Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2019 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Temp = 51.2, Hum = 82%, BAR = 29.70, overcast, muggy, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 75, Lo = 51, Humidity Hi = 85%, Lo = 33%. Rain sprinkles started after 6:00 PM. |
10/2/2019 |
7:47 AM |
0.04 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total rain overnight = 0.04". At observation: temp = 44.5, Hum = 89%, BAR = 29.70, overcast, misty, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 58, Lo = 45, Humidity Hi = 89%, Lo = 65%. Turned off Air conditioner. |
10/3/2019 |
7:17 AM |
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Only a trace of moisture visible from Wednesday. At observation: Overcast, gloomy, light breezy gusts, temp = 50.5, Hum = 71%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 65, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 43%. Apple and apricot leaves turning. |
10/4/2019 |
8:06 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 48.0, Hum = 71%, BAR = 29.80, mostly blue skies, a few windswept clouds, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 69, Lo = 47, Humidity Hi = 72%, Lo = 32%. |
10/5/2019 |
7:37 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Thin cloud cover, light breeze, temp = 48.3, Hum = 47%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 81, Lo = 47, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 19%. |
10/6/2019 |
8:54 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Moisture: At observation: Temp = 48.4, Hum = 40%, BAR = 30.00, Blue skies, with some haze on horizons, breezy. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 48, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 22%. |
10/7/2019 |
8:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
NO moisture. At observation: temp = 46.5, Hum = 19%, BAR = 30.00, clear blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 63, Lo = 45, Humidity Hi = 51%, Lo = 20%. |
10/8/2019 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: cloudy skies, breeze in treetops, temp = 54.5, hum = 21%, Bar = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 76, Lo = 46, Humidity Hi = 48%, Lo = 1%. At 9:40 Pm, temp = 62, Hum = 13%, BAR = 29.60. |
10/9/2019 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Sixth day without new moisture. At observation: Red skies in morning, scattered clouds, calm, temp = 55, Hum = 19%, BAR = 29.60. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 55, Humidity Hi = 21%, Lo = 9%. At 3:05 PM, front moving in with BAR = 29.40, Hum = 9%, Temp = 80. At 9:04 PM, Turned windy, BAR = 29.60, Hum 48%, temp = 43. |
10/10/2019 |
7:29 AM |
0.08 |
M |
0.08 |
T |
M |
First snow and freeze since April 13 with water content of 0.08". At observation: Cloudy, Just a trace of snow and Ice, Ice on bird bath, snow falling with variable intensity, up-slope breeze, Temp = 24.5, Hum = 87%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 80, Lo = 24, Humidity Hi = 87%, Lo = 9%. Took a core when snow stopped about 2:00 PM: 4.0" core yielded 0.29" water. |
10/11/2019 |
7:23 AM |
0.31 |
4.0 |
0.29 |
M |
M |
Total snow by 2:00 PM on Thurs. 10/10/19 yielded 0.31 " moisture from a 4" core. At observation: temp = 22.5, Hum= 73%, BAR = 29.90, snow had settled by half, trees, frost covered, pale blue skies. Overnight temp Hi = 28, Lo = 21, Humidity Hi = 87%, Lo = 67%. |
10/12/2019 |
7:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Pale blue skies, some haze on horizon, some snow remaining over 50% of yard, temp = 38.3, Hum = 38%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 48, Lo = 24, Humidity Hi = 79%, Lo = 27%. Raked leaves, walnut leaves all gone. |
10/13/2019 |
7:48 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: breezy gusts, clear blue skies, two small patches of snow left, temp = 40.0, Hum = 23%, BAR= 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 66, Lo = 39, humidity Hi = 37%, Lo = 12%. |
10/14/2019 |
8:33 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Snow all gone, Pale blue skies, light gusts in treetops, thin ice on birdbath, temp = 50.4, Hum = 21%, BAR = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 70, Lo= 42, Humidity Hi = 29%, Lo = 9%. |
10/15/2019 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
no moisture. At observation: readings by Rob, temp = 41, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 73, Lo = 41, Humidity Hi = 51%, Lo = 9%. |
10/16/2019 |
8:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At Observation: readings by Rob, Thin cloud cover, temp = 52%, Hum = 41 5, BAR = 29.9, Overnight temp Hi = 60, Lo = 42, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 27%. At 7:45 PM, BAR = 29.80. |
10/17/2019 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: readings by Rob, temp = 56, hum = 19%, BAR = 29.72, clear AM, turned cloudy PM with windy gusts and yellow-brown smaze over Denver. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 51, Humidity Hi = 33%, Lo = 9%. At 8:44 PM, BAR = 29.50, Hum= 14%, temp = 66. |
10/18/2019 |
8:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Moisture. At observation: Mostly blue skies, some clouds to southeast, very light breeze, temp = 58.4, Hum = 33%, BAR = 29.45. Overnight temp Hi = 81, Lo = 56, Humidity Hi = 22%, Lo = 1%. In afternoon, cloudy, then clearing, with wind. At 8:02 PM, BAR = 29.6, Hum = 34%, Temp = 52. |
10/19/2019 |
7:21 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 38.4, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.70, Hazy skies, calm, ice on birdbath. overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo = 39, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 20%. AT 8:56 P, BAR = 29.60, t3mp = 54, Hum = 21%. |
10/20/2019 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
Ninth day without new moisture. At observation: Cloudy, westerly wind, no ice on birdbath, temp = 41.7, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.50. Overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo = 39, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 16%. |
10/21/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 34.9, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.65, light cloud cover, turned rosy pink, no breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 50, Lo = 34.9, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 23%. Turned windy in afternoon. |
10/22/2019 |
7:22 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 37, Hum = 40%, BAR = 29.90, clear, pale blue skies, calm, Ice on birdbath.
Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 35, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo= 22%. Turned windy in afternoon. At 9:11 PM, temp = 58, Hum = 27%, BAR = 29.70. |
10/23/2019 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Twelfth day without moisture. At observation: Overcast, Gloomy, Breezy, light wind, temp = 38.8, Hum = 76%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 77%, Lo= 22%. Leaves on linden, oaks, pear, and autumn Ash all gone. Snow started about 6:00 PM. At 7:58 PM, temp = 34, Hum = 89%, BAR = 29.95. |
10/24/2019 |
8:06 AM |
0.43 |
3.0 |
0.43 |
3.0 |
0.43 |
Total 3" heavy wet snow with 0.43" of moisture. At observation: Trees are an ice crystal forest, overcast, calm, temp = 32.2, Hum = 84%, BAR = 30.05. Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 89%, Lo = 39%. |
10/25/2019 |
6:49 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No new Moisture. At observation: temp = 32.4, Hum = 58%, BAR = 30.00, clear skies, breezy, snow remaining over 50% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 43, Lo= 32.4, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 42%. |
10/26/2019 |
7:51 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 46.2, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.65, Pale blue skies, snow remaining over 5% of yard, no ice on bird bath, breeze in tree tops. overnight temp hi = 62, lo = 34, Humidity Hi = 63, Lo = 29. Raked leaves in back yard. |
10/27/2019 |
7:56 AM |
0.07 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Thin coats of snow and ice over everything with 0.07" of water in gauge. At observation: snowing lightly, overcast, temp = 25.3, hum = 88%, BAR = 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 74, Lo = 25, Humidity Hi = 89%. Lo = 9%. |
10/28/2019 |
7:57 AM |
0.41 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
4 to 6" of fluffy white snow with water + 0.41 from gauge. At observation: still snowing, no apparent wind, temp = 19, Hum = 78%, BAR = 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 27. Lo = 19, Humidity Hi = 89%, Lo = 77%. Cleared in afternoon. Today, Barometer went from 29.75 to 29.80 to 29.70 at 7:46 PM with temp = 27 and Hum = 67%. |
10/29/2019 |
7:33 AM |
0.23 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
6" of fluffy new snow with water = 0.23". At observation: snowing gloomy, windy gusts, temp = 20.1, Hum = 84%, BAR = 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 32, Lo = 19, Humidity Hi = 85%, Lo= 57%. AT 1:57 PM, still snowing, temp = 15, Hum = 72%, BAR = 29.85. |
10/30/2019 |
7:54 AM |
0.28 |
M |
0.28 |
10.0 |
0.67 |
6' to 8" of new snow with 0.28" of water. At observation: temp = 9.7, hum = 78%, BAR = 29.95, Overcast, calm, yard covered entirely by 8 to 10 inches of old and new snow. From a 10" core, water content = 0.67". Overnight temp Hi = 20, Lo = 9.7, Humidity Hi = 85%, Lo = 72%. |
10/31/2019 |
7:34 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional snow or moisture: At observation: snow over entire yard. clear skies, breezy gusts, temp 23.7, Hum = 55%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 26, Lo = 11, Humidity Hi = 80%, Lo= 50%. |
11/1/2019 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Mostly clear, some clouds to east, snow remaining over 90% of yard, street mostly clear, temp = 27.3, Hum =70%, BAR = 29.95. Overnight temp Hi = 46, Lo = 25, Humidity Hi = 74%, Lo = 41%. Yield from 6" core of old snow = 0.55".
