 44% |
4/29/2020 |
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Dry, no clouds, hazy sun, no wind, first 90ºF day on 4/28. 92.3º/45.1º, @ 0732 58.3º, RH 45%
4/30/2020 |
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Dry, mostly cirrostratus cloud cover, no wind, filtered sun, warm. 94.3º/47.7º, @0731 60.3º, RH 48% |
5/1/2020 |
7:34 AM |
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April is over. 2 days of rain for a total of .73" for the month. May 1: Dry, clear cloudless sky, no wind yet, hazy sun. 85.3º/42.4º, @0734 56.8º, RH 49%. |
5/2/2020 |
7:37 AM |
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Dry, clear blue sky, no wind, bright sun, 87.6º/41.5, @0737 57.4º, RH45%. |
5/3/2020 |
7:46 AM |
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Dry, partly altocumulus clouds, no wind yet, filtered sun, moisture from the roof on the west side (dew?).
83.4º/40.8º, @0746 56.8º, RH 46% |
5/4/2020 |
7:38 AM |
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always light wind by noon. 5/4 Dry, clear, calm, bright sun, again moisture from west side roof. 82.4º/40.3º, @0738 55.6, RH 46. |
5/5/2020 |
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Dry, possibly rain on Sunday. sky a bit hazy, no clouds or wind, looks like a hot day. 85.4º/44.2º, @0732 62.1, RH 33% |
5/6/2020 |
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Dry, a few altocumulus clouds, no wind, sunny, warm. 88.0º/43.5º, @0733 58.6º, RH 42% |
5/7/2020 |
7:27 AM |
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Dry, few altocumulus clouds, no wind, contrail and I've seen some the last couple of days, before that didn't see any, but I wasn't outside much either. warmer. 89.4º/ 40.3º, @ 0727 55.8º, RH37% |
5/8/2020 |
7:24 AM |
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Dry, mostly cloudy, filtered sun, no wind, 89.2º/46.6º, @0724 64.0, RH 14%. |
5/9/2020 |
7:20 AM |
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Dry, partly high thin streaky clouds, light breeze, bright sun, beautiful morning. 86.4º/45.1º, @0720 57.9º RH 41% |
5/10/2020 |
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Still dry, Saturday cloudy and windy. Sunday: mostly altocumulus clouds, no wind, filtered sun, 86.5º/49.3º, @0732 58.4º, RH 50%. |
5/11/2020 |
7:29 AM |
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Well it is a start. Sunday about 2030 hubby opened the front door and said "It's raining"!! Don't know when it started/stopped. I could smell it!! Monday no clouds, bright sun, no wind, grass is wet. 84.0º/52.5º, @0729 62.1º, RH 61% |
5/12/2020 |
7:58 AM |
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Dry, no clouds, wind. Bright sun. 83.4º/42.3º, @0758 61.0º, RH 49. At 1800 went for a walk and it was very windy. |
5/13/2020 |
7:37 AM |
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Dry, scattered high thin clouds, contrail, no wind now but very windy yesterday. bright sun. 77.7º/38.7º, @0737 54.3º, RH 43%, cooler temps. |
5/14/2020 |
7:26 AM |
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Dry, clear cloudless, no wind, dew (moisture from the roof) bright sun. 76.4º/39.6º, @0726 52.0º, RH 53% |
5/15/2020 |
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Dry, scattered cumulus clouds mostly in the west. no wind yet, des off roof, bright sun. 78.4º/39.9º, @0733 55.6º, RH 48%. |
5/16/2020 |
7:21 AM |
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Dry, no clouds, a little hazy, very lite breeze, sunny, 81.5º/43.0º, @0721 56.1, RH 48%. |
5/17/2020 |
7:50 AM |
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Dry, scatteered cirrus clouds, 2 contrails, no wind, sunny. 85.6º/43.5º, @0750 62.2º, RH 42%. |
5/18/2020 |
7:24 AM |
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Dry, clear blue sky, no wind, dew from roof. bright sun, yesterday early afternoon a brush fire (human made) started about 30 miles south of Payson. Closed the road to Phoenix for a while. 84.9º/41.0º, @0724 56.1º, RH 43%, |
5/19/2020 |
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Dry, a few cumulus clouds on the E horizon otherwise clear. Light wind coming up early. Bright sun. 83.8º/ 42.4º, @0725 57.2º, RH 32%. |
5/20/2020 |
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Tues. very, very windy all day. Wed. Dry, clear blue sky,
no wind yet, bright sun, cool this morning.freeze warning last night. 77.7º/34.3º, @0731 50.9º RH 30% |
5/21/2020 |
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Dry, no clouds, wind. cool, bright sun. 74.4º/35.1º, @0741 58.3º, RH 25% |
5/22/2020 |
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Dry, cloudless sky, one contrail, no wind, hazy sun. 79.9º/36.3º, @0736 55.0º, RH 33%. |
5/23/2020 |
7:22 AM |
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Dry, scattered altocumulus clouds mostly in E&N. no wind yet, was windy later in the day yesterday. bright sun.
