Observation Date |
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10/1/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Oct 1st 47 Degrees, light drizzling fog w/2 mi. visibility, 5.6 mph North wind. Mon Sept 30th saw High 85 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees, heavy clouds developing to North and West in late afternoon. |
10/2/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Oct 2nd 42 Degrees, light drizzle, Fog w/1 mi. visibility 2.8 mph North wind. Tues Oct 1st saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 42 Degrees, patchy low lying fog w/drizzle all day. |
10/3/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Oct 3rd 39 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, dew on grass, no wind. Wed Oct 2nd saw High 66 Degrees overnight Low 32 Degrees, early morning light drizzle & fog resulted in .01 inch moisture. |
10/4/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Oct 4th 50 Degrees, overcast skies w/light drizzly fog 3 mi. visibility, 9.6 mph South wind. Thurs Oct 3rd saw High 71 Degrees overnight Low 39 Degrees. |
10/5/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Oct 5th 48 Degrees, scattered clouds, 9.2 mph North wind. Fri Oct 4th saw High 84 Degrees overnight Low 48 Degrees. At 8:00 p.m. lightening in cloud bank to distant North, no moisture for us. Wed low temps froze garden vines. |
10/6/2019 |
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7:0 a.m. Sun Oct 6th 48 Degrees, overcast w/heavier clouds on North/South horizons, 5.0 mph NE wind. Sat Oct 5th saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 37 Degrees. |
10/7/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Oct 7th 40 Degrees, clear skies, 3.0 mph West wind. Sun Oct 6th saw High 68 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees. |
10/8/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Oct 8th 39 Degrees, few light scattered clouds w/heavier cloud bank on West/North horizons, 2.4 mph West wind. Mon Oct 7th saw High 82 Degrees overnight Low 39 Degrees. |
10/9/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Oct 9th 42 Degrees, scattered light clouds, 1.4 mph West wind. Tues Oct 8th saw High 89 Degrees overnight Low 38 Degrees. |
10/10/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Oct 10th 47 Degrees, overcast skies, 9.3 mph NW wind. Wed Oct 9th saw High 85 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees. Strong NE winds arrived 3:30 p.m., at 6 p.m. 69 Degrees 11.4 mph NE wind, rain came around 10 p.m. |
10/11/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Oct 11th 15 Degrees, clear skies, 3.3 mph West wind, heavy frost, light snow covered grass areas. Thurs Oct 10th saw High 33 Degrees overnight Low 13 Degrees. Light snow started at approx 1 p.m. and stopped at 3:30 p.m. |
10/12/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Oct 12th 26 Degrees, clear skies, 2.4 mph West wind, very light frost, snow has melted. Fri Oct 11th saw High 55 Degrees overnight Low 15 Degrees. |
10/13/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Oct 13th 28 Degrees, clear skies, 2.1 mph West wind, no frost. Sat Oct 12th saw High 72 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees. |
10/14/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Oct 14th 40 Degrees, scattered clouds, 3.2 mph West wind, no frost. Sun Oct 13th saw High 80 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. |
10/15/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Oct 15th 30 Degrees, clear skies, light frost, 3.6 mph West wind. Mon Oct 14th saw High 81 Degrees overnight Low 30 Degrees. |
10/16/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Oct 16th 36 Degrees, scattered light high clouds, no frost, 4.4 mph West wind. Tues Oct 15th saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 29 Degrees. |
10/17/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Oct 17th 40 Degrees, scattered light high clouds, no frost, 4.0 mph West wind. Wed Oct 16th saw High 85 Degrees overnight Low 38 Degrees. |
10/18/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Oct 18th 42 Degrees, clear skies w/cloud bank on West horizon, no frost, 2.1 mph West wind. Thurs Oct 17th saw High 90 Degrees overnight Low 39 Degrees. |
10/19/2019 |
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7:10 a.m. Sat Oct 19th 27 Degrees, clear skies, light frost, 1.8 mph West wind. Fri Oct 18th was cool and windy w/light rain shower 3-4:30 p.m. Rain gauge down for winter, so not measured. |
10/20/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Oct 20th 45 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, no frost, 4.9 mph West wind. Sat Oct 19th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees. |
10/21/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Oct 21st 37 Degrees, clear skies overhead w/cloud banks on West/North horizons, 10.6 mph NW wind. Sun Oct 20th saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees, w/strong NW winds. 2:45 p.m. Temp 53 Degrees, 21.8 mph NW winds w/blowing dirt, visibility at 1/2 mi. Received 5 minute very light rain showers at 5:20 p.m, 5:45 p.m. and 6 p.m., strong winds negated the recording of amount of moisture. Heavy sprinkles on North windows. |
10/22/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Oct 22nd 28 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/cloud bank to North and scattered clouds to East, 1.6 mph West wind. Mon Oct 21st saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees, steady wind all day. |
10/23/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Oct 23 37 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/heavy cloud bank to North/Northeast, light frost, 4.1 mph NW wind. Tues Oct 22nd saw High 68 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
10/24/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Oct 24th 23 Degrees, light overcast upper cloud layer w/heavier clouds to East horizon, light frost, 3.2 mph West wind. Wed Oct 23rd saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees, strong North winds all day till late evening. |
10/25/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Oct 25th 25 Degrees, clear skies, light frost, 3.4 mph NW wind. Thurs Oct 24th saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. |
10/26/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Oct 26th 36 Degrees, clear skies, no frost, 2.1 mph West wind. Fri Oct 25th saw High 68 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees. |
10/27/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Oct 27th 27 Degrees, overcast skies, w/freezing drizzle (thin layer of ice on vehicles-1/8 inch, 8.0 mph North wind. Sat Oct 26th saw High 81 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees, wind came up at 6 p.m. |
10/28/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Oct 28th 19 Degrees, currently snowing-light fluffy w/one-half inch dry snow on the ground, 2.3 mph NE wind, overcast skies, snow started after 5:30 a.m. Sun Oct 27th saw High 34 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees. |
10/29/2019 |
7:20 AM |
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7:20 a.m. Tues Oct 29th 21 Degrees, currently snowing-light tiny flakes w/one-quarter inch on ground, strong 9.4 mph North wind drifting snow. Mon Oct 28th saw High in Low 30's overnight Low 13 Degrees, total snow fall approx 2 inches as started to melt early afternoon when sun came out briefly while still snowing. |
10/30/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Oct 30th 12 Degrees, overcast skies, no longer snowing, average 2.625 inches snow w/some drifting of snow, 3.9 mph North wind. Tues Oct 29th saw High 22 Degrees overnight Low 12 Degrees, snowed most of day with a brief break at noon. A very dry snow. |
10/31/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Oct 31st 10 Degrees, clear skies, 1.9 mph West wind w/avg 2 inches snow covering ground from all storms. Wed Oct 30th saw High 21 Degrees overnight Low 1 Degrees, skiff snow showers during the day, not enough to measure. Sun came out in afternoon. |
11/1/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri. Nov 1st 27 Degrees, broken cloud cover, 2.3 mph West wind, avg. 2.0 inches snow remain on ground w/small open patches. Thurs Oct 31st saw High 46 Degrees overnight Low 8 Degrees. |
11/2/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Nov 2nd 25 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 3.9 mph West wind, 1.0 inch snow remains on ground w/large open patches. Fri. Nov 1st saw High 45 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees. |
11/3/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Nov 3rd 32 Degrees, partly cloudy skies, light frost, 1.8 mph West wind, .5 inch snow remains in shaded areas. Sat Nov 2nd saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 25 Degrees. |
11/4/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Nov 4th 37 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, no frost, 1.8 mph South wind, .25 inch snow remains in small shaded areas. Sun Nov 3rd saw High 63 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees. |
11/5/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Nov 5th 25 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 1.8 mph SW wind, very small patches of snow in shaded areas. Mon Nov 4th saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees. |