11/2/2019 |
4:38 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Clear starry skies, breezy to light wind, snow remaining over 85% of yard, temp = 27.6, Hum = 65%, BAR = 30.00. Overnight temp Hi = 35, Lo = 27.6, Humidity Hi = 72%, Lo = 58%. |
11/3/2019 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
Eighth day with temperatures below freezing. No new moisture. At observation: temp = 36.7, Hum = 46%, BAR 29.80, mostly blue skies, some scattered clouds to east and north, snow remaining over 80% of yard. Overnight temperature Hi = 56, Lo = 28, humidity Hi = 71%, Lo = 20%. |
11/4/2019 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 35.4, Hum = 63%, BAR = 29.8, partly cloudy, breezy, snow remaining over 70 % of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 58, Lo = 35.4, Humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 22%. At 7:44 PM, temp = 40, Hum = 74%, BAR = 29.90. |
11/5/2019 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Sixth day without additional moisture. At observation: pale blue skies, snow remaining over 50% of yard, temp = 36.5, hum = 69%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp hi = 52, Lo = 35, Humidity Hi = 78%, Lo = 44%. Bath day for collared doves, at 9:18 AM, temp 43. |
11/6/2019 |
7:43 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Seventh day without moisture. At observation: Scattered clouds moving east, no breeze on ground, snow remaining over 30% of yard, temp = 41,7, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.7. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo= 36, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 31 5. AT 1:37 PM, turned foggy, windy, cold, temp = 35, Hum = 82%, BAR = 29.95. At 2:22PM, snow started. |
11/7/2019 |
7:33 AM |
0.01 |
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M |
Total Moisture = 0.01", no sign of new snow. At observation: Cloudy, turning partly cloudy, calm, temp = 33.8, Hum = 79%, BAR = 30.05. Snow remaining over 10% of backyard. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 30, Humidity Hi = 89%, Lo = 22%. |
11/8/2019 |
6:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 38.5, Hum = 46%, BAR = 30.00, Pale blue to hazy skies, light breeze, frost on lawn, 5% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 34, Humidity Hi = 78%, Lo = 44%. Big flocks of geese flying reservoir to reservoir and golf course to golf course. |
11/9/2019 |
7:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 49.3, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.95, Thin wispy clouds in blue skies, no Ice on Birdbath, a few patches of snow left in the shade. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 38.5, Humidity Hi = 45%, Lo = 12%. AT 1:35 PM, temp = 73.2, Hum = 9%, BAR = 29.85. |
11/10/2019 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Moisture. At observation: temp = 42.8, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.80, Mostly clear blue skies, thin clouds to NE, very little snow patches left. Overnight temp Hi = 75, Lo = 42.8, Humidity Hi = 31%, Lo = 9%. At 8:13 PM, wind blowing in from Wyoming, Temp = 39, Hum = 71%, BAR = 29.82. |
11/11/2019 |
7:26 AM |
0.11 |
1.5 |
0.11 |
1.5 |
0.11 |
Total 1.5" snow with 0.11" moisture. At observation: light cloud cover, light snow falling, temp = 16.3, Hum = 82%, BAR = 30.10. Overnight temp Hi = 65, Lo = 15, Humidity Hi = 88%, Lo = 53%. |
11/12/2019 |
7:26 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
1.0 |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 29.4, Hum = 54%, BAR = 29.95, thin cloud cover, light breeze in treetops, about 1" snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 30, Lo = 15, Humidity Hi = 83%, Lo = 53%. |
11/13/2019 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 53.7, hum = 21%, BAR = 29.72, windy, clouds blowing in, no Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 62, Lo = 30, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 13%. Turned windy again in PM. |
11/14/2019 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 33.1, Hum = 76%, BAR = 30.00, A few thin clouds, near full waning moon still up, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 58, low = 33.1, Humidity Hi = 85%, Lo = 20%. |
11/15/2019 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 45.1, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.70, Light cloud cover, clouds building, gloomy, light wind, no ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 56, Lo = 34, Humidity Hi = 79%, Lo = 31%. |
11/16/2019 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Fifth day without moisture. At observation: Overcast gloomy, some breezy gusts, no ice on birdbath, temp =47.2, Hum = 32%, BAR = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 46, Humidity Hi = 40%, Lo = 17%. |
11/17/2019 |
7:49 AM |
T |
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M |
A trace of moisture in gauge. At observation: temp = 36.1, Hum = 59%, BAR = 29.90, Bright Blue skies, breezy in tree tops. Overnight temp Hi = 63, Lo = 35, Humidity Hi = 75%, Lo = 22%. |
11/18/2019 |
7:38 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 47.1, Hum = 46%, BAR = 29.80, pale blue skies, calm, no ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 58, lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 61%, Lo = 24%. |
11/19/2019 |
7:41 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation; temp = 42.6, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.70, thin scattered clouds, thin ice on birdbath, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 65, Lo = 42.6, Humidity Hi = 50%, Lo= 20%. |
11/20/2019 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 47.8, Hum = 36%, BAR = 29.60, overcast, foggy, gloomy, no ice on birdbath. overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 50%, Lo = 20%. |
11/21/2019 |
8:18 AM |
0.13 |
0.5 |
0.13 |
0.5 |
0.13 |
Total snow = 1/2" with a water content of 0.13". At observation: Ice covered trees, black ice with 1/2" of ice snow, misty, overcast, temp = 28.3, Hum = 89%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 51, Lo = 28, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 36%. More snow starting 8:00 PM, temp = 30.0, Hum = 89%. |
11/22/2019 |
8:47 AM |
0.21 |
2.5 |
0.21 |
2.5 |
M |
Total 2.5" mostly new snow with water content of 0.21". At observation: temp = 30.0, Hum = 85%, BAR = 29.80, Snowing light and steady. Overnight temp Hi = 32, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 83%. Snow ended about 11:00 AM. |
11/23/2019 |
7:54 AM |
0.05 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Less than 1/2 " of new snow with a water content of 0.05". At observation: Clear pale blue skies, paths mostly clear of snow, calm, temp = 32.0, Hum = 57%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 37, Lo = 30, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 56%. |
11/24/2019 |
8:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional moisture. At observation: snow remaining over 80% of yard, temp = 42.3, Hum = 32%, BAR = 29.70, Light cloud cover, light breeze. Overnight temp hi = 54, Lo = 32.0, Humidity Hi = 57%, Lo = 31%. At 8:45 PM, temp = 51, Hum = 19%, BAR = 29.6. |
11/25/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: colorful scattered cloud in morning sky, light wind, temp = 38.3, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.60. Snow remaining over 60% of back yard. Overnight temp Hi = 62, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi= 44%, Lo = 13%. Snow started at 4:30 PM. At 6:30 PM, temp = 36, Hum = 80%, BAR = 29.50. |
11/26/2019 |
8:23 AM |
1.00 |
13.0 |
1.00 |
13.0 |
1.00 |
On 12/2/19 I revised moisture amount to correspond to core of old and new snow taken on Wednesday 11/27/19. Thirteen inches of new snow with 1.00" of moisture. At observation: snowing, drifting, blowing out of North/northeast, temp = 23.2, Hum = 91%, BAR = 29.4. Overnight temp Hi = 41, Lo = 22, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 44%. |
11/27/2019 |
7:49 AM |
0.05 |
2.5 |
0.05 |
11.0 |
1.03 |
An additional 2 to 3" snow with a water content of 0.05". Total old and new snow = 11". At observation: partly cloudy, 100% of yard covered with snow, some drifting, temp = 14.2, Hum = 78%, BAR = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 25, Lo = 14, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 71%. Took core of old and new snow and based on that, revised moisture reading for 11/26/19. |
11/28/2019 |
7:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new snow, but snow remaining over 100% of Yard. At observation: temp = 18.2, Hum = 86%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 29, Lo = 16, Humidity Hi = 86%, Lo = 59%. Made a day Trip to sister's in Pueblo, Colorado, Roads good, very little snow south of Monument, No snow in Pueblo. |
11/29/2019 |
7:51 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Temp = 22.1, Hum = 83%, BAR = 29.60, Overcast, slight fog, frosty, calm, snow remaining over 100% of yard. Overnight temp hi = 39, Lo = 18.2, Humidity Hi = 88%, Lo = 57%. At 3:57 PM, fog had settled in, at 8:11PM, BAR = 29.28, Hum = 91%, Temp = 25. |
11/30/2019 |
7:49 AM |
0.03 |
0.5 |
0.03 |
M |
M |
one half inch new snow with water = 0.03". At observation: high thin clouds, light breeze, temp = 30.2, Hum = 65%. BAR = 29.30. Overnight temp Hi =34, lo = 22.1, Humidity Hi = 92%, Lo = 45%. At 8:19 Pm, temp = 25, Hum = 62%, BAR = 29.65. |
12/1/2019 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new snow, snow remaining over 100% of yard. At observation: temp = 25.1, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.8, Pale blue skies, no wind. Overnight temp Hi = 35, Lo = 24, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 40%. At 7:35 PM, temp = 31, Hum = 58%, BAR = 29.85. |
12/2/2019 |
7:46 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: tem[ = 35.8, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.80, partly cloudy, snow remaining over 100% of yard. Over night temp Hi = 42, Lo = 25.1, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 30%. |
12/3/2019 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 38.7, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.80, Pale Blue skies, very light breeze, 95% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 54, Lo = 35.8, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 33%. |
12/4/2019 |
7:33 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: very overcast, slight fog, breeze in treetops, 90% of snow remaining, temp = 39.5, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 55, Lo = 38, Humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 27%. At 6:57 Pm, temp = 44, Hum = 29%, BAR = 29.70. |
12/5/2019 |
8:22 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 38.8, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.70, light overcast, light breezy gusts, 90% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 19%. At 9:00 AM, misty rain started, 12:35 PM, Ice forming on birdbath, 6:45 PM, snow started, temp = 35, Hum = 90%, BAR = 29.90. |
12/6/2019 |
7:47 AM |
0.19 |
0.5 |
0.19 |
4.0 |
M |
New 1/2" snow with rain =0.19" water. At observation: Pale blue skies, long contrails, lots of geese flying over, frost on all the trees, temp = 31.3, Hum = 85%, BAR = 29.95. Overnight temp Hi = 41, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 91%, Lo = 81%. Four inches (4") snow remaining over 70% of yard. |
12/7/2019 |
8:52 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional moisture. At observation: temp = 43.2, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.80, partly cloudy skies, light breeze, 70% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 50, LO = 33, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 41%. At 6:01 PM, kinda cloudy, temp = 52%, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.72. |
12/8/2019 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 42.8, Hum = 39%, BAR = 29.60, overcast, gloomy, calm, 65% of snow remaining, thin ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 60, Lo = 41, Humidity Hi = 40%, Lo = 23%. At 5:15 PM, temp = 51, Hum = 35%, BAR = 29.50. |
12/9/2019 |
8:17 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No moisture. At observation: Blue skies, light breeze, snow over 60% of yard, temp = 28.8, Hum = 69%, BAR = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 57, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 70%, Lo = 31%. |
12/10/2019 |
6:41 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No Moisture. At observation: temp = 27.3, Hum 60%, BAR = 29.80, blue skies, calm, snow cover over 55% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 39, Lo = 26, Humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 48%. |
12/11/2019 |
7:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No new moisture, 16th day with at least 50% snow cover remaining. At observation: Pale blue skies, reddish haze to west, no breeze, 50% of yard covered with snow, temp = 35.3, Hum = 40%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 26, Humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 40%. Lots of geese flying SW to NE. |
12/12/2019 |
8:13 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 38.7, HUM = 41%, BAR = 29.80, heavy overcast, light breeze, snow remaining over 50% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 53, Lo = 35, humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 22%. Seventeenth consecutive day with half or more of yard cover with snow. |
12/13/2019 |
8:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 38.5, hum = 45%, BAR = 29.70, Mostly blue skies, some clouds on south horizon, windy, 45% of snow left. Overnight temp Hi = 54, LO = 37, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 29%. |