79.0º/388º, @0722 52.9º, RH 37% |
5/24/2020 |
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Dry, blue sky, two contrails, no wind yet, hazy sun. 77.5º/39.9º, @0737 55.9, RH 37% |
5/25/2020 |
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Dry, clear sky, very windy, bright sun, 80.2º/44.2º, @0738 63.0º, RH 15%. Reports of heavy traffic in town, We will be happy staying home. Remembering those who fought and died for us. |
5/26/2020 |
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Dry, clear blue sky, no wind, bright sun, same ol' stuff. 83.1º/42.6º, @0739 60.8º, RH 22 |
5/27/2020 |
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Dry, scattered cirrus clouds, calm, bright sun, warmer. Predicted first 100º day, 88.7º/45.7º, @0739 63.5º, RH 26. |
5/28/2020 |
7:35 AM |
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Dry, not a cloud in the sky, nor wind, bright sun, warm. 94.3º/50.5º, warmest low, @0735 67.8º, RH 30% |
5/29/2020 |
9:08 AM |
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Yesterday by noon the dky was filled with dark looking thunder clouds, but no thunder or rain. Not expected. Friday: dry, a few cumulus clouds, light breeze, very warm. o/m low 50.7º, @ 9:08 82.9º, RH 25% sorry I'm so late. |
5/30/2020 |
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More dark clouds in the afternoon, reports of trace of rain nearby Christopher Creek. Dry this morning, scatter cirrus clouds, warm, no wind. Could we be having an early monsoon? 97.3º/57.9, @0737 72.5º, RH 36% |
5/31/2020 |
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Saturday cloudy most of day. Sunday: dry, scattered high thin clouds, no wind, warm. 95.2º/58.3º, @0745 71.8º, RH 38%. |
6/1/2020 |
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Sunday: mostly thin clouds all day. This morning, heavy clouds in the east. Sun just now breaking thru. No wind, 93.6º/51.4º, @737 60.1º, RH 40%, Total rain for May .09", totala for April .73. We need rain, soon. |
6/2/2020 |
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Dry, mostly stratocumulus clouds, no wind, rain in some areas of AZ, but not here yet. Actually too early for monsoon, but who knows. 91.7º/55.2º, @0732 61.3º, RH 42% |
6/3/2020 |
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Cloudy all day Tuesday. Evidence of rain drops on dusty car and black water storage tank this morning, but only little bugs in the tube. Clear sky in the west, altocumulus clouds otherwise. no wind, bright sun. 95.2º/57.4º, @0739 7.8, RH 31% |
6/4/2020 |
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Dry, clear, cal, bright sun. 95.3º/51.2º, @0727 66.9º, RH 35% |
6/5/2020 |
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Dry, Altostratus cloud cover, no wind, sun hasn't broken thru clouds yet. Last night the moon was big with a thin cloud cover. 96.6º/587.9º, @0656 63.3º, RH 37% |
6/6/2020 |
7:03 AM |
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Friday had cloud cover all day. Abt 5:20 we decided to walk down and get the mail. I saw fresh raindrops on the car and we had occasional drops on us the whole walk. Not very much. Sat. clear blue sky, light breeze, bright sun, 89.4º/57.5º, 0703 63.3, RH 29%, .01" catch. That is a surprise! |
6/7/2020 |
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Dry, clear sky, calm wind, bright sun. cooler temps. 82.6º/46.0º, @0741 62.2, RH 45% |
6/8/2020 |
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Dry, clear skies, no wiind, bright sun, cooler. 81.4º/ 42.6º, @0725 57.6º. RH 32%. |
6/9/2020 |
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Dry, clear sky, gusty wind, bright sun. cooler but nice.