11/6/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Nov 6th 31 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 1.8 mph West wind, minor amount of small patches of snow in shaded areas. Tues Nov 5th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees. Layer of smog from Front Range visible to West and North. |
11/7/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Nov 7th 29 Degrees, heavy cloud bank to East and SE, 6.0 mph SW wind, small patches of snow in shaded areas, 1/16th inch lay of ice on surfaces from Wed freezing misty rain that occurred 11:30 a.m. to early evening. Wed Nov 6th saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
11/8/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Nov 8th 30 Degrees, clear skies w/light fog dissipating, heavy frost, 2.6 mph West wind, minor amount of patchy snow remains. Thurs Nov 7th saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
11/9/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Nov 9th 38 Degrees, clear skies to South w/light scattered high clouds to West, North and East, no frost, 4.1 mph West wind, snow has all melted. Fri. Nov 8th saw High 70 Degrees overnight Low 30 Degrees. |
11/10/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Nov 10th 28 Degrees, light scattered upper layer of clouds, light frost, 2.3 mph SW wind. Sat Nov 9th saw High 80 Degrees overnight Low 25 Degrees. |
11/11/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Nov 11th 11 Degrees, overcast skies, 1/4 inch ice on surfaces topped w/1/2 inch light dry snow, 5.3 mph North wind. Sun Nov 10th saw High 72 Degrees overnight Low 11 Degrees. Snow/freezing rain came in late evening/early morning hours. |
11/12/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Nov 12th 15 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 1/4 inch snow remains on ground, 3.5 mph South wind. Mon Nov 11th saw High 22 Degrees overnight Low 4 Degrees, sun came out and melted some of the snow. |
11/13/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Nov 13th 46 Degrees, clear skies, no frost, snow has all melted, 7.6 mph NW wind. Tues Nov 12th saw High 66 Degrees overnight Low 14 Degrees. |
11/14/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Nov 14th 33 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/heavy clouds to SW, rained sometime before 6:00 a.m., light layer of ice on surfaces w/some water puddles, heavy fog from 6:00-6:45 a.m. 2.0 mph West wind. Wed Nov 13th saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. |
11/15/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Nov 15th 35 Degrees, light high clouds w/heavy clouds to South, light frost, 4.3 mph West wind. Thurs Nov 14th saw High 59 Degrees overnight Low 32 Degrees. |
11/16/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Nov 16th 39 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, 2.2 mph West wind. Fri Nov 15th saw High 72 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees. |
11/17/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Nov 17th 24 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 3.1 mph West wind. Sat Nov 16th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees, at 4:30 p.m. a light rain shower came from NW, no measurable moisture. |
11/18/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Nov 18th 42 Degrees, clear skies, no frost, 3.2 mph West wind. Sun Nov 17th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees. |
11/19/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Nov 19th 28 Degrees, overcast skies w/light upper clouds, slight frost, no wind. Mon Nov 18th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. |
11/20/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Nov 20th 35 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy lower clouds, no frost, 2.8 mph West wind. Tues Nov 19th saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. |
11/21/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Nov 21st 29 Degrees, overcast skies, layer of ice/snow mix on surfaces, 4.1 mph West wind. Wed Nov 20th saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 29 Degrees. Light rain mist at 5 p.m. turned to snow by 6 p.m. Recv'd 1/4 inch snow. |
11/22/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Nov 22nd 26 Degrees, overcast skies, 3/8 inch snow on ground, 2.2 mph South wind. Thurs Nov 21st saw High 34 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees, additional skiff of snow fell after 5 p.m. |
11/23/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Nov 23rd 30 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, no snow on ground, 6.2 mph West wind. Fri Nov 22nd saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
11/24/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Nov 24th 30 Degrees, scattered light upper clouds, light frost, 4.2 mph West wind. Sat Nov 23rd saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
11/25/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Nov 25th 27 Degrees, overcast skies, light frost, 1.8 mph SW wind. Sun Nov 24th saw High 71 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees.
11/26/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Nov 26th, snowing moderately wet snow, 18.0 mph NE wind, 1 mile visibility, snow drifts 5-9 inches. Mon Nov 25th saw High 46 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. Snow started after 10 p.m. |
11/27/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Nov 27th Negative 2 Degrees, cloud banks to South/West,light scattered clouds overhead, 4.1 West wind. Tues Nov 26th saw High 29 Degrees overnight Low Negative 4 Degrees. Major snow storm stopped by 4:00 p.m. 19.5 in, 11.5 in & 8 in snow drifts-Avg 13 inches total snow for Mon/Tues. Recv'd a skiff of snow after 5:00 p.m. |
11/28/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Nov 28th 30 Degrees, overcast skies, 9.0 mph SE wind. 4:00 a.m. Very strong winds. Wed Nov 27th saw High 30 Degrees overnight Low -3 Degrees, some melting of snow mid-afternoon, avg 9 inches snow on ground, some bare spots due to wind. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! |
11/29/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Nov 29th 31 Degrees, heavy freezing fog 1/4 mi. visibility, 5.0 mph SE wind. Thurs Nov 28th saw High 34 Degrees overnight Low 30 Degrees, some melting of snow throughout the day, avg 9 inch snow on ground, some blowing of snow drifts. |
11/30/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Nov 30th 29 Degrees, overcast skies, 26.4 mph North wind. Fri. Nov 29th saw High 38 Degrees overnight Low 29 Degrees. Scattered light rain 10:30-11:00 a.m., sun shone briefly mid-morning,some melting of snow, heavy fog most of day. 10:00 p.m. light snow shower approx 1/8 inch w/strong South winds following changed to North winds later in late evening/early morning. |
12/1/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Dec 1st 23 Degrees, clear skies, 11.0 mph NW wind. Sat Nov 30th saw High 31 Degrees overnight Low 22 Degrees, strong gusty winds all day causing ground blizzards and blowing of soil, Average of 5.0 inches snow on ground some bare patches. |
12/2/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Dec 2nd 16 Degrees, light scattered upper layer clouds, heavy layer of frost, 3.0 mph West wind. Sun Dec 1st saw High 41 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees, sun shone mid-day w/some melting of snow. Average of 5 inches snow remains. |
12/3/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Dec 3rd 28 Degrees, clear skies overhead w/cloud banks to East/South, light frost, 4.2 mph SW wind. Mon Dec 2nd saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees, sun shone most of day w/more melting of snow, larger open areas w/avg 5.0 inch snow in large drifts. |
12/4/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Dec 4th 29 Degrees, partly cloudy w/cloud banks to West/South, heavy frost, 2.4 mph West wind. Tues Dec 3rd saw High 55 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees, sunny day w/50% snow melted leaving large open areas. Avg 3.0 inches in snow drifts.
12/5/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Dec 5th 31 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavier cloud banks to West/South, light frost, light fog burning off, 1.4 mph SW wind. Wed Dec 4th saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees, sunny day, larger areas of snow drifts remain in protected areas w/some snow remaining in open areas, avg 2.5 inches. |
12/6/2019 |
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7:15 a.m. Fri. Dec 6th 24 Degrees, scattered light upper clouds, heavy frost w/hoar-frost on trees, light fog burning off, 1.9 mph SW wind. Thurs Dec 3rd, missed the High/Low Temps,light rain sprinkle/snow mix at 11:00 a.m., some melting of snow, drifts have decreased in size and number. |
12/7/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Dec 7th 26 Degrees, broken overcast upper layer of clouds, heavy frost, 1.6 mph West wind. Fri Dec 6th saw High 53 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees, nice sunny warm day, lots of snow melted, 5.0 inch drifts remain in protected areas. |
12/8/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Dec 8th 37 Degrees, overcast skies, very light frost, 2.8 mph SW wind. Sat Dec 7th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees, nice sunny warm day, more snow melted, patches of snow remain in protected areas.