12/14/2019 |
7:53 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 32.5, Hum = 45%, BAR = 29.60, scattered puffy clouds, no breeze, 40% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 47, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 46%, Lo = 27%. AT 3:35 PM, temperature dropping, wind came up, BAR = 29.50, Hum = 59%, Temp = 34. |
12/15/2019 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 24.3, Hum = 62%, BAR = 29.60, light overcast high up, 40% snow cover remaining, no breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 41, Lo = 24.3, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 44%. |
12/16/2019 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 25.7, hum = 71%, BAR = 29.80, overcast, gloomy, light breeze, ice and snow over 40% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 31, Lo = 25, Humidity Hi = 73%, Lo = 49%. At 8:15 AM, snow started falling, clearing by 9:00 AM. |
12/17/2019 |
7:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No evidence of new snow or moisture. At observation: temp = 21.7, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.95, thin scattered clouds, pale blue skies, snow over 35% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 33, Lo = 20, Humidity Hi = 71%, Lo = 32%. |
12/18/2019 |
7:52 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 26, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.90, pale blue skies, breezy gusts, snow over 35% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 43, Lo = 22, Humidity Hi = 42%, Lo = 21%. Long contrails all day long. |
12/19/2019 |
7:48 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 39.7, Hum = 23%, BAR = 29.70, Light wind, windy gusts, overcast, snow remaining over 30% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 58%, Lo n/a, humidity Hi = 31%, Lo = 14%. At 8:47 PM, temp = 36. Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.80. |
12/20/2019 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Fourteenth day without measurable moisture. At observation: temp = 31.6, Hum = 33%, BAR = 29.90, pale blue skies, snow remaining over 30% of yard, a 3.5 inch core yielded 1.02" for an overall average of 0.31 " of water. Overnight temp Hi = 47, Lo = 31, Humidity Hi = 36%, Lo = 21%. At 8:22 PM, temp = 41, Hum = 25%, BAR = 29.95. |
12/21/2019 |
8:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Partly Cloudy, thin scattered clouds, snow over 30% of yard, temp = 38.8, hum = 25%, BAR = 30.00. Overnight temp Hi = 53, Lo = 31, Humidity Hi = 33%, Lo = 19%. |
12/22/2019 |
8:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 45.5, Hum = 14%, BAR = 29.90, Overcast, dim sunlight, light breeze, approximately 30% snow cover remaining. |
12/23/2019 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 46.4, Hum = 14%, BAR = 29.80, Overcast, gloomy, calm, no ice on birdbath, 30% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo= 46, Humidity Hi = 19%, Lo = 13%. AT 9:30 AM, wind came up, bath day for Birds. |
12/24/2019 |
7:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Heavy overcast, slight fog, Thin ice on Birdbath, snow remaining over 25% of yard. Overnight temp hi = 61, Lo = 42%, Humidity Hi = 28%, Lo = 13%. At 9:48 PM, BAR = 29.55, Hum = 23%, Temp = 41. |
12/25/2019 |
8:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 35.8, Hum = 48%, BAR = 29.50, Pale blue skies, thin scattered clouds, 25% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 35, Humidity Hi = 50%, Lo = 19%. |
12/26/2019 |
8:06 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 29.5, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.75, Mostly blue skies, some clouds on horizons, frost on ground, calm, 20% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 56, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 63%, Lo = 23%. |
12/27/2019 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Twenty first day with no new moisture. At observation: Temp = 28.5, Hum = 73%, BAR = 29.75, scattered clouds, mostly overcast, calm, 20% of snow left. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 28, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 41%. |
12/28/2019 |
7:15 AM |
0.13 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Snowing with 1' to 1.5" new snow with 0.13" water content measured from the gauge. At observation: cloudy, lightly snowing very fine particles, windy, temp = 28.5, Hum = 93%, BAR = 29.50. AT 3:20 PM, temp =23, Hum = 89%, BAR = 29.60, still snowing with total new snow = 4" and additional water = 0.16". At 7:30 PM, snow paused or stopped. |
12/29/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total snow = 3.5 to 4.5" with additional water content of 0.03 since Saturday afternoon for a total overnight of 0.03 + 0.16 = 0.19". At observation: Temp = 18.5, Hum = 69%, BAR = 29.60, Pale blue skies, some clouds on horizons and over mountains. overnight temp hi = 26, Lo = 17, humidity hi = 93%, Lo = 64%. Water from a 3.5" core of existing snow = 0.41". |
12/30/2019 |
7:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional moisture. At observation: temp = 19.0, Hum = 52%, BAR = 29.80, Pale blue skies, 100% of yard snow covered. Overnight temp Hi = 31, Lo = 18, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 43%. |
12/31/2019 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 22.8, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.80, Pale blue skies, Calm, 100% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 35, Lo = 18, Humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 33%. 2019 totals: moisture = 18.5", and snow = 103.3". |
1/1/2020 |
7:16 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 38.4, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.45, rosy clouds scattered over sky, calm, 99% snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 48, LO = 22, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 21%. Turned windy around noon with more cloud cover. |
1/2/2020 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 35.2, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.50, Partly cloudy skies to east, calm, snow over 95% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 50, Lo = 33, Humidity Hi = 46%, Lo = 32%. At 8:56 PM, temp = 33, Hum = 54%, BAR = 29.65. |
1/3/2020 |
8:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 28.3, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.785, mostly blue skies, thin scattered clouds over mountains, 90% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 45, Lo = 27, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 27%. |
1/4/2020 |
7:25 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 37.6, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.90, High rosy clouds, partly cloudy, light wind, 80% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi =48, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 29%. |
1/5/2020 |
7:52 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 32.2, Hum = 44%, BAR = 30.00, Pale Blue skies, Light breeze, some windy gusts, 75% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 60, Lo = 33, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 23%. |
1/6/2020 |
7:12 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: scattered rosy clouds, 65% snow cover, calm, temp = 30.0, Hum = 39%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 48, Lo = 28, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 32%. |
1/7/2020 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Ninth Day without new Moisture. At observation: Temp = 38.1, Hum = 34%, BAR = 29.90, Pale blue skies, calm, 65% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi =43, Lo = 30, Humidity HI = 40%, Lo = 21%. |
1/8/2020 |
8:06 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 39.4, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.65, mostly cloudy, light breeze to light wind in treetops, 55% of snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 58, lo = 38, Humidity Hi = 35%, Lo = 20%. Flicker pounding on chimney at 8:53 AM. At 3:37 PM, temp = 58, Hum = 14%, BAR = 29.55. At 9:12 PM BAR = 29.45. |
1/9/2020 |
8:43 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 32.7, Hum = 39%, BAR = 29.60, blue skies west, thin clouds north and east, clouds over foothills, long contrails, breezy gusts, 50% of snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 60, Lo = 33, Humidity Hi = 39%, Lo = 13%. |
1/10/2020 |
7:24 AM |
0.01 |
0.3 |
0.01 |
M |
M |
One quarter inch (0.25") new snow with 0.01" moisture. At observation: temp = 28.2, Hum = 76%, BAR = 29.70, Heavy clouds, calm, new snow over entire yard. Overnight temp Hi = 45, LO = 27, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 27%. At 4:45 PM, temp = 27, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.80. |
1/11/2020 |
8:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 22.1, Hum = 60%, BAR = 29.65, light overcast, breezy to windy, snow over50% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 34, Lo = 19, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 45%. |
1/12/2020 |
8:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No new moisture, sixteenth consecutive day with 50% of yard covered in snow.. At observation: temp = 27.3, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.65, bright sun, blue skies, slight breeze, snow remaining over 50% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 44, Lo = 22, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 31%. |
1/13/2020 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 30.2, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.60, mostly blue skies, some rosy clouds on horizons, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 43, Lo = 27, Humidity Hi = 42%, Lo = 19%. |
1/14/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 36.0, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.65, Pale blue skies, light breeze, 45% of snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 44, Lo = 30, Humidity Hi = 37%, Lo = 23%. |
1/15/2020 |
7:26 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Fifth day without moisture. At observation: temp = 26.5, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.80, blue skies, light wind, 40% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 57, Lo = 26.2, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 14%. |
1/16/2020 |
8:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 30.7, Hum = 39%, BAR = 30.00, Partly cloudy, strong wind, 35% of yard snow covered. Overnight temp Hi = 49, Lo = 28, Humidity Hi = 51%, Lo = 23%. At 9:56 PM, temp = 39, Hum = 32%, BAR = 29.80. |
1/17/2020 |
7:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 33.9, Hum = 52%, BAR = 29.60, Pale blue skies, light wind in treetops, 30% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 29%. |
1/18/2020 |
8:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 26.8, Hum = 36%, BAR = 29.90, partly cloudy skies, long contrails, strong breeze, 30% snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 26, Humidity Hio = 52%, Lo = 23%. |
1/19/2020 |
7:46 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 25.3, Hum = 48%, BAR = 30.10, Pale blue skies, a few clouds over mountains, 25% of snow left. Overnight temp Hi = 45, Lo = 24, Humidity Hi = 48%, Lo = 19%. |
1/20/2020 |
8:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 30.2, Hum = 38%, BAR = 30.10, pale blue skies, thin scattered clouds, 25% snow cover remaining. Overnight Temp Hi = 47, Lo = 25, Humidity Hi = 48%, Lo = 29%. |
1/21/2020 |
7:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 38.4, Hum = 35%, BAR = 29.80, Overcast, foggy, gloomy, 20% of snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 53, Lo= 30, Humidity Hi = 38%, Lo = 19%. At 7:13 PM, Temp = 43, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.65. |
1/22/2020 |
7:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No New moisture. At observation: temp = 39.9, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.70, Overcast, light wind, 20% snow remaining. Overnight temp HI = 52, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 32%. |
1/23/2020 |
8:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 30.4, Hum = 39%, BAR = 29.85, overcast, slight breeze,15% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 30, Humidity Hi = 42%, Lo = 22%. |
1/24/2020 |
8:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 35.2, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.80, clear blue skies, breeze in treetops, 15% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 32%. At 8:08 PM temp = 44, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.75. |
1/25/2020 |
7:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Fifteenth day without new moisture. At observation: temp = 37.6, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.75, mostly clear scattered clouds on east horizon and over mountains, 10% of snow remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 56, Lo = 36, Humidity Hi = 42%, Lo = 21%. |
1/26/2020 |
7:21 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
Sixteenth day without moisture. At observation: temp = 34.3, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.80, mostly clear skies, clouds over the mountains, 10% snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 55, Lo = 34, Humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 22%. |
1/27/2020 |
8:12 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
M |