75.7º/43.0º, @ 0738 60.3º, RH 12% |
6/10/2020 |
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Dry, clear sky, light breeze, bright sun. Same ol' stuff.82.6º/469º. @0741 70.3, |
6/11/2020 |
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Dry, cllear, calm, briht sun, High temps really jumping around. Very windy yesterday. 91.2º/45.7º, @0724 62.1º, RH 17% |
6/12/2020 |
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Hot yesterday, a few puffy clouds in the afternoon over the rim. Friday: Dry, clear, light breeze. 95.7º/50.7º,
@0708 68.7, RH 12%. Looks like a hot one today. |
6/13/2020 |
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Yesterday windy, Saturday: dry, a few cumulus clouds to N and on W horizon. no wind yet, bright sun. 93.4º/50.2º, @0732 68.2º, RH 32%, |
6/14/2020 |
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yesterday very windy & cooler. Sunday: dry, no clouds but hazy. probably from fire south of us. no wind yet. sun hazy. 88.3º/42.3º, @0730 57.7º, RH 19% |
6/15/2020 |
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Sunday: windy. Monday: dry, no clouds, just a layer of smoke. Fire about 65 mies south, hwy closed both ways to Phx. 00 containment. Tonto Basin & Punkin Center on set condition. No wind yet, wish it would stay down. sun hazy. 88.3º/45.1º. @0732 61.0, RH 22% |
6/16/2020 |
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Monday: dry, windy, smoky. Bush fire still 0% contained. Tonto Basin & Punkin Center evacuated. Today: Dry, not as smoky as yesterday, scattered altocumulus clouds. no wind yet. 90.3º/48.7º, @0736 65.1º, RH 25%. |
6/17/2020 |
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Tuesday: very windy & smokey. Jake's corner & Sunflower evacuated. Today: no clouds just smoke, I ca smell it. light breeze. We could use some rain. 89.1º/45.0º, @0734 60.3, RH 40%. |
6/18/2020 |
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Wednesday: windy & smokey. Fire still burning. Today: dry, no wind yet. no clouds, Hwy 87 Payson to Phoenix still closed. 87.6º/46.0º, @0726 60.4º, RH 34% |
6/19/2020 |
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Thur: not as windy ro smokey. Hwy 87 to Phoenix still closed. Will be gone a few days. Today: Dry, lots of smoke, no wind now, 88.0º/44.4º, @0742 61.9º, RH 28% |
6/25/2020 |
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I'm back! Dry, scattered altocumulus clouds, no wind yet. bright sun, 964º/54.1º, @0735 61.1º, RH 17%. |
6/26/2020 |
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Dry, mostly altocuulus clouds, no wind, filtered sun. 96.1º/54.1º, @0733 63.3º, RH 19% |
6/27/2020 |
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Still dry, a few scattered clouds, bright sun, no wind yet. 94.3º/52.3, @0738 68.5º, RH 15% |
6/28/2020 |
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Dry, partly high, thin, streaky clouds, no wind, hazy sun. 928º/50.2º, @0726 63.7º, RH 26%. |
6/29/2020 |
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Still dry, a few altocumulus clouds, red flag warning for high winds in Northern AZ. Windy now. hazy sun. 88.0º/63.7, @0734 68.9, RH 10%. |
6/30/2020 |
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Monday very windy, gusty. Today sky clea, not a cloud. sun bright. Another small fire, held to 5 acres, just South of town. no wind yet. 83.8º/47.8º, @0746 65.1º, RH 24%. |
7/4/2020 |
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Only bugs in the gauge, but evidence of drops on our dirty car. clear blue sky, no clouds, no wind, bright sun, 89.8º/55.4º, @0725 68.2º, RH 49%. |
7/5/2020 |