12/9/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Dec 9th 25 Degrees, scattered heavy clouds w/cloud bank to North and Northwest, very light frost, 7.1 mph NW wind. Sun Dec 8th saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees, fewer and smaller snow drifts in protected areas. |
12/10/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Dec 10th 28 Degrees, overcast skies, light frost, calm no wind. Mon Dec 9th overcast day, cool, I missed the High/Low Temps. Small snow patches remain in protected areas. |
12/11/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Dec 11th 24 Degrees, clear skies w/cloud bank on NW horizon, light frost, calm no wind. Tues Dec 10th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 18 Degrees. Small snow patches remain in protected areas. |
12/12/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Dec 12th 26 Degrees, overcast skies, light frost, 2.4 mph West wind. Wed Dec 11th saw High 57 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. Small snow patches remain in protected areas. |
12/13/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Dec 13th 30 Degrees, heavy scattered clouds, very light frost, 3.0 mph NW wind. Thurs Dec 12th saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. Snow patches have dwindled to half the size. |
12/14/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Dec 14th 31 Degrees, overcast skies, very light frost, 1.4 mph SE wind. Fri Dec 13th saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. Strong winds mid day that subsided by 4 p.m., snow patches are almost gone. |
12/15/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Dec 15th 24 Degrees overcast skies, heavy frost, 7.4 mph NW wind. Sat Dec 14th saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees, 7:15-8:30 a.m. light snow flurries covering the road, light snow again 4-8 p.m. totaling 1/8 inch snow. |
12/16/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Dec 16th 19 Degrees, light overcast skies w/heavier clouds on West horizon, 6.3 mph NW wind. Sun Dec 15th saw High 36 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees, previous days snow has melted w/little snow patches in some protected areas. |
12/17/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Dec 17th 11 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 4.0 mph West wind. Mon Dec 16th saw High 37 Degrees overnight Low 10 Degrees, very small and few snow drifts remain. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Dec 18th 22 Degrees, clear skies, light frost, 5.6 mph West wind. Tues Dec 17th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 11 Degrees, few snow drifts remain. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Dec 19th 17 Degrees, overcast skies, very light frost, 2.5 mph West wind. Wed Dec 18th saw High 61 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees, few snow drifts remain. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Dec 20th 25 Degrees, clear skies, very light frost, 2.4 mph West wind. Thurs Dec 19th saw High 53 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees, few snow drifts remain. |
12/21/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Dec 21st 25 Degrees, few scattered clouds overhead w/cloud banks on West and East horizons, minor frost, 4.0 mph SW wind. Fri Dec 20th saw High 53 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees, few small snow drifts remain. |
12/22/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Dec 22nd 33 Degrees overcast skies, no frost, 4.1 mph West wind. Sat Dec 21st saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees, tiny snow drifts remain. |
12/23/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Dec 23rd 34 Degrees overcast skies, no frost, 3.5 mph West wind. Beautiful sunrise! Sun Dec 22nd saw High 63 Degrees overnight Low 29 Degrees, tiny snow drifts remain. |
12/24/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Dec 24th 34 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, 3.0 mph West wind. Mon Dec 23rd saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees, tiny snow drifts are dwindling. |
12/25/2019 |
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7:00 a.m.Wed Dec 25th 27 Degrees, overcast skies, very light frost, 2.1 mph West wind. Tues Dec 24th saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees, tiny snow drifts are almost gone. May the Peace of Christ be with you this Christmas Season! |
12/26/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Dec 26th 33 Degrees, overcast skies, 1.4 mph North wind. Wed Dec 25th saw High 55 Degrees overnight Low 22 Degrees. Light rain fell before 10 p.m. and froze on vehicles as a layer of ice. |
12/27/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Dec 27th 29 Degrees, overcast skies, no wind, heavy frost. Thurs Dec 26th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees. Fog moved in after dark at approx. 9 p.m. gone by Fri morning. Snow has all melted. |
12/28/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Dec 28th, overcast skies, 2.5 mph North wind, light pin point size snow falling on ice covered surfaces. Fri. Dec 27th saw High 38 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees. Light snow at 12:30 p.m., followed w/fog arriving at approx 4 p.m. and cleared at approx. 9 p.m. |
12/29/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Dec 29th 24 Degrees, overcast skies, 15 .9 mph NW wind, snowing/drifting snow. Sat Dec 28th saw High 32 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. Received wet snow during day hours w/light fluffy snow falling in evening hours. |
12/30/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Dec 30th 20 Degrees, clear skies w/cloud bank to Northeast, 9.3 mph NW wind. Sun Dec 29th saw High 29 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees. Strong 26.0 mph NW wind at 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m., visibility near zero. Wind died down after 12:45 p.m., sun broke thru momentarily, clear visibility, temp 29 Degrees. Wind came back up late afternoon. Difficult to know when snow stopped with strong winds. Snow measurement is an estimate. |
12/31/2019 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Dec 31st 12 Degrees, clear skies, light frost, 4.5 mph West wind. Mon Dec 30th saw High 37 Degrees overnight Low 9 Degrees. Half inch of snow remains on grassy areas. |
1/1/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Jan 1st 21 Degrees, 2.9 mph West wind, broken cloud cover w/cloud bank to West, very light frost. Tues Dec 31st saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 12 Degrees. Some snow melted as sun shone most of day and clear skies. Approximately 1/4 inch snow covering grassy areas. Happy New Year! |
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Thurs Jan 2nd 29 Degrees, 4.7 mph NW wind, scattered cloud cover w/cloud bank to West/South, moderate frost. Wed Jan 1st saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 21 Degrees. Small patches of snow remain in protected areas. Very light rain sprinkle at approx 4 p.m. |
1/3/2020 |
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Fri Jan 3rd 22 Degrees, 3.1 mph West wind, scattered cloud cover, moderate frost. Thurs Jan 2nd saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 22 Degrees. Very small patches snow remain in protected areas. |
1/4/2020 |
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Sat Jan 4th 27 Degrees, 8.2 mph SW wind, clear skies overhead w/cloud bank on West & North horizons, moderate frost. Fri Jan 3rd saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 21 Degrees. Very small patches snow remain in protected areas. |
1/5/2020 |
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Sun Jan 5th 30 Degrees, 5.8 mph NW wind, clear skies w/distant cloud bank on South horizon, slight frost. Sat Jan 4th saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees. Very small patches snow remain in protected areas. |
1/6/2020 |
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Mon Jan 6th 20 Degrees, 1.7 mph NW wind, clear skies w/small cloud bank to NW horizon, light frost. Sun Jan 5th saw High 45 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees. Very small patches snow remain in protected areas. |
1/7/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Jan 7th, no wind, clear skies, very light frost. Mon Jan 6th saw High 46 Degrees overnight Low 18 Degrees, high winds from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. with low visibility due to blowing soil. Very small snow patches have dwindled in size and number in protected areas. |
1/8/2020 |
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7:00 Wed Jan 8th 26 Degrees, 1.7 mph West wind, scattered clouds, very light frost. Tues Jan 7th saw High 63 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees. Very small patches remain in protected areas. |
1/9/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jan 9th 23 Degrees, 3.6 mph West wind, overcast skies, light frost. Wed Jan 8th saw High 51 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees. Few snow patches remain in protected areas. |
1/10/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jan 10th 31 Degrees, 4.0 mph NW wind, overcast skies, light snow falling, no frost. Thurs Jan 9th saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. Few tiny snow patches remain in protected areas. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jan 11th 13 Degrees, 4.8 mph West wind clear skies overhead w/cloud bank to West, heavy frost. Fri Jan 10th saw High 25 Degrees overnight Low minus 2 Degrees. Snow started at approx 7 a.m. w/tiny flakes and increased to bigger wet flakes by 8 a.m., covering the ground w/1/2 inch snow, and stopped by 9:45 a.m. |
1/12/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jan 12th 16 Degrees, 3.4 mph SW wind, broken clouds, light frost. Sat Jan 11th saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 13 Degrees, sun shone midday with melting of snow, leaving patches in protected areas. |
1/13/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jan 13th 12 Degrees, 1.5 mph South wind, scattered clouds, light frost. Sun Jan 12th saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 11 Degrees. Small patches snow remain in protected areas. |
1/14/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jan 14th 26 Degrees, 7.0 mph South wind, clear skies, very light frost. Mon Jan 13th saw High 53 Degrees overnight Low 11 Degrees. Snow has dwindled to tiny patches in protected areas. |
1/15/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jan 15th 19 Degrees, 3.2 mph West wind, clear skies overhead, cloud bank on South horizon, very light frost. Tues Jan 14th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees. Tiny snow patches remain in protected areas. |
1/16/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jan 16th 27 Degrees, 15.9 mph South wind, overcast skies, no frost. Wed Jan 15th saw High 50 Degrees overnight Low 15 Degrees. Minor amount of snow patches remain in protected areas. |
1/17/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jan 17th 28 Degrees, 6.4 mph South wind, overcast skies w/either light fog or dust laden atmosphere, no frost. Thurs Jan 16th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees, high South winds w/blowing dirt and low visibility till 5 p.m. |
1/18/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jan 18th 18 Degrees, 2.9 mph NW wind, light overcast skies, light frost. Fri Jan 17th saw High 55 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees, light wind during day w/moderately high North winds after 6 p.m. There was a very light sprinkle of rain at 2:20 p.m. |
1/19/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jan 19th 12 Degrees, 3.4 mph West wind, clear skies w/one cloud to South, light frost. Sat Jan 18th saw High 42 Degrees overnight Low 10 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jan 20th 13 Degrees, 2.4 mph West wind, clear skies, light frost. Sun Jan 19th saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 12 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jan 21st 26 Degrees, 3.1 mph SW wind, heavy overcast skies, very light frost. Mon Jan 20th saw High 59 Degrees, overnight Low 13 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jan 22nd 32 Degrees, 3.8 mph NW wind, overcast skies, no frost. Tues Jan 21st saw High 52 Degrees overnight Low 27 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jan 23rd 27 Degrees, 5.2 mph NW wind, clear skies w/cloud bank on West horizon, no frost. Wed Jan 22nd saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 25 Degrees. |
1/24/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jan 24th 28 Degrees, 2.1 mph SW wind, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, no frost. Thurs Jan 23rd saw High 50 Degrees overnight Low 18 Degrees, strong North winds most of day. |