Seventeenth day without moisture. At observation: temp = 37.4, Hum = 47%, BAR = 29.75, Overcast, calm, 10% snow cover remaining gloomy. Overnight temp Hi = 53, Lo = 34, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 23%. At 3:06 PM, Light snow falling, temp = 41, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.75. |
1/28/2020 |
7:05 AM |
0.07 |
0.5 |
0.07 |
0.5 |
0.07 |
Fresh snow = 0.25" to 0.5" over 90% of yard, with 0.07" water. At observation: clear blue skies, Calm, temp = 28.8, Hum = 66%, BAR = 29.85, snow over 90% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 44, Lo = 28. Humidity Hi = 83%, Lo = 42%. |
1/29/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional Snow. At observation: temp = 34.7, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.80, Overcast, Gloomy, snow over 50% of yard, slight breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 46, Lo = 27, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 32%. At 8:24 AM, Light snow falling, at 7:46 PM, snow falling again, BAR = 29.80. |
1/30/2020 |
5:21 AM |
0.03 |
1.0 |
0.03 |
1.0 |
0.03 |
New Snow = 0.5" to 1.0" new snow over entire yard with a water content of 0.03". At observation: temp = 29.5, Hum = 74%, BAR = 29,75, clear Starry skies, snow over 100% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 44, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 50%. AT 4:56 PM, snow started again with lots of wind. |
1/31/2020 |
8:38 AM |
0.11 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
New snow = 0.75" to 1.5" over 100% of yard, with a water content of 0.11". At observation: Bright blue skies south and east, scattered clouds west, long contrails, breezy gusts, temp = 28.0, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 43, L= 24, Humidity Hi = 89%, Lo = 32%. |
2/1/2020 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional moisture. At observation: light overcast, light breeze, 50% snow remaining over yard, temp = 39.0, Hum = 40%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 51, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 22%. |
2/2/2020 |
7:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new snow or moisture. At observation: Temp = 49.9, Hum = 19%, BAR = 29.80, Mostly blue skies, a few thin clouds to North and East,10% of snow remaining No ice on Bird Bath, Light wind, stronger in tree tops. Overnight temp Hi = 66, Lo = 40, Humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 12%. At 6:00 PM, temp = 63, Hum = 13%, falling BAR = 29.50. |
2/3/2020 |
7:01 AM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
New moisture = 0.01". At observation: temp = 25.1, Hum = 80%, BAR = 29.50, gloomy overcast, breezy, light mist snow falling, surfaces very icy, remaining snow cover = 5% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 71, Lo = 25.1, Humidity Hi = 80%, Lo = 9%. |
2/4/2020 |
8:20 AM |
0.02 |
3.0 |
0.02 |
3.0 |
0.02 |
total new moisture = 0.02 inches, from 2.5 to 3 inches new snow. At observation: temp = 13.8, Hum = 75%, BAR = 29.75, Light overcast, light light breeze, sun breaking through, Crystal forest of frost covered trees, snow over 100% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 27, Lo = 14, Humidity Hi = 82%, Lo = 74%. |
2/5/2020 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 11.8, Hum = 63%, BAR = 29.65, clear blue skies, light breeze, 100% snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 20, Lo = 9, Humidity Hi = 75%, Lo = 60%. At 4:01 Pm, temp = 29, Hum = 36%, BAR = 29.60. |
2/6/2020 |
8:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
2.0 |
0.16 |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 25.8, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.50, Overcast, light breeze, 100% snow cover. Took 2.0 inch core of existing snow with a water content of 0.16 inches. overnight temp hi = 31, Lo = 11, Humidity Hi = 63%, Lo = 35%. At 6:00 PM, snow started, temp = 32, Hum = 76%, BAR = 29.50. |
2/7/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.55 |
M |
0.55 |
8.0 |
M |
Old and New snow total = 6 to 8 inches. New water content = 0.55". At observation: Temp = 27.2, Hum = 81%, BAR = 29.60, cloudy, steady snow, light breezy gusts, 6-8 inches of new snow over entire 100% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 39, Lo = 26, Humidity Hi = 86%, Lo = 38%. |
2/8/2020 |
7:56 AM |
0.16 |
2.0 |
0.16 |
M |
M |
New snow = 1.5" to 2" with 0.16" water. At observation: temp = 29.4, Hum = 71%, BAR = 29.65, 100% snow cover, clear blue skies, white wonderland, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 32, Lo = 27, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 70%. At 5:20 PM, BAR = 29.50, Hum = 44%, Temp = 46. |
2/9/2020 |
7:30 AM |
0.11 |
2.5 |
0.11 |
M |
M |
New snow = 2" to 2.5" with 0.11" of water. At observation: temp = 27.9, Hum = 82%, BAR = 29.80, 100% snow cover, cloudy, wind driven snow. Overnight temp Hi = 52, Lo = 27.9, Humidity Hi = 82%, Lo = 35%. |
2/10/2020 |
8:25 AM |
0.05 |
2.0 |
0.05 |
8.0 |
M |
One to two inches of new snow with 0.05" water. At observation: Temp = 18.9, Hum = 79%, BAR = 29.80, mostly scattered clouds, some blue patches,frost covered trees. Overnight temp Hi = 30, Lo = 18, Humidity Hi = 83%, Lo = 35%. At 3:45 PM, snow started again, temp = 30, Hum = 58%, BAR = 29.80. |
2/11/2020 |
7:49 AM |
0.27 |
3.7 |
0.27 |
10.0 |
1.25 |
More new snow = 3.25" to 3.75" with 0.27" of water. At observation: temp = 19.6, Hum = 76%, BAR = 29.90, scattered clouds south, clear blue skies otherwise, trees all frosty, 100% snow cover.Overnight temp Hi = 32, Lo = 17, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 52%. A 10" core of old and new snow yielded 1.25" of water. At 752 Pm, temp = 29, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.65. |
2/12/2020 |
7:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: 100% snow cover, Mostly cloudy, temp = 27.0, Hum = 52%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 38, Lo = 19, Humidity Hi = 75%, Lo = 48%. At 3:23 PM, after fits and starts, it started snowing, temp = 32, Hum = 56%, BAR = 29.75. |
2/13/2020 |
7:19 AM |
0.14 |
2.0 |
0.14 |
M |
M |
New Snow = 1 to 2 inches, with 0.14" water. At Observation: gloomy overcast, trees are snow and frost covered, 100% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 34, Lo = 17, Humidity Hi = 80%, Lo =49%. |
2/14/2020 |
8:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional snow. At observation: temp = 36.5, Hum = 49%, BAR = 29.70, clear blue skies, light breezy gusts, 100% snow cover remaining. Overnight temp hi = 39, Lo = 21, Humidity Hi = 80 %, Lo = 49%. |
2/15/2020 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 28.4, Hum = 69%, BAR = 29.80, Mostly blue skies with clouds on horizons, snow over 99% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 56, Lo = 28, Humidity Hi = 70%, Lo = 26%. |
2/16/2020 |
8:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Snow. At observation: temp = 31.5, Hum = 60%, BAR = 29.75, Overcast, very light breeze, 95% of yard covered in snow. Overnight temp Hi = 45, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 41%. Flicker pounding on chimney in early morning. |
2/17/2020 |
7:51 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Pale blue skies, a few clouds to east, light breeze, 90% snow cover remaining. Overnight temp Hi = 53, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 32%. |
2/18/2020 |
7:47 AM |
0.06 |
0.5 |
0.06 |
M |
M |
Half inch of new snow with 0.06" of water. At observation: Overcast, temp = 26, Humidity = 75%, BAR = 29.95. Overnight temp Lo = 26, Humidity Hi = 78%, Lo = 17%. |
2/19/2020 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional snow. At observation: temp = 24.1, Hum = 75%, BAR = 29.80, Overcast, gloomy, some fog, frosty. Overnight temp Hi = 38, Lo = 23, Humidity Hi = 75%, Lo = 39%. AT 9:15 AM, Light snow started. At 6:02 PM, pause in snow, temp = 21, Hum = 81%, BAR = 30.05. |
2/20/2020 |
7:35 AM |
0.14 |
1.5 |
0.14 |
M |
M |
Total new snow = 1.5" with 0.14" moisture. At observation: Clear bright sun, Icy crystals in the air, 100% snow cover, temp = 14.9, Hum = 79%, BAR = 30.15. Overnight temp Hi = 25, Lo = 14, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 73%. |
2/21/2020 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional snow. At observation: temp = 28.9, Hum = 38%, BAR = 30.05, clear blue skies, calm, 99% snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 38, Lo = 15, Humidity Hi = 78%, Lo = 38%. Flickers were pounding on the chimney in the morning. |
2/22/2020 |
6:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new snow, 90% of snow cover remaining. At observation: temp = 40.5, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.90, Scattered clouds, Rosy to east. Overnight temp Hi = 55, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 38%, Lo = 14%. |
2/23/2020 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Trace of new snow with 0.01" moisture. At observation: Temp = 34.4, Hum = 75%, BAR = 29.80, Overcast, light snow turning heavy, slush on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 61, Lo = 34.4, Humidity Hi = 78%, Lo = 19%. At 12:01 PM, total snow = 1.0". |
2/24/2020 |
7:53 AM |
0.06 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Moisture from new snow = 0.06", New snow not visible --it either melted or settled into old snow. At observation: 80% snow cover, temp = 34.7, Hum = 49%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight Temp Hi = 43, Lo = 33, Humidity Hi = 88%, Lo = 19%. At 9:07 AM, front is moving in with temperature dropping. |
2/25/2020 |
7:54 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 23.4, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.90, Overcast, very windy, snow remaining over 80% of yard. Overnight temp Hi = 41, Lo = 23, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 23%. Snow started at 10:50 AM off and on till afternoon, with wind. AT 8:15 PM, temp = 21, Hum = 59%m BAR = 30.10. |
2/26/2020 |
7:51 AM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Half to one inch new snow with 0.02" water. At observation: Clear blue skies, breezy, 90% of yard snow covered, temp = 20.7, Hum = 54%, BAR = 30.05. Overnight Temp Hi = 26, Lo = 16, Humidity Hi = 83%, Lo = 50%. |
2/27/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 34.7, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.95. Pale blue skies, calm, 75% of yard still snow covered. Overnight temp Hi = 44, Lo = 22, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 21%. |
2/28/2020 |
8:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 35.8, Hum + 31%, BAR = 30.00, Mostly blue skies, thin clouds on horizons, 75% remaining snow cover. Overnight temp Hi = 50, LO = 33, Humidity Hi = 42%, Lo = 21%. |
2/29/2020 |
1:28 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: overcast, 65% snow cover, temp = 50.5, Hum = 21%, BAR = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 39. Humidity Hi = 31%, Lo = 19%. |
3/1/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: mostly cloudy, some dark clouds to East, some blue skies over mountains, 60% of yard covered with snow, temp = 40.1, hum = 32%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 55, Lo = 39, Humidity Hi = 33% Lo = 19%. First snowdrops blooming. Snow started at 5:20 PM. |
3/2/2020 |
7:45 AM |
0.19 |
2.0 |
0.19 |
M |
M |
2" new snow over 100% of yard, with 0.19" of moisture. At observation: yard a crystal forest, overcast, temp = 27.9, Hum = 83%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 45, Lo = 28, Humidity Hi = 86%, Lo = 19%. |
3/3/2020 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new snow. At observation: clear blue skies, Light wind in tree tops, 55% snow cover remaining, temp = 35.9, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.60. Overnight temp Hi = 51, Lo = 29, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 29%. |
3/4/2020 |
8:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new snow, 30th day that at least 50% of the yard is still snow covered. At observation: clear blue skies, light wind, 50% of yard still snow covered, temp = 43.3, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp hi = 59, Lo = 36, Humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 19%. |
3/5/2020 |
8:41 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 34.7, Hum = 52%, BAR = 30.10, clear blue skies, breezy gusts, 40% snow cover in back yard. Overnight temp Hi = 64, Lo = 31, Humidity Hi = 62%, Lo = 13%. 49th day this year that the low temperature was freezing or below (ie. 32 degrees F). |
3/6/2020 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 40.8, Hum = 40%, BAR = 30.05, breezy gusts in tree tops, partly cloudy, 25% snow cover in back yard. Overnight temp Hi = 55, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 31%. |
3/7/2020 |
7:44 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 45.0, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.85, Mostly blue skies, long contrails, 10% snow cover in yard,thin ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 43, Humidity Hi = 39%, Lo = 12%. |
3/8/2020 |
8:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Daylight Savings time begins. No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 51.4, Hum = 32%, BAR = 29.65, Mostly blue skies with scattered clouds 2% of snow left, no ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 49, Humidity Hi = 34%, Lo = 14%. |
3/9/2020 |
8:53 AM |
0.45 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Rain overnight totaling 0.45", small patch of snow remaining along fence. At observation: Mostly heavy overcast, temp = 40.6, Hum = 85%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temo Hi = 69, Lo = 39, Humidity Hi = 87%, Lo = 14%. |