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Saturday: clouds came up later in the day but no rain. Sunday: Dry here, clear blue cloudless sky, no wind yet. bright sun. Pollen Fire held overnite and strong winds caused it to jump the line. As of 4:30pm it was 190 acres. People in town reporting ashes. Nothing here. We need rain!!! 97.0º/56.3º, @0743 72.1, RH 39% |
7/6/2020 |
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Sunday @ 1530 car temp showed 100º. Still dry, big bank of cumulus to the E & NE, smaller scattered clouds to the W. no wind yet, bright sun. Polles Fire 00% contained as of 7:30pm. 500+ acres. No smoke here. 97.3º/54.1º, @0731 69.3º, RH26% |
7/7/2020 |
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Monday: windy afternoon. Today: dry, no rain, no wind, no clouds. 96.6º/50.7º, @0730 65.7º, RH 19% |
7/8/2020 |
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Tuesday, windy, hot. Helicopter from Polles Fire, west of Payson crashed, pilot killed. Wednesday: dry, cloudless, no wind yet, usually by 9:30-10:00 it starts blowing. bright sun, 94.8º/55.9º, @0741 72.3º, RH 32%, already warm. |
7/9/2020 |
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Wednesday: clouds & wind came up later in the day. Thursday: dry, clear, no clouds nor wind, hazy sun. Lots of birds at feeder. 94.8º/56.3º, @0731 70.3º, RH 31% |
7/10/2020 |
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Thursday: hot, light wind. Today: mostly cirrostratus clouds, no wind yet, filtered sun, Extreme heat warning for area thru Monday night. 95.7º/58.6º, @0726 66.4º, RH 36% |
7/11/2020 |
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Well we did it, temperature hit 100.3 yesterday and our AC isn't working well, wheeew! High thin streeky clouds to to SW. no wind, hazy sun. 100.3º/63.5º, @0727 75.2º. RH 31% |
7/12/2020 |
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Saturday: cloudy, very promising for some rain, not at this location. Hit 100º at noon. Today: mostly cloudy with altocumulus. No wind yet, sun behind clouds, looks like a hot one. 101.7º/61.9º, @0743 76.6º, RH 32% |
7/13/2020 |
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Sunday: another very cloudy, breezy day, but no rain at this location. Today: mosly cirrus clouds, no wind yet, filtered sun. 103.5º/61.3º, @0753 74.8º, RH 35%, Today the end (@20:00) of the Extreme heat warning. We need rain. |
7/14/2020 |
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Monday: partly cloudy, light wind, hot. Today: a few high thin clouds, no wind yet, no rain. Temps dropped a bit. 97.3º/59.7, @0740 73.9, RH 39% |
7/15/2020 |
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Today: a few scattered thin streaky clouds, no wind yet, hazy sun. We need rain!!! 94.8º/57.7, @0733 71.9, RH 37% |
7/16/2020 |
7:56 AM |
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Dry, mostly altocumulus clouds, no wind, filtered sun. 95.4º/59.0º, @0756 72.5º, RH 39% |
7/17/2020 |
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Thursday: @1540 hubby opened the door, said "it's raining!" and altho it was just a short sprinkle I could smell it. What a wonderful smell. Only bugs in tube. Today: complete cloud cover (stratocumulus), no wind, no sun, 91.2º/62.6º, @0735 66.7º, RH 51% |
7/18/2020 |
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Friday lots of clouds, rain in town and at the airport, but nothing here. lots of wind. very windy. Today, partly cloudy, no wind yet, bright sun. 91.3º/57.0º, @0727 64.0º. RH 57%. |
7/19/2020 |
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Saurday: cloudy, no rain. Today, mostly cirrus clouds scattered across the sky. no wind yet. bright sun. 97.9º/57.4º, @0740 68.9º, RH 39% |
7/20/2020 |
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Another mostly cloudy morning. No wind, Sun behind clouds. 99.0º/66.0º. @0726 69.3. RH 31% |