1/25/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jan 25th 37 Degrees, 5.1 mph NW wind, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, no frost. Fri Jan 24th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 25 Degrees, light breeze most of day. |
1/26/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jan 26th 27 Degrees, 4.8 mph West wind, clear skies w/heavy cloud bank to SE, very light frost. Sat Jan 25th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. |
1/27/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jan 27th 31 Degrees, 3.1 mph East wind, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, no frost. Sun Jan 26th saw High 61 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jan 28th 28 Degrees, 9.3 mph NW wind, clear skies w/heavy cloud bank to East. Mon Jan 27th saw High 42 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. Light snow shower at 3 p.m, followed w/wet small snow flakes from 4-5:30 p.m., some melted as it fell, measured 1/4 inch on the ground. |
1/29/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jan 29th 27 Degrees, 1.6 mph SW wind, overcast skies, heavy frost. Tues Jan 28th saw High 51 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees, light snow cover in shaded protected areas remains. |
1/30/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jan 30th 21 Degrees, 2.2 mph West wind, clear skies overhead w/heavy clouds on all horizons, heavy frost. Wed Jan 29th saw High 46 Degrees overnight Low 21 Degrees, may have been light sprinkle mid-day as surfaces were wet when I returned home mid-afternoon. |
1/31/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jan 31st 21 Degrees, 5.9 mph West wind, very light frost, clear skies. Thurs Jan 30th saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees, snow flurries from 3:30-4 p.m., no accumulation. |
2/1/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Feb 1st 33 Degrees, scattered clouds, no frost, 5.7 mph West wind. Fri Jan 31st saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 21 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Feb 2nd 47 Degrees, light cloud cover, no frost, 7.7 mph SW wind. Sat Feb 1st saw High 70 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees. |
2/3/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Feb 3rd 23 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, layer of thin ice on surfaces w/tiny snow grains, 8.1 mph NE wind. Sun Feb 2nd saw High 84 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees, very warm sunny day, strong North wind came up after 7 p.m. Not sure if ice layer came from freezing fog or a light rain that froze w/declining temperatures. |
2/4/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Feb 4th 15 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, actively snowing light fluffy w/3/4 to 1 inch on ground, 6.0 mph NE wind causing some drifting of snow. Mon Feb 3rd saw High 28 Degrees overnight Low 15 Degrees. Light snow flurries at 9 p.m, by 11:51 p.m. steady dry flakes covering ground and still falling. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Feb 5th minus 4 Degrees, clear skies, no frost, 2.3 mph West wind. Tues Feb 4th saw High 25 Degrees overnight Low minus 7 Degrees, light snow flurries at various times during the day. |
2/6/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Feb 6th 9 Degrees, partly cloudy w/cloud bank on West horizon, light wind (kestrel meter broke), light frost, 1 inch snow remains on ground. Wed Feb 5th saw High 31 Degrees overnight Low minus 4 Degrees, sun shone and some melting in afternoon. |
2/7/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Feb 7th 28 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, light West wind, 1/2 inch snow remains in patches. Thurs Feb 6th saw High 41 Degrees overnight Low 9 Degrees. Heavy clouds moved thru late afternoon, no moisture. |
2/8/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Feb 8th 17 Degrees, clear skies overhead w/heavy cloud bank on East horizon, light frost and light West wind, sparse patches of snow remain in protected areas. Fri Feb 7th saw High 40 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees. |
2/9/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Feb 9th 29 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, no frost, moderately strong North wind, sparse patches of snow remain in protected areas. Sat Feb 8th saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees, strong SW winds most of day. |
2/10/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Feb 10th 10 Degrees, scattered cloud cover, heavy frost, light NW wind, snow has all melted. Sun Feb 9th saw High 33 Degrees overnight Low 9 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Feb 11th 8 Degrees, light scattered upper clouds w/heavy cloud bank to South, heavy frost, light North wind. Mon Feb 8th saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 8 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Feb 12th 27 Degrees, heavy scattered clouds, heavy frost, moderate NW wind. Tues Feb 9th saw High 41 Degrees overnight Low 8 Degrees, moderate to strong South wind in afternoon. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Feb 13th 16 Degrees, dry big snow flakes falling steadily, 5.1 mph South wind, 1.5 inches snow on ground. Wed Feb 10th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 15 Degrees. Light dusting of graupel 12:30-2:30 p.m., light dusting of dry snow 7:00-8:00 p.m. |
2/14/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Feb 14th 20 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 3.0 mph West wind. Thurs Feb 13th saw High 33 Degrees overnight Low 13 Degrees, snow ceased by 8:30 a.m. and some melting of snow as sun came out. 3/4 inch snow remains on the ground. Happy Valentine's Day! |
2/15/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Feb 15th 17 Degrees, scattered light upper cloud layer, heavy frost, 2.7 mph West wind, snow has all melted. Fri Feb 14th saw High 66 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees, beautiful sunny day! |
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7:00 A.M. Sun Feb 16th 21 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, light frost, no wind. Sat Feb 15th saw High 49 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Feb 17th 34 Degrees, scattered heavy clouds, no frost, 14.0 mph NW wind. Sun Feb 16th saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 22 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Feb 18th 18 Degrees, fog layer burning off and clearing to the West, 2.8 mph NW wind, 3/4 inch wet snow on ground, some melted as a thin patchy layer ice on sidewalks. Mon Feb 17th saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 18 Degrees. Snowing at 9:30 p.m. with approx. 1/4 inch on the ground, small flakes.
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7:00 a.m. Wed Feb 19th 22 Degrees, overcast w/light sporadic dry snow flakes falling, 8.0 mph NE wind, some graupel w/dry dusting of snow on surfaces. Tues Feb 18th saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 14 Degrees. Snow remains in protected areas. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Feb 20th 2 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 1/2 inch dry snow on ground, 3.1 mph West wind. Wed Feb 19th saw High 26 Degrees overnight Low 1 Degrees, light dry snow all day and into evening. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Feb 21st, light low fog burning off, mostly clear skies w/cloud bank on South horizon, heavy frost, 2.9 mph West wind. Thurs Feb 20th saw High 42 Degrees overnight Low 2 Degrees. Patchy snow remains in protected areas. |
2/22/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Feb 22nd 30 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, 2.2 mph West wind. Fri Feb 21st saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees, beautiful sunny day. Patchy snow remains in protected areas. |
2/23/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Feb 23rd 39 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, 6.3 mph NE wind, snow has all melted, smells like rain. Sat Feb 22nd saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 30 Degrees, sunny day. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Feb 24th 28 Degrees, clear skies w/heavy cloud bank on West, North and East horizons, light frost, 7.1 mph West wind. Sun Feb 23rd saw High 57 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Feb 25th 23 Degrees, overcast skies w/blowing snow, 1 mile visibility, 23.3 mph North wind, approx 1/4 inch snow on ground. Mon Feb 24th saw High 42 Degrees overnight Low 23 Degrees. Light snow flurries at 9:50 a.m. w/heavier snow flurries at ll:10-ll:41 a.m. and 1/2 mile visibility, snow melted shortly after snow quit falling. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Feb 26th 1 Degrees, clear skies, heavy frost, 1/2 inch snow on ground. Tues Feb 25th saw High 29 Degrees overnight Low Minus 1 Degrees. Snow started before 7 a.m. and continued till 3:20 p.m. w/18.6 mph North wind at 3:20 p.m., received 1/2 inch snow on dry side. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Feb 27th 37 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, no frost, 7.2 mph NW wind, 1/4 inch snow patches in protected areas remain. Wed Feb 26th saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 4 Degrees, sun came out midday and melted most of the snow. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Feb 28 19 Degrees, heavy frost, clear skies, 1.1 mph West wind, snow has all melted. Thurs Feb 27th saw High 50 Degrees overnight Low 17 Degrees, strong North winds all day, subsiding at dusk. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Feb 29th 28 Degrees, no frost, light scattered upper layer of cloud cover, 2.3 mph West wind. Fri Feb 28th saw High 64 Degrees overnight Low 20 Degrees, moderate wind most of day. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Mar 1st 34 Degrees, no frost, light scattered upper layer clouds, 5.3 mph North wind. Sat Feb 29th saw High 64 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Mar 2nd 29 Degrees, 1/4 inch dry snow on surfaces, moderate heavy cloud cover, 5.3 SW wind. Sun Mar 1st saw High 53 Degrees overnight Low 22 Degrees. Small wet snow flakes began falling at approx 10 p.m., ground was covered by 10:30 p.m., some melted as it fell on cement surfaces. |
3/3/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Mar 3rd 21 Degrees, light frost, clear skies, 2.3 mph West wind. Mon Mar 2nd saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees. All the snow melted. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Mar 4th 26 Degrees, heavy frost, clear skies, 4.2 mph SW wind. Tues Mar 3rd saw High 64 Degrees overnight Low 21 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Mar 5th 28 Degrees, very light frost, clear skies, 7.5 mph NW wind. Wed Mar 4th saw High 74 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees. Lawn is starting to green up. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Mar 6th 32 Degrees, no frost, very light scattered upper layer of cloud cover, 2.9 mph West wind. Thurs Mar 5th saw High 55 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
3/7/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Mar 7th 35 Degrees, no frost, moderately heavy upper layer of cloud cover, 6.4 mph West wind. Fri Mar 6th saw High 78 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Mar 8th Daylight Savings Time 47 Degrees, no frost, heavy cloud cover w/broken areas on South & East horizons, 4.7 mph West wind. Sat Mar 7th saw High 81 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees. |
3/9/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Mar 9th 36 Degrees, Heavy Fog w/ 1/2 mi. visibility, 5.3 mph North wind, 1st rain of the season came after 10 p.m. Sun. Sun Mar 8th saw High 77 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees, heavy cloud developed late afternoon. |
3/10/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Mar 10th 36 Degrees, thin ice layer on most surfaces, 2.1 mph South wind, thin upper layer w/a few scattered heavier clouds. Mon Mar 9th saw High 63 Degrees overnight Low 34 Degrees. Light rain shower at 8:30 p.m. w/some thunder. |
3/11/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Mar 11th 29 Degrees, clear skies overhead w/cloud banks on West/South horizons, thin layer of frost on surfaces, 3.4 mph West wind. Tues Mar 10th saw High 68 Degrees overnight Low 29 Degrees, heavy clouds moved thru late afternoon, no moisture. |
3/12/2020 |
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7:15 a.m. Thurs Mar 12th 38 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, 3.7 mph NW wind. Wed Mar 10th - missed the High/Low temps, it was moderately warm in the 60's, heavy overcast skies late in afternoon. |
3/13/2020 |
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7:00 a .m. Fri Mar 13th 35 Degrees, overcast skies, no frost, 10.0 mph S/SE wind. Thurs Mar 11th saw High 47 Degrees overnight Low 35 Degrees, strong North winds for duration of the day.