3/10/2020 |
8:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: every scrap of snow now gone, overcast skies, Light wind in treetops, thin Ice on birdbath, temp = 43.2, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 42, Humidity Hi = 85%, Lo = 31%. |
3/11/2020 |
8:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 42.3, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.85, Thin scattered clouds, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 63, Lo = 40, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 21%. |
3/12/2020 |
7:33 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation, Gloomy, High cloud cover, No ice on Birdbath, Temp = 45.4, Hum = 36%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 67, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 40%, Lo = 17%. Grape Hyacinths and tulips are coming up. |
3/13/2020 |
8:34 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 36.7, Hum = 66%, BAR = 29.80, Gloomy, overcast, light wind, Thin Ice on birdbath, occasional snow flakes turned to snow. Overnight temp Hi = 50, Lo = 36, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 35%. Snow paused about 11:00 AM. At 8:15 PM, BAR = 29.65, Temp = 34, Hum = 67%. |
3/14/2020 |
8:49 AM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Previous day's 1" of snow all gone leaving 0.02" moisture in gauge. At observation: Overcast, light breeze, no trace of previous day's snow, temp = 33.3, Hum = 76%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 33, Humidity Hi = 77%, Lo = 53%. |
3/15/2020 |
8:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Overcast, Calm, No Ice on birdbath, temp = 36.3, Hum = 75%, BAR = 29.95. Overnight temp Hi = 51, Lo = 36, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 45%. |
3/16/2020 |
8:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 41.3, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.85, clear blue skies, slight breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 37, Humidity Hi = 75%, Lo = 35%. |
3/17/2020 |
7:51 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 38.8, Hum = 70%, BAR = 29.80, Heavy overcast, gloomy windy with gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 65, Lo = 39, Humidity Hi = 83%, Lo = 21%. |
3/18/2020 |
8:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 42.3, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.70, clear blue skies, dew on grass, short contrails, Ice on Birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 38.8, Hum Hi = 70%, Lo = 40%. |
3/19/2020 |
8:25 AM |
0.25 |
M |
M |
M |
0.25 |
Rain and graupel with a trace of snow and 0.25" water in gauge. At observation: Temp = 37.0, Hum = 89%, BAR = 29.50, Cloudy, rain and Gruapel turning to snow. Overnight temp Hi = 66, Lo = 37.0, Humidity Hi = 90%, Lo = 14%. At 9:07 PM, BAR = 29.95, Hum = 99%, Temp = 28. |
3/20/2020 |
8:32 AM |
1.32 |
9.0 |
1.32 |
9.0 |
1.32 |
New snow = 9 to 11 inches with some drifting and 1.32" water in the gauge. At observation: yard a crystal forest with heavy overcast and slight breeze, temp = 22.3, Hum = 87%, BAR = 30.0. Overnight temp Hi = 38, Lo = 22.3, Humidity Hi = 99%, Lo = 87%. |
3/21/2020 |
8:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: temp + 30.9, Hum = 78%, BAR = 29.95, Mostly Bright Blue skies, a few strips of clouds to South and West, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 31, Lo = 23, Humidity Hi = 87%, Lo = 78%. At 8:00 Pm , Rain started, temp = 41, Hum = 66%, BAR = 29.85. |
3/22/2020 |
8:24 AM |
0.07 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total rain overnight = 0.07". At observation: Bright sun with scattered clouds in mostly blue sky, 95% of snow cover remaining, temp + 36.1, hum = 71%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 46, Lo = 31, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 45%. |
3/23/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: light Blue Skies, 80% snow cover remaining, Calm, temp = 37.9, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 50, Lo = 376, Humidity Hi = 69%., Lo = 35%. At 8:15 PM, temp = 51, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.70. |
3/24/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No more moisture. At observation: temp = 39.9, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.75, Light Blue skies, haze on Horizon, 30% of snow cover remaining, Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 38, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 28%. |
3/25/2020 |
7:53 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. AT observation: Temp + 45, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.60, Bright Blue skies, Light Wind, less than 1% of snow remaining, thin Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 40, humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 20%. Saw a grasshopper in early afternoon. |
3/26/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Pale blue skies, calm, one small snow patch on bike path, Frost on grass, and Ice in birdbath, temp = 37.9, Hum = 62%, BAR 29.55. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 37.9, Humidity Hi = 62%, Lo = 9%. |
3/27/2020 |
7:45 AM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Misty Rain overnight with 0.01" moisture. At observation: Overcast, Foggy, Misty, Thin ice on birdbath, Moisture Barely measurable, temp = 34.9, Hum = 84%, BAR = 29.55. Overnight temp Hi = 54, Lo = 34.9, humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 46%. |
3/28/2020 |
8:49 AM |
0.19 |
1.5 |
0.19 |
M |
M |
Water = 0.19" in 1.5" of new snow. At observation: Yard is a crystal forest, partly cloudy, light breeze, temp = 30.6, Hum = 66%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 30, Humidity Hi = 92%, Lo = 58%. First Grape Hyacinth bloom. |
3/29/2020 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 34.0, Hum = 39%, BAR = 29.85, Mostly Blue skies, light wispy clouds, almost all snow gone, Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 50, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 19%. Today I did some tree pruning. |
3/30/2020 |
7:56 AM |
0.03 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total Rain overnight = 0.03". At observation: temp = 41, Hum = 56%, BAR = 29.80, Sun burning through light overcast, light nreeze, thin ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 56, Lo = 35, humidity Hi = 70%, Lo = 20%. |
3/31/2020 |
8:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Mostly blue skies with wispy clouds to South and east and clouds over foothills, calm, Ice on birdbath, temp = 44.2, hum = 40%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 58, Lo = 41, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 27%. |
4/1/2020 |
7:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation temp = 49.1, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.60, Heavy overcast to south, partly cloudy to north, light wind, no ice on birdbath. Overnight temp HI = 67, Lo = 46, Humidity Hi = 39%, Lo = 17%. Some crocuses and daffodils blooming. |
4/2/2020 |
7:16 AM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total moisture overnight = 0.02". At observation: Misty, overcast, Thin Ice on Birdbath, temp = 31.9, Hum = 84%, BAR = 29.60. Overnight temp Hi = 69, Lo = 32, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 12%. Light Snow started at 11:00 AM and at 8:01 PM snow paused with temp = 26, Hum = 81%, BAR = 29.80. |
4/3/2020 |
7:22 AM |
0.32 |
3.5 |
0.32 |
M |
M |
New snow over 100% of yard measuring between 3 and 4 inches with a water content of 0.32". At observation: temp = 24.6, Hum = 77%, BAR = 29.80, Heavy overcast, 100% snow cover, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 32, Lo = 21, Humidity Hi = 85%, Lo = 76%. |
4/4/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Temp = 30.4, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.70, Bright Blue skies, almost all snow gone, slight breeze, Ice on Birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 24.6, Hum Hi = 77%, Lo = 44%. |
4/5/2020 |
7:41 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 43.0, Hum = 47%, BAR = 29.65, Mostly sunny blue skies with wispy clouds to south, No ice on Birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo= 30.4, Humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 26%. |
4/6/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Moisture. At observation: Pale blue skies, breeze in treetops, No ice on Birdbath, temp = 49.8, Hum + 30%, BAR = 29.65. Overnight temp Hi = 71, Lo = 43.0, Humidity Hi = 46%, Lo = 12%. Apricots blooming, but no bees. |
4/7/2020 |
7:43 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 52.4, Hum = 22%, BAR = 29.75, Pale blue skies, very slight breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 74, Lo = 49.8, Humidity Hi = 30%, Lo = 9%. |
4/8/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No sign of moisture. At observation: Temp = 47.7, Hum = 23%, BAR = 29.80, Pale Blue Skies, calm, Slush ice on bird bath. Overnight temp Hi = 73, Lo = 47, Humidity Hi = 23%, Lo = 9%. No sign of bees. At 7:00 Pm , saw a couple of robins in the bird bath. |
4/9/2020 |
8:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture, In fact, everything is getting dry. At observation temp = 41.4, Hum = 63%, BAR = 29.90, Light overcast, clearing to north, calm, thin Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 71, LO = 40, Humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 12%. Still no sign of bees. |
4/10/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: Temp = 44.4, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.75, Sunny, some scattered clouds, no ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 58, Lo = 41.4, Humidity Hi = 62%, Lo = 40%. In the yard: Oregon grape holy & Nanking cherries blooming. Saw two bees. First leaves on current, Johnathan apple, and buffalo berries. |
4/11/2020 |
7:34 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: Temp = 49.1, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.60, Bright Blue skies, very light haze t East, Light breeze in treetops, slush ice in birdbath. Overnight temp Hi 72, Lo = 44.4, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 12%. Saw one bee about 8:30 AM. At 5:53 PM, Hum = 9%, temp = 68, BAR = 29.45. |
4/12/2020 |
7:44 AM |
0.04 |
0.5 |
0.04 |
0.5 |
0.04 |
Snowing with 0.5" accumulation and 0.04" water. At observation: Cloudy, Gloomy, fine wind driven snow with 0.5" accumulation, temp = 23.2, Hum = 80%, BAR = 29.70. Overnight temp Hi = 71, Lo = 23.2, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 9%. By evening, accumulated snow had melted, but it was still snowing lightly. |
4/13/2020 |
8:35 AM |
0.10 |
1.5 |
0.10 |
1.5 |
0.10 |
Still snowing with 1 to 2' accumulation overnight, with a total water accumulation of 0.10". At observation: Temp = 18.1, hum = 77%, BAR = 29.85, still snowing with 1 to 2" accumulation since Sunday afternoon, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi =28, Lo = 18.1, Humidity Hi = 83%, Lo = 62%. |
4/14/2020 |
8:04 AM |
0.11 |
1.2 |
0.11 |
3.0 |
M |
New snow = 1 to 1.5" with 0.11" water for a total of 3" of snow. At observation: temp = 25.1, Hum = 64%, BAR = 29.90, Bright sun, pale blue skies, very slight breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 26, Lo = 18.1, Humidity Hi = 77%, Lo = 63%. Leaves out on some lilacs. |
4/15/2020 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: temp = 35.1, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.80, Bright Blue Skies, a couple of snow patches remaining, light wind in tree tops, light frost on grass. Overnight temp Hi = 46, Lo = 25.1, Humidity Hi = 63%, Lo = 23%. At 8:19 Am, it turned cloudy. Bird bath was visited by a herd of goldfinches, some in summer plumage. |
4/16/2020 |
7:39 AM |
0.13 |
1.0 |
0.13 |
1.0 |
0.13 |
New snow = 1" with a water content of 0.13". At observation: temp = 31.3, Hum = 84%, BAR = 29.75, Cloudy, Gloomy, light snow falling with about 1" on the ground. Overnight temp Hi = 53, Lo = 31.3, Humid Hi = 85%, Lo = 22%. At 3:00 PM, Snow still falling. |
4/17/2020 |
7:56 AM |
0.35 |
2.5 |
0.35 |
3.5 |
M |
2.5" new snow with a water content of 0.35". At observation: 3.5 inches of old and new snow, blue skies with some haze on horizons, temp = 25.1, Hum = 72%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 32, Lo = 21, Humidity Hi = 88%, Lo = 73%. |
4/18/2020 |
8:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Snow almost all gone, Blue skies with scattered clouds to East, thin ice on birdbath, temp = 49.1, Hum = 35%, BAR = 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 55, Lo = 25.1, Humidity Hi = 72%, Lo = 23%. At 4:40, temp = 51, Hum = 40%, BAR = 29.70, Rain started with some thunder. |
4/19/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total rain overnight = 0.01" barely. At observation: Pale blue skies, light wind, No ice on birdbath, temp = 41.4, Hum = 69%, Bar= 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 59, Lo = 38, Humidity Hi = 73%, Lo = 29%. |
4/20/2020 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new Moisture. At observation: temp + 43.6, Hum = 59%, BAR = 29.80, Light scattered clouds, slight breeze, Thin Ice on Birdbath, dew on lawn. Overnight temp Hi = 63, Lo = 40, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 20%. |
4/21/2020 |
7:38 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 49.8, Hum = 52%, BAR = 29.80, a few wispy clouds in bright blue skies, Light breeze, No ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 65, Lo = 43.6, Humidity Hi = 57%, Lo = 21%. Rain started about 8:30 PM. |