7/21/2020 |
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Monday: cloudy all day. Today: Mostly altocumulus cloud cover, no wind yet. Sun behind clouds, Heard plane above the clouds. 90.0º/70.3º, @0730 71.2, RH 33%. |
7/22/2020 |
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Just a few scattered clouds, mostly in the east. No wind , sun mostly behind clouds. 89.4º/63.3º, @0723 67.3º, RH 39% |
7/23/2020 |
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Wednesday: at 1420 a couple of rumbles of thunder and a short downpour of rain. at 1700 I checked the tube .45". More rumbling and soon after anotheer short rain. Today: another .12" in the tube. Mostly cloudy, bright sun, no wind yet. 91.3º/63.3º, @ 0745 68.7, RH 69% |
7/24/2020 |
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Thur.: went to town in the early evening. Dark clouds & thunder, Light sprinkle all the way home. This morning .58" in tube. Don't know when it fell. Mostly stratocumulus clouds, sun behind clouds, no wind. 86.2º/ 62.6, @0734 64.8º, RH 79% |
7/25/2020 |
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Friday: cloudy all day. At 3:40 brief rain, .25" catch. .07" more this morning. Mostly cloudy, clear in East. No wind, bright sun. 86.7º/62.8º, @0729 67.3, RH 73%. .32" catch. |
7/26/2020 |
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Saturday cloudy all day. This morning not a cloud to be seen, beautiful blue sky. No wind yet. Bright sun. .09" catch, don't know when it rained. 84.7º/59.7º, @0729 65.8º, RH72% |
7/27/2020 |
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Sunday: hot, few clouds, no rain. Today: partly altocumulus clouds, no wind yet, sunny. 93.4/60.6º, @0724 685º, RH 64% |
7/28/2020 |
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Monday: heard of rain around us, but .04 catch was all that was in the tube. Hot and A/C not working right. 95.0º/60.3º, @0729 68.2º, RH 66% |
7/29/2020 |
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Tuesday: hot, some wind. Today: no clouds, no wind, bright sun, heat warning thru Saturday. 96.8º/57.4º, @0735 69.4º, RH 52%. |
7/30/2020 |
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Wednesday: hot day. Today, no clouds, windy, sunny, expecting hot again today. 99.5/61.0, @7:39 85.6º. |
7/31/2020 |
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Thur: few clouds in afternoon but very hot!!! Also wind died down. Today: no clouds, hazy sky, no wind, sunny.
102.7º/57.9º, 68.5º, RH 32% |
8/1/2020 |
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Fri: abt 3:30p hubby came in and said it was raining, I saw traces, but not sure when the .02" fell. Today there are scattered stratocumulus clouds, maybe more rain. no wind, sun behind clouds. Found out yesterday the ductwork under the house had separated with a big gap. We have been heating and cooling under the house for months. It got fixed, I'm so thankful. 103.6º/ 60.4º, @0717 64.6º, R 48%. Another hot day predicted. |
8/2/2020 |
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Saturday: abt 6:15 after a few claps of thunder it rained for maybe 20 minutes. I took a nice picture of a double rainbow to the SE. Today: Sky is very hazy, no clouds, no wind. Hazy sun, Happy to get the .25" catch. 97.5º/ 60.1. @0733 67.8º, RH 72% |
8/3/2020 |
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Sunday: FB friends in town said the hazy sky is from the fire in Calif. It is hazy again tday. Bank of clouds in E. No wind. Sun trying to break thru. Light dew. 93.7º/59.7º, @ 0724 66.2º, RH 65%. |
8/4/2020 |
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Another hazy day, few small clouds in W. No wind, hazy sun. 95.0º/54.5º, @0732 64.0º, RH 50%.