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7:00 a.m. Sat Mar 14th 28 Degrees, overcast skies laden with blowing fine snow, fallen snow has a crunchy top layer, 1/4 inch ice on surfaces, 3.7 mph SE wind. Fri Mar 13th saw High 35 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. Light dry snow started at approx 9 a.m. and got wetter in afternoon. No moisture in gauge, only outside. |
3/15/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Mar 15th 31 Degrees, overcast skies w/misty freezing rain, 3/8 inch ice on surfaces, 9.6 mph SE wind. Sat Mar 14th saw High 33 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. There was some melting of the snow on cement surfaces, grassy surfaces have snow w/crunchy icy top layer. No moisture in gauge, only outside. Freezing rain noted at 8 p.m. |
3/16/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Mar 16th 37 Degrees, heavy fog w/ 1/4 mi. visibility, light drizzle, no frost, 3.3 mph North wind, .02 inch moisture in gauge, not sure if from fog or a light shower. Sun Mar 15th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees. Ice started melting & falling off trees/bldgs at 10 a.m. w/34 Degrees., overcast most of the day. |
3/17/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mar 17th 33 Degrees, light fog w/2-3 mi. visibility, layer of bumpy ice on surfaces, 13.5 mph SE wind, light shower early morning. Mon Mar 16th saw High 46 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees, overcast skies most of the day. |
3/18/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Mar 18th 37 Degrees, heavy fog w 1/4 mi. visibility, heavy dew on surfaces, 4.9 mph North wind, moisture maybe from fog. Tues Mar 17th saw High 48 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees, fog most of the day w/sun briefly at dusk. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Mar 19th 43 Degrees, heavy fog w/ 1/4 mi. visibility, .03 inch moisture in rain gauge, either from fog or light rain overnight, 8.7 mph NE wind. Wed Mar 18th saw High 56 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees, scattered heavy clouds most of day w/some sunshine. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Mar 20th 16 Degrees, 1/2 inch dry snow fell during evening hrs, 6.1 mph NE wind, overcast w/some broken cloud areas to South. Thurs Mar 19th saw High 43 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees. Received .18 inch rain from 7-10 a.m. followed by 2 showers of sleet 11:30 a.m.-12 noon, dry snow at 2 p.m., more sleet/graupel at 5 p.m. covering the ground, followed by blowing tiny snow flakes at 5:45 p.m. w/29.5 mph NW wind and ending before 4 a.m. Fri. |
3/21/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Mar 21st 19 Degrees, heavy frost, mostly clear skies w/scattered clouds and cloud bank on Southern horizon, 1/4 inch snow remains on grassy areas, 3.6 mph SW wind. Fri Mar 20th saw High 31 Degrees overnight Low 15 Degrees, overcast most of day w/some melting of snow, light snow flurries for short periods during the day. |
3/22/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Mar 22nd 29 Degrees, heavy frost, light fog, light scattered upper layer w/cloud bank to North, snow has all melted, no wind, only 1 jet flew overhead. Sat Mar 21st saw High 62 Degrees overnight Low 18 Degrees, nice sunny day, grass is growing!! |
3/23/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Mar 23rd 28 Degrees, heavy frost, scattered clouds mostly southern horizon, 3.1 mph SW wind. Sun Mar 22nd saw High 59 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Mar 24th 34 Degrees, thin layer ice on vehicles from light rain that fell at 9:25 p.m., mostly clear skies w.few scattered clouds on NW and Northern horizons, 4.2 mph SW wind. Mon Mar 2 3rd saw High 66 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees, moderate wind died down around 3:30 p.m., heavy clouds to South and West in late evening. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Mar 25th 34 Degrees, very light frost, scattered clouds to North and West, 3.4 mph West wind. Tues Mar 24th saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 34 Degrees, nice calm sunny day. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Mar 26th 35 Degrees, no frost, heavy fog w/ 1/4 mi. visibility, 6.1 mph SE wind. Wed Mar 25th saw High 76 Degrees overnight Low 32 Degrees. Perfect day for gardening! |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Mar 27th 35 Degrees, no frost, overcast skies, 2.2 mph NE wind, .02 inch moisture early morning hrs. Thurs Mar 26th saw High 57 Degrees overnight Low 35 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Mar 28th 34 Degrees, wet small snow flakes falling w/22.6 mph NW wind, 1/4 mi. visibility, approx 1/2-3/4 inch snow on grassy areas w/drifting, slushy snow on cement and roadways, gauge had .23 inch moisture from rain. Heavy wet snow falling w/big flakes at 5:30 a.m. Fri Mar 27th saw High 57 Degrees overnight Low 34 Degrees. Started raining at 7 p.m. as a steady rain and still raining at 9:17 p.m, gauge showed .14. inch moisture then. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Mar 29th 30 Degrees, light frost, clear skies, 3.7 mph SW wind. Sat Mar 28th saw High 51 Degrees overnight Low 29 Degrees. Snow/Blizzard conditions subsided at 12:30 p.m. w/approx 1 1/2 inch snow on grassy areas (.13 inch moisture), 18.1 mph NW wind Temp 39 Degrees and snow melting. Puddles on roadway. Sun came out and 51 Degrees at 1 p.m., snow almost all melted by 5 p.m. |
3/30/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Mar 30th 40 Degrees, no frost, overcast skies, no wind. Sun Mar 29th saw High 62 Degrees overnight Low 30 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Mar 31st 34 Degrees, heavy frost, scattered upper layer clouds, 3.4 mph SW wind, .01 inch moisture from late afternoon/evening clouds. Mon Mar 30th saw High 63 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Apr 1st 34 Degrees, overcast skies, w/heavier clouds to South and West, 1.9 mph SW wind, heavy frost. Tues Mar 31st saw High 74 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Apr 2nd 25 Degrees, overcast skies w/freezing fog - West Horizon 2 mi. visibility, thick layer of ice on vehicles and developing on grass, NE side of trees/objects, 9.9 mph NE wind. Apr 1st saw High 75 Degrees overnight Low 25 Degrees, nice sunny day! |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Apr 3rd 14 Degrees, scattered thin layer cloud cover, 2.7 mph SW wind, 1/4 inch dry snow on top of thin layer of bumpy ice. Thurs Apr 2nd saw High 28 Degrees overnight Low 14 Degrees. Light snow started at approx 7 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Apr 4th 26 Degrees, clear skies, very light frost, 7.2 mph SW wind, all the snow has melted. Fri Apr 3rd saw High 50 Degrees overnight Low 15 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Apr 5th 28 Degrees, light upper layer cloud cover w/few scattered lower layer clouds, light frost, 1.5 mph East wind. Sat Apr 4th saw High 64 Degrees overnight Low 26 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Apr 6th 39 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/cloud bank on East horizon, very light fog in the East, heavy dew on grass/vehicles, 4.3 mph West wind. Sun Apr 5th saw High 75 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees, sunny day. |
4/7/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Apr 7th 44 Degrees, clear skies, no frost or dew, 3.8 mph North wind, Full Moon tonight. Mon Apr 6th saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees, Beautiful sunny day, grass actively growing, trees budding, daffodils have bloomed, oriental poppies up about 3 inches high. |
4/8/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Apr 8th 45 Degrees, clear skies, no frost or dew, 3.8 mph West wind. Tues Apr 7th saw High 82 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees. Heavy clouds developed from the West in late afternoon/evening, no moisture, and made seeing Full Moon difficult. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Apr 9th 30 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/thin cloud layer to South, 1.8 mph NW wind, light dew on grass, light frost on vehicles. Wed Apr 8th saw High 74 Degrees overnight Low 28 Degrees. Cloud cover early evening, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Apr 10th 35 Degrees, partly cloudy, no frost or dew, 3.1 mph South wind. Thurs Apr 9th saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees, High was after 12 noon. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Apr 11th 44 Degrees, scattered few clouds w/cloud banks on North/South horizons, no frost or dew, 7.6 mph NW wind. Fri Apr 10th saw High 81 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees. Heavy clouds at 3 p.m., 5 p.m. a few strikes of lightening and very light sprinkle at 6 p.m. didn't register in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Apr 12th 24 Degrees started w/light dry barely visible snow before 6 a.m., steadily increased in flake size, density and wetness by 7 a.m., 1/2 inch snow w/16.2 mph NE wind and some drifting. Sat Apr 11th saw High 75 Degrees overnight Low 24 Degrees, beautiful day, apricot tree full of blossoms, heavy clouds appeared late afternoon. Happy Easter! although Sat seemed more like an Easter Day!! |
4/13/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Apr 13th 19 Degrees, overcast skies, approx 1.5 inches snow fell since early Sun morning, 2.2 mph NW wind. Sun Apr 12th saw High 31 Degrees overnight Low 16 Degrees. Heavy snow subsided by 8 a.m. w/snow flurries throughout the day and some melting occurred. A dry fluffy snow fell sometime late evening Sunday to early morning Monday. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Apr 14th, clear skies, heavy frost w/1/4 inch dusty of powdery snow, 8.9 mph SW wind. Mon Apr 13th saw High 31 Degrees overnight Low 14 Degrees, most of prior day snow melted, light snow flurries most of day w/heavier amounts mid to late afternoon. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Apr 15th 33 Degrees, partly cloudy, very light frost w/scattering of snow on vehicles, 6.7 mph SW wind. Tues Apr 14th saw High 50 Degrees overnight Low 21 Degrees. Wet snow flakes, the size of dime, started falling before 9:30 p.m. and ceased by 10:30 p.m. Gauge showed .02 inch moisture, may have rained prior to snow, there was a light mist in the air at 7 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m Thurs Apr 16th 30 Degrees, light snow small flakes falling, 1 inch wet snow w/some graupel fell before 5 a.m., 11.0 NE wind. Wed Apr 13th saw High 54 Degrees overnight Low 30 Degrees. |
4/18/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Apr 18th 33 Degrees, light scattered upper layer w/heavy cloud bank to NW, light frost, minimal snow in protected areas remains, 5.3 mph West wind, gauge show .06 inch moisture, may have rained in the night. Fri Apr 17th saw High 59 Degrees overnight Low 19 Degrees.