4/22/2020 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No visible sigh or trace of rain. At observation: temp = 47.7, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.70, Hazy blue skies, calm, No sign of rain, some puffy clouds to east. Overnight temp Hi = 67, Lo = 47, Humidity Hi = 55%, Lo = 25%. |
4/23/2020 |
7:16 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: temp = 50.2, Hum = 34%, BAR = 29.70, Partly Cloudy, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 66, Lo = 47.7, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 23%. First blossoms on Peach under Apple. |
4/24/2020 |
8:18 AM |
0.25 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Total rain overnight = 0.25". At observation: Temp = 45.4, Hum = 69%, BAR = 29.80, Mostly cloudy skies, windy gusts, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 42, Humidity Hi = 82%, Lo = 19%. Mountain ash and volunteer apple leafing out, and gaillardia and helianium coming up. |
4/25/2020 |
7:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No additional moisture. At observation: temp = 45.1, Hum = 66%, BAR = 29.95, gloomy, partly cloudy, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 60, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 31%. Transplanted some wildflowers, currents are blooming. |
4/26/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No new moisture. At observation: temp = 50.1, Hum = 39%, BAR = 29.90, Overcast, breeze in treetops. Overnight Temp Hi = 65, Lo = 45.1, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 21%. At mid day, Long contrails in sky. At 5:35 PM, a few rain drops, set hose on front flower bed. |
4/27/2020 |
7:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
NO visible sign or trace of rain. AT observation: temp = 58.6, Hum = 40%, BAR = 29.85, Clear Blue skies. Overnight temp Hi = 74, Lo = 50.1, Humidity Hi = 45%, Lo = 14%. Sand cherry blooming, second flush of Nanking cherry blooms. |
4/28/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No moisture. At observation: Mostly blue skies with thin scattered clouds with more to east and west, temp = 61.2, Hum = 41%, BAR 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 55, Humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 11%. |
4/29/2020 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No New Moisture. At observation: temp = 45.4, Hum = 43%, BAR = 30.05, Blue skies, calm, allergies bad. Overnight Temp Hi = 74, Lo = 43, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 9%. |
4/30/2020 |
6:54 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: overcast, calm, temp = 55.4, Hum = 26%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 72, Lo = 45.4, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 14%. At 8:50 PM, Temp = 73, Hum = 19%, BAR = 29.70, My ears are ringing. |
5/1/2020 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Temp = 64.4, Hum = 35%, BAR = 29.75, Pale blue skies, thin scattered clouds, slight breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 80, Lo = 55.4, Humidity Hi = 40%, Lo = 13%. A few blossoms on pear tree. In the afternoon, turned on house fan and opened a window to cool house. |
5/2/2020 |
8:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Eighth day without moisture. At observation: temp = 54.3, Hum = 67%, BAR = 29.85, heavy overcast, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 54, Humidity Hi = 75%, Lo = 13%. After two false starts, at 7:45 PM, rain and pea size hail started. |
5/3/2020 |
7:57 AM |
0.04 |
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Total rain and Hail = 0.04". At observation: temp = 57.9, Hum = 67%, BAR = 29.85, Bright blue skies, light windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 50, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 42%. AT 9:55PM, some rain drops, BAR = 29.70, Hum = 54%, Temp = 59. |
5/4/2020 |
7:54 AM |
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Only a trace of Rain. At observation: temp = 54.7, Hum = 64%, BAR = 29.80, Pale blue skies, A few scattered clouds. Overnight temp Hi = 76, Lo = 51, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 27%. |
5/5/2020 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 48, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.95, clear blue skies, very light breeze, thin ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 70, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 16%. Choke cherries in full bloom, leaves out on forsythia. |
5/6/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 49, Hum = 50%, BAR = 30.05, clear blue skies, light wind with stronger gusts, Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 70, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 9%. At 7:58 PM, temp = 65, Hum = 22%, BAR = 29.85. Watered flower beds. |
5/7/2020 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 50, Hum = 40%, BAR = 29.80, Pale blue skies, light breeze, no Ice on birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 74, Lo = 50, Humidity Hi = 50%, Lo = 17%. Linden, Gamble Oak, Mountain Ash and apple leafed out. Some leaves on apricot. PM turned windy. |
5/8/2020 |
8:36 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 41.9, Hum = 54%, BAR = 30.10, partly cloudy, Light breezy gusts, No Ice on Birdbath. Overnight temp hi = 72, Lo = 38, Humidity Hi = 71%, Lo = 9%. Lilacs blooming. Peas and some flowers coming up. |
5/9/2020 |
7:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp =m 49.1, Hum = 57%, BAR = 30.00, mostly blue skies, a few puffy clouds on horizons, No ice on birdbath, light wind with strong windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 65, Lo = 45, Humidity Hi = 63%, Lo = 24%. |
5/10/2020 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Bright blue skies, strong breeze, Thin Ice on Birdbath, temp = 50, Hum = 43%, BAR = 30.00. Overnight temp Hi = 61, Lo = 43, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 31%. First leaves on Autumn Ash and Burr Oak. |
5/11/2020 |
7:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Seventh day without moisture. At observation: gloomy overcast, light breeze, No ice on birdbath, temp + 39.7, Hum = 61%, Bar = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 66, Lo = 39.7, Humidity Hi = 61%, Lo = 26%. PM rain = 0.01" by 3:30 PM. |
5/12/2020 |
7:57 AM |
0.01 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.01". At observation: Temp = 44.1, Hum 61%, BAR = 29.80, foggy, heavy overcast, calm, no ice on Birdbath. Overnight temp Hi = 56, Lo = 40, Humidity Hi = 86%, Lo = 51%. Sky cleared and clouds come and go afternoon. |
5/13/2020 |
7:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp + 56.9, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.60, gloomy, overcast, light wind, no Ice on Birdbath. Overnight temp Hi= 76, Lo = 46, Humidity Hi = 84%, Lo = 26%. |
5/14/2020 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture, At observation: temp = 59.6, Hum = 57%, BAR = 39.70, Partly cloudy skies, clearing, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 54, humidity Hi = 73%, Lo = 11%. At 12:38 PM, Thunder, wind, a little rain and a spot of hail started. By 2:30 PM, rain = 0.15". |
5/15/2020 |
7:34 AM |
0.16 |
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Total rain = 0.16". At observation: Temp = 51.3, Hum = 65%, BAR = 29.80, cloudy to East, scattered clouds West, Light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 70, Lo = 52, Humidity Hi = 70%, Lo = 32%. Intermittent rain with thunder starting 2:00 PM. Moved some house plants outdoors. |
5/16/2020 |
7:16 AM |
0.08 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.08". At observation: temp = 51.6, Hum = 75%, BAR = 29.80, intermittent Rain, Clouds Clearing. Overnight temp Hi = 68, Lo = 51, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 44. First Iris bloom, grape leaves coming out. |
5/17/2020 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No sign of additional moisture. At observation: temp = 54.6, Hum = 60%, BAR = 29.85, clear blue skies, breezy, set hoses for 15 to 30 Minutes. Overnight temp hi = 69, Lo = 50, Humidity Hi = 76, Lo = 24%. |
5/18/2020 |
6:48 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: Overcast, Muggy, calm, temp = 56.6, Hum = 72%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 77, Lo = 52, Hum Hi = 72%, Lo = 29%. First leaves on Black Walnut. |
5/19/2020 |
8:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp = 69.3, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.75, clear blue skies, breezy. Overnight temp Hi = 87, Lo = 56.6, Humidity Hi = 72%, Lo = 18%. Afternoon became windy. At 9:13 PM, temp = 74, Hum = 27%, BAR 29.65. |
5/20/2020 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: Temp = 68.9, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.65, Blue skies, breezy, windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 61, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 9%. At 3:04 PM, turned very windy, temp = 85, Hum = 9%, BAR = 29.50. |
5/21/2020 |
7:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Temp = 62.1, Hum = 35%, BAR = 29.70, light puffy clouds, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 87%, Lo = 52%, Humidity Hi = 62%, Lo = 9%. |
5/22/2020 |
8:43 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: temp = 64.3, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.7, clear blue skies, light breezy gusts. Overnight temp Lo = 54, Humidity Lo = 9%. At 10:10 PM, temp = 68, Hum = 37%, BAR = 29.60. |
5/23/2020 |
8:16 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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seventh day without new moisture. At observation: temp = 60.5, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.60, light overcast, very light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 83, Lo = 56, Humidity, Hi = 53%, Lo = 37%. Left for mountain cabin at about 10:30 AM. |
5/27/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No additional Moisture. At observation: Everything looks nice and green, bright blue skies, calm, temp = 61, Hum = 45%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 57, Humidity Hi = 51%, Lo = 19%. |
5/28/2020 |
7:50 AM |
0.36 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.36". At observation: temp = 55.8, Hum = 82%, BAR = 30.00, Heavy overcast, very humid.
Overnight temp Hi = 81, Lo = 56, Humidity Hi = 82%, Lo = 24%. |
5/29/2020 |
7:33 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: temp = 63, Hum = 58%, BAR = 30.00, clear blue skies, slight breeze.Overnight temp Hi = 74, Lo = 55.8, Humidity Hi = 81%, Lo = 42%. AT 5:00 PM, Rain and thunder started with Hum = 29%, Temp = 82, BAR = 29.90. |
5/30/2020 |
8:01 AM |
0.15 |
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Total rain overnight = 0.15". At observation: temp = 68, Hum = 57%, BAR = 29.90, Scattered clouds in blue skies, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 87, Lo = 61, Humidity Hi = 65%, Lo = 22%. |
5/31/2020 |
7:25 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 65, Hum = 59%, BAR = 29.90, Thin scattered clouds in blue skies, some dew on grass. Overnight temp Hi = 82, Lo = 61, Humidity Hi = 63%, Lo = 31%. |
6/1/2020 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 66.4, Hum = 48%, BAR = 29.85, A few scattered in bright blue sky, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 64, Humidity HI = 57%, Lo = 23%. |
6/2/2020 |
7:44 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: temp + 68.1, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.85, Mostly cloudy, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 19%. |
6/3/2020 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No sign of moisture. At observation: Blue skies, breezy, temp = 70.3, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi= 87, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 17%. |
6/4/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No sign of moisture. At observation: temp = 69.5, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.80, Blue skies, light breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 14%. In the garden, white iris in full bloom, and show milkweed blooming with a few butterflies. |
6/5/2020 |
7:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: mostly cloudy, gloomy, light windy gusts, temp = 66.4, Hum = 34%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 65, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 16%. |
6/6/2020 |
7:41 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Seventh day without moisture. At observation: temp + 73.3, Hum = 29%, BAR = 29.70, Overcast, steady wind, gloomy. At 9:30 AM, it tried to rain, at 12:40 PM, strong windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 34%, Lo = 12%. At 8:28 PM, temp = 73, Hum = 32%, BAR = 29.50. |
6/7/2020 |
7:52 AM |
0.11 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.11". It appears some may have evaporated based on the pollen ring. At observation: temp = 70.7, Hum = 38%, BAR = 29.50, Clear blue skies, Light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 56, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 25%. |
6/8/2020 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No additional moisture. At observation: temp = 66.6, Hum = 43%, BAR = 29.60, Bright blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 57, humidity Hi = 52%, Lo = 9%. In the garden, a bumblebee was in the milkweeds. |
6/9/2020 |
7:21 AM |
0.70 |
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Rain starting about 3:00 AM for a overnight total of 0.70". At observation: still raining, heavy overcast, foggy, windy gusts, temp = 42.8, Hum = 87%, BAR = 29.75.
Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 42, Humidity Hi = 87%, Lo = 19%. |
6/10/2020 |
6:57 AM |
0.08 |
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Total rain by 9:30 AM on Tues 6/9/20 = 0.08". At observation: temp = 51, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.95, Clear blue skies, light breezy gusts.Overnight temp Hi = 67, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 88%, Lo = 23%. |
6/11/2020 |
9:43 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No additional moisture. At observation: temp = 69.8, Hum = 30%, BAR = 30.00, clear blue skies, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 77, Lo = 53, Humidity Hi = 50%, Lo = 19%. |
6/12/2020 |
8:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 71, Hum = 31%, BAR = 30.05, clear blue skies, breezy. Overnight temp Hi = 82, Lo = 62, Humidity Hi = 34%, Lo = 14%. Prairie Sundrops blooming in the garden. |
6/13/2020 |
7:38 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 66, Hum = 47%, BAR = 29.90, Overcast, Mostly cloudy, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 48%, Lo = 12%. After 2:00 PM, some rain, very brief. |
6/14/2020 |
7:56 AM |
0.02 |
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Most of rain evaporated, only measured 0.01" in morning , but would estimate a total of 0.02". At observation: temp = 74, Hum = 33%, BAR = 29.70, Clear blue skies, windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 48%, Lo = 17%. |
6/15/2020 |
7:21 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 69, Hum = 25%, BAR = 29.85, Hazy skies, Very Light Breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 33%, Lo = 11%. |
6/16/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 75, Hum = 22%, BAR = 29.75, Light overcast, Light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 25%, Lo = 11%. Through the day, smog built up to the west along the mountains. |
6/17/2020 |
7:12 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture- getting very dry. At observation: temp = 66, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.65, Pale blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 93, Lo = 62, Hum = 44%, Lo = 11%. |
6/18/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Overcast, light wind, temp= 59, Hum = 29%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 95, Lo = 57, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 9%. There was a bit of rain at 5:30 PM. |
6/19/2020 |
7:36 AM |
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Only a trace of rain that evaporated by morning. At observation: temp = 58.1, Hum = 64%, BAR = 29.90, cloudy, fog over the mountains, muggy. Overnight temp HJi = 73, Lo = 58, Humidity Hi = 65%, Lo = 24%. |
6/20/2020 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 64, Hum = 50%, BAR = 29.85, Blue skies, light wind with gusts, no Rain. Overnight temp Hi = 69, Lo = 55, Humidity Hi = 74%, Lo = 40%. |
6/21/2020 |
7:52 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 67.5, Hum = 29%, BAR = 29.80, Cloudy skies, quiet, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 49%, Lo = 11%. |
6/22/2020 |
7:25 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 64, Hum = 58%, BAR = 29,85, bright blue skies, very slight breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 82, Lo = 59, Humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 18%. |
6/23/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 65, Hum = 60%, BAR = 29.90, pale blue skies, light breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 82, Lo = 61, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 23%. |
6/24/2020 |
7:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Tenth day without measurable rain. At observation: temp = 67, Hum = 47%, BAR = 29.80, clear blue skies, very light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 59%, Lo = 21%. |
6/25/2020 |
7:09 AM |
0.13 |
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Rain overnight = 0.13". At observation: Mostly Pale Blue skies, a few scattered clouds, temp = 70, Hum = 39%, BAR = 39.75. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 65, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 14%. |
6/26/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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NO additional moisture. At observation: temp = 67, Hum = 62%, BAR = 29.85, clear blue skies, very slight breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 62, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 15%. Thunder storm starting at 2:00 PM. |
6/27/2020 |
7:53 AM |
0.02 |
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Rain over night barely measurable at 0.02". At observation: Mostly blue skies with scattered clouds on horizon to west, light wind, temp = 69. Hum +47%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 82, Lo = 61, Humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 28%. In the garden, scarlet runner beans and potatoes blooming. |
6/28/2020 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 73, Hum 28%, BAR = 29.60, Light wind, Mostly blue skies with clouds on the horizons. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 12%. |
6/29/2020 |
7:32 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: Temp = 69.3, Hum
24%, BAR = 29.50, Mostly overcast, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 34%, Lo = 14%. |
6/30/2020 |
7:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: very dry, Pale Blue skies, thin clouds over mountains, light breeze, temp = 65.1, Hum = 40%, BAR, 29.60. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 11%. |
7/1/2020 |
7:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation:temp = 67, Hum = 37%. BAR = 29.80, clear blue skies, light wind with gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 59, Humidity Hi = 42%, Lo = 9%. |
7/2/2020 |
7:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Fifth day without moisture. At observation: Temp = 70, Hum = 58%, Pale blue skies, windy. Overnight temp Hi = 87, Lo = 67, humidity Hi = 64%, Lo = 12%. Left for long weekend in mountains. |
7/7/2020 |
7:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: some puffy white clouds, mostly blue skies, Light wind with windy gusts, temp = 79.8, Hum = 31%, BAR = 29.80.Overnight temp Hi = 81, Lo = 70, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 21%. |
7/8/2020 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 68, Hum = 33%, BAR = 29.70, Clear blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 92, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 38%, Lo = 12%. |
7/9/2020 |
7:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 69, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.80, Pale blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 94, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 33%, Lo = 9%. |
7/10/2020 |
7:44 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp = 73, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.85, Mostly blue skies, some haze to east. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 71%, Lo = 14%. |
7/11/2020 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp = 70, Hum = 46%, BAR = 30.00, clear blue skies, light breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 96, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 4%, Lo = 6%. |
7/12/2020 |
7:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 75, Hum = 58%, BAR = 29.85, A few scattered clouds in mostly blue skies, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 93, Lo = 71, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 12%. |
7/13/2020 |
6:49 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Temp = 74.1, Hum 26%, BAR = 29.75, thin scattered clouds, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = m94. Lo = 73, Humidity Hi = 58%, Lo = 11%. I saw some little woodpeckers in the pear tree. |
7/14/2020 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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17th day without any visible moisture. At observation: temp = 74.1, Hum 50%, BAR = 29.75, Overcast, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 96, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 11%. Between 2:00 and 2:30 PM, some thunder and a few raindrops. Intermittent rain started at 5:30 PM. |
7/15/2020 |
7:10 AM |
0.10 |
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Total rain overnight = 0.10". At observation: temp = 66, Hum = 62%, BAR = 29.80, a few scattered clouds, mostly blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 74%, Lo = 40%. |
7/16/2020 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 69, Hum = 45%, BAR = 29.85, Pale blue skies, breezy gusts, hazy east, some clouds to west. Overnight temp Hi = 79, LO = 66, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 42%. |
7/17/2020 |
7:17 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Bright blue skies, Light breezy gusts, no sign of moisture, temp = 70, hum = 40%, BAR = 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 22%. |
7/18/2020 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 74, Hum= 34%, BAR = 29.80, Partly cloudy, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 93, Lo = 70, Humidity Hi = 40%, Lo = 13%. |
7/19/2020 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: Temp = 69, Hum = 60%, Bar= 29.85, Partly Cloudy, Breezy Gusts/ Overnight temp Hi = 94, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 11%. |
7/20/2020 |
7:16 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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t observation: temp = 70, Humidity =41%, BAR = 29.80, pale blue skies, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 23%. |
7/21/2020 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: scattered clouds, light breezy gusts, temp = 69, Hum = 64%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 92, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 13%. |
7/22/2020 |
7:38 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Seventh day without new moisture. At observation: Light overcast skies, Calm, watered lawn in AM, Temp = 67, Hum = 64%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight Temp Hi = 86, LO = 63, Humidity Hi = 69%, Lo = 27%. At 6:17 PM, thunder started, BAR = 29.75, Hum = 27%, temp = 82. |
7/23/2020 |
7:09 AM |
0.01 |
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Total rain overnight + 0.01". At observation: temp = 70.3, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.8, Overcast, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 93, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 63%, Lo = 15%. |
7/24/2020 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No additional moisture. At observation: temp = 73, Hum = 42%, BAR = 29.75, Blue skies with scattered clouds, clouds over mountains,light breeze. overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 70, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 17%. AT 1:49 PM, thunder started, and at 2;11 PM, rain started. At 2:27 PM, temp = 76, Hum = 57%, BAR = 29.80. By 3:30 PM, rain accumulation = 0.58". |
7/25/2020 |
7:52 AM |
0.59 |
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Total Rain is 0.58 from Friday afternoon and 0.01" overnight for a total of 0.59". At observation: temp = 72.6, Hum = 54%, BAR = 29.80, scattered clouds in mostly blue skies, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 74%, Lo = 26%. Turned cloudy by mid morning. |
7/26/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.05 |
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Total rain overnight = 0.05". At observation: temp = 66.4, Hum = 70%, BAR = 29.85, Mostly cloudy, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 84, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 31%. |
7/27/2020 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No measurable moisture. At observation: temp = 63.3, Hum = 74%, BAR = 29.95, cloudy, gloomy, calm, dew on grass. Overnight temp Hi = 81, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 76%, Lo = 30%. |
7/28/2020 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 66.2, Hum = 68%, BAR = 29.85, cloudy, calm, gloomy. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 74%, lo = 30%. |
7/29/2020 |
7:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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NO moisture. At observation: temp = 66, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.80, A few clouds to the east, mostly blue skies otherwise, breeze in treetops. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 68%, Lo = 31%. |
7/30/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp + 67, Hum = 61%, BAR = 29.90, Bright blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi= 91, Lo = 62, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 12%. AT 7:05 PM, sprinkles started, temp = 72, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.95. |
7/31/2020 |
7:44 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No sign of Rain. At observation: temp = 66, Hum = 66, BAR = 30.00, Blue skies, some haze t east, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 79, Lo = 62, Humidity Hi = 71%, Lo = 39%. |
8/1/2020 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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In spite of the thunder, no sign of moisture overnight. At observation: some clouds to east, blue skies otherwise, temp = 66, Hum = 49%, BAR = 29.95. Overnight temp HI = 86, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 66%, Lo = 21%. |
8/2/2020 |
8:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Hazy blue skies, some clouds to west, breezy, temp = 69, Hum = 54%, BAR = 29.90. |
8/3/2020 |
7:26 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp + 66, Hum = 69%, BAR = 29.90, Bright blue skies, with some haze to east and over mountains, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 65, Humidity Hi = 70%, Lo = 28%. |
8/4/2020 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 69, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.80, Pale blue skies, a few scattered clouds, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 30%. At 7:39 PM, rain sprinkles started, but left no moisture. Set hoses and watered in back yard. |