8/5/2020 |
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Scattered clouds, bank in the E. no wind, sunny, clear. 93.2º/58.5º, @0725 66.4º, RH 47% |
8/6/2020 |
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Wednesday: windy off and on. Today: not a cloud to be seen, no wind yet, hazy sun. 92.3º/51.4º, @0736 64.2º, RH 35%. |
8/7/2020 |
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Thursday: few scattered small clouds finally in the afternoon. Today: No clouds yet, still some haze, no wind, 91.3º/52.0º, @0723 63.1º, RH 34%. NBC news reported July's temps were the hottest ever. |
8/8/2020 |
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Today: no clouds, some haze, no wind, hazy sun. 92.7º/ 56.1º, @0735 68.7º, RH 38% Excessive heat warning for the next few days. Mostly for area South of us. |
8/9/2020 |
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Saturday: Early no clouds, later lots of altocumulus clouds, by evening they were mostly gone. Thot we might get some rain. Today: scattered cumulus clouds on horizon. no wind, sunny, lovely morning. 96.8º/53.6º, @0742 67.6º, RH 35% |
8/10/2020 |
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A few scattered cumulus clouds in the West sky. no wind, hazy sun, hotter temps, still no rain. 97.3º/52.7º, @0724 63.7º, RH 31% |
8/11/2020 |
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Scattered very thin cirrus clouds, no wind, sunny, another brush fire to the south of us, sometimes cutting off travel on our hiway to Phoenix. This is the Goldfield Fire. 97.5º/52.9º, @0727 64.2º, RH 26% |
8/12/2020 |
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Clear skies this morning, very lght breeze, sunny,warmer temps. 98.8º/58.8º, @0719 68.0º, 44%. |
8/13/2020 |
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Yeserday evening some dark clouds filled the NW sky but no rain. Today mostly altocumulus clouds. no wind, sunny, beautiful morning. 97.3º/61.5º, @0724 69.4º, RH 43% |
8/14/2020 |
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A few altocumulus clouds in the East, otherwise clear. no wind, sunny, forecast 101º for next 3 days. That's hot!!
98.4º/58.6º, @0727 68.7º, RH 38% |
8/15/2020 |
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Partly streaky cirrus clouds, no wind, sunny. I think yesterday's high is the highest I've seen. 105.4/61.5, @079 754, RH 23%. Two more days of this. |
8/16/2020 |
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Do you see that? Rain! Abt 0430 I heard thunder and shortly thereafter it rained for about 10 minutes for .08" catch. Today, scattered high thin streaky clouds. No wind, sunny, dew. 103.3º/61.3º, @ 0737 72.1º. RH 54% |
8/17/2020 |
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No clouds this morning, a little hazy, no wind. Flash flood warnings for south part of Gila county. No rain here. 103º/59.3º, @0744 70.2, RH 38% |
8/18/2020 |
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No clouds, but a little hazy. No wind yet, filtered sun. 99.4º/63.5º, @0743 72.1, RH 42% |
8/19/2020 |
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Tuesday afterrnoon hubby reported 18 drops on the back of the car, moisture in the tube didn't cover bottom of it. Today mostly altocumulus cloud, sun peeking thru, no wind. 96.4º/59.7º, @0731 65.7º, RH 39%. |
8/23/2020 |
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Really dark sky in the East yesterday afternoon, but no rain out of it. Sunday: Scattered clouds, covering the sun right now, no wind. Saturday hi 97.5º, morning low 67.8, @0744 69.3, RH 48%. It was very smokey where we were. 3 fires between Roosevelt & Globe. Traffice heavy coming home as Hwy 60 is closed, also 188 & 288. Only 1 lane open for several miles where they are replacing guardrails that were burned from the Bush Fire in July. |
8/24/2020 |
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Sunday, cloudy most of the day. Heard lots of thunder about 1630, but not a drop of rain. Today mostly cloudy, sun behind the clouds, no wind. 97.5º/68.2º, @0743 70.2º, RH 39%. |
8/25/2020 |