{EDIT: Observer reported 0.06 for new precip. QPE data and surrounding reports of 0.00's indicate this could be a date error or a multi-day report. 0.06 matches better with reports in the area on the previous day. Changed report of 0.06 to NA until observer can be contacted to verify. Submission Time Before EDIT: 4/18/2020 8:24 AM CoCoSTAFF DNT} |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Apr 19th 35 Degrees, overcast skies, light frost, no wind. Sat Apr 18th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Apr 20th 35 Degrees, mostly clear skies, w/cloud banks on North and SW horizons, 4.1 mph SW wind, light frost, light fog. Sun Apr 19th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees. At 7:30 p.m. 56 Degrees, heavy rain cloud moving South/SE, received couple of drops and 3 Thunder claps. Cloud developed South and East of us with rain base and ground clutter from updraft. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Apr 21st 40 Degrees, mostly clear skies, w/cloud bank to the South, 3.2 mph West wind, no frost or dew. Mon Apr 20th saw High 71 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees. Clouds developed late in day, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Apr 22nd 39 Degrees, partly cloudy, 2.7 mph West wind, heavy dew, no frost. Tues Apr 21st saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 34 Degrees, light sprinkle from dark cloud at 12:30-12:45 p.m. strong winds, 5:30-5:45 p.m. steady sprinkle w/South to SE winds, registered a small drop in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Apr 23rd 48 Degrees, scattered clouds, 7.2 mph West wind, no frost or dew. Wed Apr 22nd saw High 78 Degrees overnight Low 37 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Apr 24th 43 Degrees, overcast and steady light rain since 6:30 a.m. w/.02 inch in gauge, 6.2 mph NW wind, no frost. Thurs Apr 23rd saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 43 Degrees, strong winds mid morning and late evening. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Apr 25th 43 Degrees, heavy overcast skies, light dew on grass/vehicles, 4.6 mph West wind. Fri Apr 24th saw High 64 Degrees overnight Low 37 Degrees. .02 inch moisture from early morning shower, afternoon and late evening. Two day total was .04 inch moisture. At 1:40-1:45 p.m. heavy rain drop shower w/mostly rice size up to pea sized hard white hail, after storm passed to East, 13.5 mph NW wind 53 Degrees. Had .02 inch in gauge at 7 a.m. Fri morning, currently .03 inch moisture, don't know how much from this afternoon storm. |
4/26/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Apr 26th 52 Degrees, upper layer of broken cloud cover, no dew/frost, 7.1 mph West wind. Sat Apr 25th saw High 69 Degrees overnight Low 43 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Apr 27th 48 Degrees, clear skies, light dew on grass, 4.2 mph West wind. Sun Apr 26th saw High 84 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees. 6:55-7:15 p.m. steady light sprinkle, not enough moisture to register in gauge, overcast skies w/heavy clouds, 6.3 mph North wind. |
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7:00 a.m.Tues Apr 28th 53 Degrees, broken cloud cover, no dew/frost, 5.1 mph North wind. Mon Apr 27th saw High 86 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Apr 29th 43 Degrees, clear skies, no dew/frost, 6.3 mph West wind. Tues Apr 28th saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees, strong North wind subsided at dusk. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Apr 30th 59 Degrees, light broken upper layer clouds w/heavier clouds to West, 7.0 mph SW wind, no dew. Wed Apr 29th saw High 80 Degrees overnight Low 45 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri May 1st 65 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/cloud bank to West, no dew, 6.7 mph NW wind. Thurs Apr 30th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, at 10:45 p.m. High SW winds, air filled w/blowing dirt, few drops felt in the air. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat May 2nd 52 Degrees, overcast skies, 4.5 mph NE wind, .20 inch moisture from 5/1 8 p.m. til 5/2 7 a.m., two storm cells. Fri May 1st saw High 92 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees. At 8 p.m. 72 Degrees, heavy clouds all around w/lightening and thunder, a spit of moisture and lots of blowing dirt w/strong East winds. 8:08 p.m. steady heavy rain drops w/wind from North. Rain subsided by 8:40 p.m., strong East winds continue, didn't take gauge measurement. At 2 a.m. Sat May 2nd lots of lightening. |
5/3/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun May 3rd 52 Degrees, clear skies, 6.1 mph SW wind. Sat May 2nd saw High 63 Degrees overnight Low 48 Degrees, overcast day w/heavier clouds moving in early evening, heavy sprinkle at 8:11 p.m., 9 p.m. steady rain, no lightening or thunder, undetermined duration of storm, puddles in roadway and .35 inch in rain gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon May 4th 53 Degrees, heavy overcast skies, 14.7 mph NW wind. Sun May 3rd saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, thunderheads developed early afternoon, 5:30 p.m. several light sprinkle showers, 8:48 p.m. 63 Degrees lots of lightening/thunder. 8:54 p.m. heavy rain w/strong NW wind. Two pea-sized hail events 9-9:04 and 9:10-9:14 p.m. w/heavy rain, 1-2 inch spacing on hail, some shredding of leaves, 52 Degrees, storm subsided by 9:23 p.m., moving to East, .59 inch moisture in gauge. 2nd heavy rain came in early morning hours w/.19 inch moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues May 5th 42 Degrees, clear skies, 4.2 mph West wind. Mon May 4th saw High 65 Degrees overnight Low 37 Degrees, 2:30-2:40 p.m. light rain shower w/.04 inch in gauge, 4:47 Light rain and mist .01 inch moisture, beautiful rainbow to the east 58 Degrees. Recv'd .01 inch moisture late evening/early morning hours. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed May 6th 42 Degrees, clear skies, heavy dew, no wind. Tues May 5th saw High 74 Degrees overnight Low 35 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs May 7th 43 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/few scattered tiny clouds, light dew, no wind. Wed May 6th saw High 74 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri May 8th 40 Degrees, heavy overcast skies, 4.4 mph North wind, light dew no frost. Thurs May 7th saw High 71 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees. High winds late afternoon-late evening, 7:53 p.m. 59 Degrees 26.5 mph North wind, 9:40 p.m. 47 Degrees, 23.4 mph North wind. |
5/9/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat May 9th 39 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/cloud bank on NW horizon, no dew or frost, 5.0 mph NE wind. Fri May 8th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 33 Degrees overcast skies most of day. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun May 10th 41 Degrees, heavy overcast skies, 3.9 mph SW wind, no dew or frost. Sat May 9th saw High 64 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon May 11th 40 Degrees, heavy overcast skies, 7.3 mph SE wind, no dew or frost. Sun May 10th saw High 68 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues May 12th 40 Degrees, scattered clouds w/heavy cloud bank to West, 14.9 mph SW wind, dew on grass. Mon May 11th saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees. Light drizzly rain most of day. At 4:30 p.m. .11 inch moisture in gauge, 14.1 mph SE wind 41 Degrees, overcast skies, rain ceased at approx 5 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed May 13th 48 Degrees, overcast skies, light fog, light dew, 5.6 mph South wind. Tues May 12th saw High 58 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees, strong winds all day. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs May 14th 51 Degrees, scattered clouds w/heavy cloud bank on Northern horizon, heavy dew, 4.6 mph North wind. Wed May 13th saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri May 15th 53 Degrees, overcast skies, heavy dew on grass, some puddles on roads, 4.9 mph North wind. Thurs May 14th saw High 77 Degrees overnight Low 50 Degrees. Light misty rain shower started at 3:40 p.m. and had several heavier rain showers throughout evening w/few isolated thunder claps, no lightening. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat May 16th 52 Degrees, partly cloudy w/heavier cloud bank to Northwest, 6.0 mph West wind, heavy dew on grass. Fri May 15th saw High 72 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees. 4:30-6 p.m. light rain shower, 8:50-9:35 p.m. heavy rain w/lots of lightening & thunder followed w/light rain ending later in evening. |