8/5/2020 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No sign of Moisture. At observation: temp = 69, Hum = 60%, BAR = 29.85, Partly cloudy, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 62%, Lo = 22%. |
8/6/2020 |
7:52 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture in spite of the thunder. At observation: partly cloudy, occasional breezy gusts.temp = 68, Hum 57%, BAR = 29 75. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 21%. At 12:30 PM, thunder started, and at 2:30 PM, some rain started. |
8/7/2020 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No measurable moisture or visible sign of rain. At observation: temp = 70, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.75, clear pale blue skies, Light wind with windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 89, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 9%. |
8/8/2020 |
7:33 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: Mostly cloudy, spots of blue directy above, calm, temp = 70.5, Hum = 17%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi = 95, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 51%, Lo = 9%. At 8:25 PM, heard first crickets of August. Watered back lawn. |
8/9/2020 |
7:26 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Still no moisture. At observation: temp = 72, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.85, Pale blue skies, a few scattered clouds, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 94, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 20%, Lo = 9%. |
8/10/2020 |
7:37 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Fifteenth day without moisture. At observation: Hazy Blue skies with some clouds to the east, Breezy Gusts, temp = 66.8, Hum = 59%, BAR 29.85. Overnight temp Hi = 95, Lo = 65, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 9%. |
8/11/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 70.7, Hum = 38%, BAR = 29.80, Thin scattered clouds, Haze over mountains, Light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 59%, Lo = 18%. |
8/12/2020 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp = 65.8, Hum = 59%, BAR = 29.80, some scattered clouds in mostly blue skies, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 94, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 60%, Lo = 9%. |
8/13/2020 |
8:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. AT observation: temp + 71, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.85, Pale blue skies, Haze over Mountains. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 62%. Lo = 11%. |
8/14/2020 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: Very slight Breeze, Pale blue skies to east, Heavy haze over mountains, temp = 71, Hum = 24%, BAR = 29.80. Overnight temp Hi 93, Lo = 69, Humidity Hi = 37%, Lo = 9%. Heavy haze continued through morning and extended past Colorado Springs obscuring the mountains and even Pikes Peak. |
8/17/2020 |
1:10 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Sign of moisture. At observation: temp = 89.2, Hum = 16%, BAR = 30.00, Partly cloudy skies, Light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 62%, Lo = 16%. Brief Power outage from 5:30PM to 6:30 PM. |
8/18/2020 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Twenty second day without moisture. At observation: temp = 72.4, Hum = 29%, BAR = 29.90, thin scattered clouds in blue skies, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 94, Lo = 70, Humidity Hi = 29%, Lo = 12%. |
8/19/2020 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Twenty Third day without moisture. At observation: temp = 67.8, Hum = 44%, BAR = 29.90, light overcast, calm, Very Dry. Overnight temp 96, Lo = 68, Humidity Hi = 44%, Lo = 9%. |
8/20/2020 |
7:34 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture - It is very Dry. At observation: temp + 68, Hum = 55%, BAR = 29.80, Pale Blue skies, Hazy over mountains, calm. Overnight temp Hi + 91, Lo = 66, Humidity Hi = 55%, Lo = 17%. |
8/21/2020 |
8:31 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Twenty Fifth day without moisture. At observation: temp = 70.7, Hum = 55%, BAR = 29.80, Hazy, mountains obscured, overcast, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 89, lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 55%, Lo = 21%. |
8/26/2020 |
7:36 AM |
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Only a trace of rain, No moisture in rain gauge. At observation: Partly overcast, calm, still very dry, temp = 72, Hum = 38%, BAR = 29.75. Overnight temp Hi = 94, Lo = 70, Humidity Hi = 38%, Lo = 13%. |
8/27/2020 |
7:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 66.6, Hum = 52%, BAR = 29.75, Bright blue skies, haze over mountains. Overnight temp Hi = 91, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 61%, Lo = 18%. Some wind in the afternoon. |
8/28/2020 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 66.5, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.80, Cloudy skies, light breezy gusts, dry. Overnight temp Hi = 93, Lo = 67, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 14%. Re-potted some houseplants. AT 2:30 PM, Rain started with 0.02" by 5:30 PM, temp = 73, Hum = 51%, BAR = 29.85. At 7:43 PM, BAR = 29.90
, Temp = 68, Hum = 70%. |
8/29/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.08 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.08". At observation: temp = 61.9, Hum = 73%, BAR = 29.85, Scattered clouds, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 78, lo = 60, Humidity Hi = 77%, Lo = 35%. Saw a praying mantis in the bean plants. By 3:30 PM, another 0.01" of rain. |
8/30/2020 |
7:11 AM |
0.01 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.01". At observation: temp = 64.0, Hum = 73%, BAR = 29.70, Pale blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 73%, Lo = 35%. |
8/31/2020 |
8:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No additional moisture. At observation: temp + 56.3, Hum = 50%, Bar = 29.80, pale blue skies, light breeze. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 52, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 12%. Saw some migrant birds -- blue jays and black birds. At 4:59, BAR = 29.60, Temp = 77, Hum = 31%, mostly cloudy, breezy. |
9/1/2020 |
7:31 AM |
0.06 |
0.0 |
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Total Rain overnight = 0.06". At observation: temp = 56.5, Hum = 77%, BAR = 29.70, Thin scattered clouds in mostly blue skies, calm. Overnight temp hi = 77, Lo = 56, Humidity Hi = 77%, Lo = 31%. |
9/2/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Forgot to take readings today. |
9/3/2020 |
8:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No sign of moisture. At observation: Temp = 63, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.95, High thin scattered clouds, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 87, Lo = 578, Humidity Hi = 77%, Lo = 12%. |
9/4/2020 |
7:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 62.1, hum = 36%, BAR = 29.90, Bright blue skies, light breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 87, Lo = 62, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 15%. |
9/5/2020 |
9:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings by Rob. No moisture. At observation: temp = 78=6, Hum = 28%, BAR = 30.0. Overnight temp Hi = 88, Lo = 64, Humidity Hi = 36%, Lo = 12%. |
9/6/2020 |
9:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings by Rob. At observation: temp = 79, Hum = 15%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 96, LO = 71, Humidity Hi = 28%, Lo = 9%. At 11:00 PM, the moon was blood red. |
9/7/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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NO new moisture. At observation: temp = 65.5, Hum = 29%, BAR = 29.70, Hazy smoggy skies, breezy. Overnight Temp Hi = 94, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 30%, Lo = 9%. Moved in remainder of house plants. At 7:47 PM, temp = 72, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.60. |
9/8/2020 |
7:49 AM |
0.47 |
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Rain overnight = 0.47". At observation: still raining with some fine snow beginning to stick, cloudy, windy out of east, temp = 37.0, Hum = 85%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 90, Lo = 38, Humidity Hi = 86%, Lo = 9%. Turned off AC, turned on furnace. AT 9:03 PM, temp = 34, Hum = 85%, BAR 30.05. |
9/9/2020 |
7:41 AM |
0.45 |
1.7 |
0.45 |
1.7 |
0.45 |
Continuation of Rain and snow with 1.75" of patchy snow and a water content of 0.45". At observation: very overcast, calm, a crystal forest, temp = 33.8, Hum = 82%, BAR = 30.00. Overnight temp Hi + 38. Lo = 34, Humidity Hi = 87%, Lo = 81%. |
9/10/2020 |
7:58 AM |
0.01 |
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Total Moisture overnight = 0.01". At observation: Overcast, very light breeze, temp + 41.2, Hum = 76%, BAR = 30.05. Overnight temp Hi = 42, Lo = 35, Humidity Hi = 82%, Lo = 68%. |
9/11/2020 |
8:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 46.9, Hum = 74%, BAR = 29.90, Pale blue skies, calm, dew on grass and other surfaces. Overnight temp Hi = 54, Lo = 42, Humidity Hi = 78%, Lo = 51%. |
9/12/2020 |
7:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: Temp = 53.8, Hum = 55%, BAR = 29.90, Pale blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 70, Lo = 48, Humidity Hi = 73%, Lo = 25%. |
9/13/2020 |
7:16 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 55, Hum = 41%, BAR = 29.95, Pale blue skies, light windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 53.8, Humidity Hi = 43%, Lo = 14%. |
9/14/2020 |
7:22 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp + 61.2, Hum 31%. BAR = 30.00, mostly pale blue skies, hazy to east, light wind. Overnight temp Hi = 82, Lo = 57, Humidity Hi = 41%, Lo = 11%. |
9/15/2020 |
8:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No New Moisture. At observation: Hum = 27%, BAR = 29.95, Light overcast, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 61.2, Humidity Hi = 32%, Lo = 11%. Leaves are turning on Burr Oak, Black walnut, and Linden trees. |
9/16/2020 |
7:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 57.7, Hum = 31%, BAR = 30.00, Hazy, Overcast, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 57.7, Humidity Hi = 33%, Lo = 11%. |
9/17/2020 |
8:26 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp + 59.5, Hum = 52%, BAR = 30.00, Very Hazy, Breezy. Overnight temp Hi = 74, Lo = 57.7, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 30%. |
9/18/2020 |
7:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: Temp = 56.1, Hum = 51%, BAR = 30.00, cloudy, gloomy, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 83, Lo = 57, Humidity Hi = 56%, Lo = 11%. |
9/19/2020 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new Moisture. At observation: 65.3, Hum = 25%, BAR = 29.85, Partly cloudy, clouds building, breezy. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 57, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 13%. At 9:04 PM, temp = 74, Hum = 19%, BAR = 29.75. |
9/20/2020 |
8:41 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No New Moisture. At observation: temp + 66.7, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.80, scattered clouds, light wind, long contrails. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 63, Humidity Hi = 31%, Lo = 11%. |
9/21/2020 |
7:32 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Eleventh day with No Moisture. At observation: Pale blue skies, slightly Hazy skies, very slight breeze, temp = 57.5, Hum = 48%, BAR = 29.90. Overnight temp Hi = 84, Lo = 57.5, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 16%. |
9/22/2020 |
7:32 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No moisture. At observation: temp = 60.6, Hum = 36%, BAR = 29.90, Partly Cloudy, Hazy skies, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 85, Lo = 59, Humidity Hi = 47%, Lo = 13%. |
9/23/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp + 61.3, Hum = 365, BAR = 29.85, Mostly cloudy, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 83, Lo = 61, Humidity Hi = 37%, Lo = 16%. |
9/24/2020 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 59.9, Hum = 30%, BAR = 29.85, Pale blue skies, thin scattered clouds, breezy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 83, Lo = 60, Humidity Hi = 37%, Lo = 13%. |
9/25/2020 |
7:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. At observation: temp = 64.9, Hum = 22%, BAR = 29.75, pale blue skies, breezy, some thin scattered clouds. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 60, Humidity Hi = 30%, Lo = 11%. |
9/26/2020 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 67.8, Hum = 20%, BAR = 29.70, Cloudy, Dreary,windy gusts. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 60, Humidity Hi = 23%, Lo = 11%. Watered Lawn and trees. |
9/27/2020 |
7:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Seventeenth day without moisture. At observation: temp = 54, Hum = 53%, BAR = 29.75, Partly cloudy, Calm. Overnight temp Hi = 86, Lo = 53, Humidity Hi = 53%, Lo = 11%. At 8:58 Am, the wind came up. At 6:58 PM, sprinkles started, temp = 47, Hum = 66%, BAR = 29.95. AT 7:44 PM, BAR = 30.00. |
9/28/2020 |
7:47 AM |
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Only a trace of Rain, too little to measure. At observation: Clear blue skies, temp = 41.6, Hum = 54%, BAR = 30.10. Overnight temp Hi = 55. Lo = 41.6, Humidity Hi = 67%, Lo = 41%. |
9/29/2020 |
7:32 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No new moisture. At observation: temp = 49.1, Hum = 27%, BAR = 30.00, clear Pale blue skies. Overnight temp Hi = 61, Lo = 44, Humidity Hi = 54%, Lo = 20%. |
9/30/2020 |
7:36 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Moisture. AT observation: temp = 52.8, Hum = 24%, BAR = 30.00, Rosy haze to east, Pale blue skies, calm. Overnight temp Hi = 78, Lo = 51, Humidity Hi = 27%, lo = 13%. |