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Monday cloudy & smokey. Abt. 1500 I took the garbage can out to the road & coming back to the house I felt a drop on my head. I didn't think it lasted very long but this morning there was .11" in the tube. Again partly cloudy and very smokey, no wind, sun behind the clouds. 99.3º/60.8º, @0738 67.3º, RH 55%. .11" catch. |
8/26/2020 |
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Tuesday dark all day but no rain. Looks like we might get some sunshine today, altho it is partly cloudy w/altocumulus and hazy from the smoke of several fires to our South. no wind, 95.4º/62.4º, @0730 65.8º, RH 47%. |
8/27/2020 |
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Wednesday cloudy & smokey all day. Heard thunder but no rain here. Mostly cloudy, not as smokey this morning. no wind, sun behind clouds. 98.2º/63.1º, @0726 65.5º, RH 45% |
8/28/2020 |
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Thursday was cloudy and very dark in the afternoon. Abt 1730 heard thunder and had a very short rain that produced .14". At the same time between Deer Creek and Rye lightning started another fire. Hope they got rain too. Scattered clouds, no wind, sun breaking through the clouds this morning. 97.5º/61.0º, @0723 64.4º, RH 64%. As I stepped outside the air was cool and refreshing. |
8/29/2020 |
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Scattered clouds and hazy sky this morning, very light breeze, Filtered sun. 98.8º/60.3º, @0738 69.4. RH 43% |
8/30/2020 |
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Saturday early afternoon had a brief shower. Another one later in early evening. More during the night. A few clouds on the NE horizon. Hazy again this morning. 90.7º/60.6º, @0730 65.5º, RH 74%. |
8/31/2020 |
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Sunday another dark gloomy afternoon w/wind. Brief shower just after 1500. Mostly altocumulus clouds in N&E, South sky clear. No wind. Sunny. 89.1º/61.3º, @0728 66.0, TH 60%, .06" catch. |
9/1/2020 |
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Monday, cloudy & windy. This morning almost complete cloud cover. no wind yet. sun behind clouds so it is dark. Dew on the car hood.nothing in tube. 91.8º / 60.3º @0714 66.0, RH 69%.Total rain for August .93", ytd: 10.13" Weather report in newspaper: 20 yr avg thru Aug. 13.38".I am a little short.
9/2/2020 |
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After days of overcast sky, today I see no clouds or haze. No wind, bright sun. Cool & refreshing when I went out. Dew on car, grass and tube. 89.4º / 51.6º, @0728 58.3º, RH 64%. |
9/3/2020 |
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Wednesday: windy & clear. Another clear, cloudless morning. no wind yet. bright sun, 2 contrails, eastbound and northwest bound. Dew on the roof. 95.5º /52.5º, @0735 60.1º, RH 61%. |
9/4/2020 |
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Another clear cloudless morning. no wind. bright sun. very light dew on roof. 100.8º / 54.0º, @0731 61.9, RH 52. |
9/5/2020 |
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Friday midday lots of beautiful cumulus clouds came up from the South. Clear, cloudless this morning. Hazy in the West. No wind, bright sun. High heat warning for Southern AZ for weekend. 99.4º / 57.0º, @0714 61.9, RH 38%. |
9/6/2020 |
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Saturday: wind & clouds & hot. Sunday: no clouds or wind yet. nright sun, lovely morning. Hot day expected.100.3º / 55.0º@0728 61.9º, RH 39%. |
9/7/2020 |
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Sky full of altocumulus clouds, no wind, filtered sun. 99.1º /53.4º, @0722 60.3, RH 34% |
9/8/2020 |
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Monday, nothing memorable. This morning sky is very hazy, I guess smoke from Cali fires. a few clouds to the North barely visable. The Sun is bright red. Not a nice day. No wind or moisture. 97.7º / 57.7º, @0723 60.6, RH 52%. |
9/9/2020 |
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Tuesday: smokey, overcast all day. at 2:20 we had a brief shower, lasted about 5-10 minutes, .24" catch. This morning, clear blue sky, gusty cool wind. bright sun. temps dropped. 81.7º / 48.2º, @0724 50.3º, RH 38%.