5/17/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun May 17th 47 Degrees, few scattered clouds w/cloud bank on Southern horizon, 1.4 mph East wind, heavy dew on grass, .01 inch moisture in gauge maybe from dew. Sat May 16th saw High 73 Degrees overnight Low 39 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon May 18th 50 Degrees, moderately heavy upper layer of broken cloud cover, 10.6 mph South wind, heavy dew, light fog. Sun May 17th saw High 74 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues May 19th 56 Degrees, no clouds, light fog, heavy dew, 6.6 mph SE wind. Mon May 18th saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed May 20th 60 Degrees, scattered few upper clouds w/heavier cloud banks on South/East horizons, no dew, 14.8 mph SE wind. Tues May 19th saw High 88 Degrees overnight Low 57 Degrees, strong South winds early afternoon thru late evening. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs May 21st 53 Degrees, overcast w/light misty fog, 3 mile visibility, light dew on grass, 7.7 mph NW wind. Wed May 20th saw High 84 Degrees overnight Low 50 Degrees, 6 p.m. 24.3 mph SE wind with overcast skies w/high thin clouds. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri May 22nd 53 Degrees, light fog, scattered few upper clouds w/heavier cloud bank on Eastern horizon, heavy dew, 3.9 mph NW wind. Thurs May 21st saw High 81 Degrees overnight Low 50 Degrees. .01 inch moisture maybe from Dew. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat May 23rd 59 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, no dew, 8.5 mph SE wind. Fri May 22nd saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 55 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun May 24th 54 Degrees, heavy cloud cover, no dew, 9.4 mph NW wind. Sat May 23rd saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, late afternoon thunderheads developed to North w/some lightening at 9 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon May 25th 46 Degrees, scattered clouds w/after storm clouds moving from West/Northwest to Southeast, 11.9 mph NW wind, heavy dew. Sun May 24th saw High 70 Degrees overnight Low 44 Degrees. Heavy storm clouds moved in mid afternoon, 5:40 p.m. light rain shower till mid evening w/.16 inch moisture in gauge at 7:50 p.m. and steady rain continued to fall. More rain came in late evening/early morning hours. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues May 26th 47 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/cloud bank on Eastern horizon, 3.0 mph West wind, heavy dew, Trace of moisture in gauge from dew. Mon May 25th saw High 72 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed May 27th 55 Degrees, heavy broken clouds overhead & Eastern horizon, clear to the West, 1.6 mph West wind, light dew. Tues May 26th saw High 85 Degrees overnight Low 48 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs May 28th 59 Degrees, scattered heavy clouds w/cloud bank on South horizon, light dew, 4.1 mph NE wind. Wed May 27th saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 54 Degrees, at approx 10 p.m. light virga rain, no moisture in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri May 29th 58 Degrees, few scattered upper layer clouds, no dew, 3.2 mph East wind. Thurs May 28th saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 53 Degrees, Late day clouds, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat May 30th 58 Degrees, broken upper layer clouds, no dew, no wind. Fri May 29th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 56 Degrees, Lightening in cloud to the North at approx 10 p.m., no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun May 31st 59 Degrees, overcast skies, no dew, 2.4 mph North wind. Sat May 30th saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 54 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jun 1st 71 Degrees, scattered broken clouds, no dew, 4.8 mph West wind. Sun May 31st saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees, heavy clouds w/some thunderheads in mid afternoon w/some lightening at 7 p.m. in clouds to the North, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jun 2nd 76 Degrees, heavy broken clouds, no dew, 4.8 mph West wind. Mon Jun 1st saw High 102 Degrees overnight Low 68 Degrees, thunderheads developed late afternoon, no moisture.
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jun 3rd 60 Degrees, light scattered upper layer clouds, no dew, 3.4 mph West wind. Tues Jun 2nd saw High 92 Degrees overnight Low 52 Degrees, heavy rain clouds w/some thunderheads developed by 9:30 a.m. to the West, very light sprinkle-none registered in gauge. Cool cloudy afternoon.
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jun 4th 70 Degrees, heavier scattered lower layer clouds, no dew, 4.0 mph West wind. Wed Jun 3rd saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 58 Degrees. Mid to Late afternoon thunderheads w/sparse sprinkle at 6:30 p.m, not enough to register in gauge. |
6/5/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jun 5th 67 Degrees, scattered heavier lower cloud layer, no dew, 1.6 mph South wind. Thurs Jun 4th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 59 Degrees. Thunderheads developed early afternoon w/high West winds at approx 3:20 p.m. and low visibility w/blowing soil. At 3:50 p.m. 19.3 mph West wind, sparse sprinkle of rain, 87 Degrees. |
6/6/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jun 6th 78 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy lower cloud layer, no dew, 12.5 mph SW wind. Fri Jun 5th saw High 102 Degrees overnight Low 70 Degrees. Thunderheads developed mid afternoon, at approx 10 p.m. lightening in cloud to South. |
6/7/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jun 7th 70 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 10.7 mph South wind. Sat Jun 6th saw High 95 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees. At 3:20-3:37 p.m. strong 18.5 mph SE winds hit area w/thunder and sparse sprinkle from cloud to East. 5:17 strong 18.4 SE winds, blowing soil, 95 Degrees, 5:52 p.m 8.9 mph SW wind, 90 Degrees. 6:02 p.m. severely strong SW winds-didn't measure low visibility blowing dirt. 6:08-6:17 p.m. sheets of pelting hurricane force rain 6:08-6:17 p.m. 67 Degrees, .08 inch rain. 6:38 p.m. 13.7 mph SW wind. 7:10 p.m. very light shower w/wind. |
6/8/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jun 8th 58 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 10.7 mph North wind. Sun Jun 7th saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 54 Degrees. At 4:52 p.m. 100 Degrees, 20.7 mph SW wind. |
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Out of Electricity from 12 midnight till 8:15 a.m. 5:45 a.m. Tues Jun 9th, overcast skies, 22.2 mph NW wind, light rain starting. Currently steady rain with strong Northwest winds. Severe wind in night broke large limbs from trees and downed many power poles and trees in the area, plastered North and East side of buildings with dirt and blew wheat stubble from north fields covering grassy areas with thick layer of it. Mon Jan 8th saw High 90 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees. Unable to determine exact moisture due to dirt/mud plastered on and in gauge. |
6/10/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed May 10th 50 Degrees, light dew, clear skies, 8.8 mph West wind. Tues Jun 9th saw High 70 Degrees overnight Low 40 Degrees, at 12:48 p.m-noon 47 Degrees, overcast skies, .70 inch in gauge, 32.0 mph North wind, some road flooding. Several trees lost big branches, lost top of cedar tree, mud caked on sides of buildings, layer of wheat straw from field north covering grassy areas. |
6/11/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs May 11th 60 Degrees, mostly clear w/few scattered clouds, 6.5 mph West wind, no dew. Wed Jun 10th saw High 84 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees. |
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6:32 a.m. Fri May 12th 57 Degrees, clear skies, light dew, 1.5 mph West wind. Thurs May 11th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 52 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat May 13th 60 Degrees, clear skies, w/light haze to West, light dew, 5.0 mph South wind. Fri May 12th saw High 91 Degrees overnight Low 56 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jun 14th,71 Degrees, overcast skies, no dew, 9.5 mph SW wind. Sat Jun 13th saw High 99 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees. At 7 p.m. heavy rain clouds in West w/short sprinkle of rain at approx 7:15 p.m. |
6/15/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jun 15th 64 Degrees, scattered light upper cloud layer, no dew, 10.7 mph NW wind. Sun Jun 14th saw High 100 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees, thunderheads developed late afternoon w/heavy sprinkle at 7 p.m. lasting a few minutes, w/strong winds.