9/10/2020 |
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Wednesday windy and cooler. This morning: light breeze, clear blue sky, some haze on west horizon. bright sun. 71.3º/48.2º, @0902 61.5º, RH 38%. |
9/11/2020 |
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Thursday: clear, cloudless day. overcast, hazy, no wind yet, no sun. Gloomy morning. 83.5º / 43.5º, @0742 48.9º, RH 47%. |
9/12/2020 |
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Friday, smokey all day and again this morning, not quite as bad, sun coming thru, no wind, cool. 80.8º / 44.2º, @0717 48.2º, RH 49%. |
9/13/2020 |
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Saturday: comfortable day. No clouds today. still hazy in the west. No wind, bright sun. 86.7º /46.6º, @0733 53.4, RH 39% |
9/14/2020 |
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A few fluffy altocumulus clouds in the NE this morning. No wind, bright sun, no moisture. 91.8º/49.8º, @0732 55.9º, RH 43% |
9/15/2020 |
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Yesterday coming home from town at 1300 we had a few sprinkles. The clouds were very dark and looked like a chance for rain. Today a few clouds on the NE horizon, but hazy again. no wind, sun trying to break thru the haze. 86.3º/48.7º, @0725 54.3, RH 49%. |
9/16/2020 |
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Tuesday: clouds gathered in afternoon. This morning only haze. No wind, sun behind haze. 90.3º / 45.7, @0735 52.5º RH 34% |
9/20/2020 |
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No clouds yet this morning, but a little hazy. No wind, hazy sun. 89.8º/49.1º. @0738 55.2. RH 40%. |
9/21/2020 |
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Few streaky clouds scattered around. sun just coming up, no wind yet. I;m early, hubby has Dr appt in an hour. 91.0º/50.7º, @0639 50.7º, RH33%. |
9/22/2020 |
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Monday partly cloudy & windy. This morning mostly cumulus clouds, no wind, sun starting to come up. 91.0º/ 574, @0715 63.3, RH 34%. |
9/23/2020 |
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Tuesday: clouds & wind most of the day. This morning beautiful altocumulus clouds S&W, Sun hazy, cool, no wind yet. 85.3º/50.2. @0716 54.0, RH 54. |
9/24/2020 |
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Cloudless, some haze, no wind yet, hazy sun, 90.7º/48.0º, @0728 52.5, RH 35% |
9/25/2020 |
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Clear skies, slight haze, no wind yet, bright sun. Little plane going NE. 91.3º/49.1ºF, @0728 52.5, RH 37% |
9/26/2020 |
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Clear blue sky this morning. No haze altho there was another fire yesterday around Cave Creek. Breezy yesterday, no wind yet, bright sun. 9.8º/47.8º, @0720 51.3ºF. RH 40% |
9/27/2020 |
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cloudlrss, hazy sky, no wind, bright sun, lovely morning. 88.3º/45.3º, @0729 49.3ºF, RH 40% |
9/28/2020 |
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Some haze and a few high thin clouds, no wind yet, bright sun. warmer morning. 88.3º/48.4º, @0730 62.8º, RH 19% |
9/29/2020 |
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No clouds, no wind, very little haze, bright sun. September almost over & only 1 day with rain. 89.8º/ 46.8º, @0726 49.8, RH 16%. |
9/30/2020 |
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Clear sky, no wind yet, bright sun, cool morning. 89.8º/ 45.0º, @0728 48.7º, RH 21%. |