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jun 16th 71 Degrees, broken light upper cloud layer, no dew, 16.4 mph SW wind. Mon June 15th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 66 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jun 17th 66 Degrees, scattered light upper cloud layer, no dew, 6.7 mph SW wind. Tues Jun 16th saw High 102 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees. At 6:29 p.m. 95 Degrees, clouds that had been building disappeared as 27.5 mph SE winds started blowing soil, w/visibility issues. Another dirty, hot windy evening. First sighting of shed snake skin for season, usually not occurring til August. Wheat has a white appearance, sign of high hot winds. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jun 18th 61 Degrees, overcast w/heavy cloud layer, no dew, 18.2 mph North wind. Wed Jun 17th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees. At 9:30 p.m. 79 Degrees 11.9 mph NW wind dirt blowing, by 11 p.m. High winds w/low visibility from blowing dirt. Pasture grasses are crispy dry from hot winds. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jun 19th 58 Degrees, overcast w/heavy cloud layer, no dew, 3.8 mph South wind. Thurs Jun 18th saw High 81 Degrees overnight Low 58 Degrees. Very light sprinkle at 8:30 p.m. not enough to register in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jun 20th 56 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/light cloud bank to Northwest, dew on grass, 4.4 mph West wind. Fri Jun 19th saw High 77 Degrees overnight Low 49 Degrees. Light sprinkle from 3:30-4:30 p.m. not enough to register in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jun 21st 63 Degrees, broken heavy cloud cover, no dew on grass, 5.6 mph NW wind. Sat Jun 20th saw High 94 Degrees overnight Low 58 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jun 25th 72 Degrees, broken cloud cover on North/South horizons, no dew, 2.6 mph West wind. Wed Jun 24th saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees. .04 inch moisture fell late Sun Jun 21st, we were gone, so no further information for that occurrence. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jun 26th 64 Degrees, broken cloud cover on North/South horizons, no dew, 8.0 mph NW wind. Thurs Jun 25th saw High 105 Degrees overnight Low 59 Degrees. Clouds developed in late evening w/some distant lightening to the North, trace of a sprinkle. |
6/27/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jun 27th 62 Degrees, scattered clouds to the East/South, 3.7 mph West wind. Fri Jun 26th saw High 89 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees, Heavy storm clouds with lots of Thunder and some Lightening rolled thru starting at 6 p.m., by 6:30 p.m. heavy rain drops w/West to Northwest wind, ended by approx 7:30 p.m. received very nice .15 inch rain, so very welcome to help the parched ground. No Internet service till late Sat 6/27/2020. |
6/28/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jun 28th 76 Degrees, overcast skies, 10.3 mph SW wind, no dew. Sat Jun 27th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees, heavy clouds developed to South and East late in day, no moisture for our location. |
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64 degrees, upper layer overcast, 4.2 mph westerly wind, light dew. Jun 28th saw a high of 102 and an overnight low of 55 degrees. Heavy clouds developed to the west, bringing a brief thunderstorm, received 0.01” of moisture at approx 6 pm. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jun 30th 64 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 16.o mph NW wind. Mon Jun 29th saw High 105 Degrees overnight Low 63 Degrees, upper layer cloud cover w/haze most of day. |
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Wed Jul 1st 55 Degrees, 2.1 mph West wind, no dew, clear skies. Tues Jun 30th High 87 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees late day clouds to NW, no moisture or lightening. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jul 9th 64 Degrees, scattered clouds, no dew, 1.9 mph North wind. Wed Jul 8th saw High 105 Degrees overnight Low 57 Degrees, thunderheads late afternoon, no moisture. Returned from vacation. Corn in garden is tasseling. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jul 10th 71 Degrees, overcast with broken fog-like clouds, high humidity, 12.1 mph South wind, no dew. Thurs Jul 9th saw High 91 Degrees overnight Low 66 Degrees, large thunderheads developed late afternoon, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jul 11th 67 Degrees, overcast with thin fog layer, high humidity, 14.4 mph North wind, no dew. Fri Jul 10th saw High 109 Degrees overnight Low 65 Degrees, scattered clouds late afternoon w/some thunderheads, no moisture.
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jul 13th 71 Degrees, overcast w/broken clouds, 7.7 mph SW wind, no dew. Sun Jul 12th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 68 Degrees, thunder heads developed mid afternoon, at 4:09 p.m. recv'd .07 inch rain w/small amount of pea sized hail, 15 min duration of storm, w/some thunder, no lightening. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jul 14th 68 Degrees, overcast w/broken clouds, 8.0 mph North wind, no dew. Mon Jul 13th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 65 Degrees, large thunderheads developed mid afternoon, 4:07-4:15 p.m. recv'd heavy rain drops, not enough to register in gauge, strong North winds at approx 6 p.m. w/blowing soil, low visibility for approx 30 min. |
7/15/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jul 15th 64 Degrees, overcast w/light fog, 6.3 mph East wind, no dew. Tues Jul 14th saw High 78 Degrees overnight Low 63 Degrees, overcast most of day w/heavy large cloud base, at approx 4:30 p.m. light sprinkle, not enough to register in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jul 16th 63 Degrees, mostly clear w/light cloud layer to South/East, 8.5 mph South wind, no dew. Wed Jul 15th saw High 79 Degrees overnight Low 59 Degrees, overcast most of day w/light mist mid-morning til early afternoon, not enough to register in gauge, cool day and enjoyable relief from heat. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jul 17th 71 Degrees, upper layer of broken cloud cover, 3.2 mph SW wind, no dew. Thurs Jul 16th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees, 4:30 p.m. till late evening, heavy clouds rolled thru, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jul 18th 74 Degrees, overcast w/heavy clouds, 4.2 mph SW wind, no dew. Fri Jul 17th saw High 105 Degrees overnight Low 67 Degrees clouds late in day, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jul 19th 69 Degrees, overcast w/concentrated fog-like upper layer, high humidity, 8.7 mph SW wind, no dew. Sat July 18th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 68 Degrees, 4:20 p.m. light misty sprinkle, heavy clout to NW, at 8 p.m. heavy cloud w/a few lightening strikes to the North, cleared by 10 p.m. to see comet in the North low horizon. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jul 20th 64 Degrees, broken clouds w/heavier clouds to East, light dew, 4.8 mph SE wind. Sun Jul 19th saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees, heavy clouds to North and South at 5:30 p.m. w/lightening to North, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jul 21st 62 Degrees, scattered clouds on all horizons, clear overhead, light dew, 4.8 mph East wind. Mon Jul 10th saw High 100 Degrees overnight Low 59 Degrees, large thunderheads developed late afternoon, made for great pictures, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Jul 22nd 62 Degrees, a few scattered clouds to North, heavy dew, 4.1 mph South wind. Tues July 21st saw High 95 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees, clouds developed to North late afternoon/evening, w/some lightening, rain came after 9:30 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jul 23rd 69 Degrees, upper layer large broken clouds, no dew, no wind. Wed July 22nd saw High 102 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees, clouds developed late afternoon/evening w/some distant lightening, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jul 24th, light scattered upper clouds w/one heavier coud to NE, heavy dew, high humidity, 5.6 mph SW wind. Thurs Jul 23rd saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 66 Degrees, clouds most of day w/thunderheads developing to the East around 6:30 p.m., trace sprinkle at 7 p.m., heavier shower at 8:30 p.m. w/some distant lightening in the East. |
7/25/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Jul 25th 67 Degrees, few light scattered upper clouds, light dew, moderate humidity, 4.2 mph SW wind. Fri Jul 24th saw High 99 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees, cloudy most of day w/heavier clouds early afternoon. Light rain sprinkles at 3 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. w/some lightening/thunder, not enough to register in gauge. Rain farther North of us. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Jul 26th 70 Degrees, overcast w/heavy clouds, light dew, high humidity, 1.4 mph West wind. Sat Jul 25th saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 68 Degrees, cloudy most of day w/thunder, lightening and rain starting at approx 5 p.m. ending at approx 6:30 p.m. Nice to see puddles in roadway! |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Jul 27th 66 Degrees, heavy dense fog at 6 a.m. by 7 a.m. 1/2 mi. visibility, upper layer clouds barely visible, heavy dew, 2.4 South wind. Sun Jul 26th saw High 86 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees, cloudy most of day, no moisture. Trace must be from fog. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Jul 28th 64 Degrees, scattered light upper clouds w/heavier clouds moving from SW, heavy dew, 4.3 mph SW wind. Mon Jul 27th saw High 88 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees, partly cloudy day, no moisture. |
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6:00 a.m. Wed Jul 29th 61 Degrees, clear skies overhead w/clouds on N/E/West horizons, heavy dew, no wind. Tues Jul 28th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees, at 4:30 p.m. heavy clouds w/lightening to West, by 6 p.m. started light steady rain shower ending sometime after 8 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Jul 30th 64 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy fog like clouds, heavy dew, 7.8 mph NW wind. Wed Jul 29th saw High 92 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees, light rain shower started at 6 p.m. ending at approx 7:30 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Jul 31st 57 Degrees, clear skies, heavy dew, very light fog burning off, 3.2 mph West wind. Thurs July 30th saw High 77 Degrees overnight Low 53 Degrees, light rain showers throughout the day, clearing off at approx 7 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Aug 1st 61 Degrees, scattered clouds to Northwest moving Southeast, 3.2 mph SW wind, heavy dew. Fri Jul 31st saw High 93 Degrees. overnight Low 54 Degrees. The interactive maps are really neat! I like how it shows rivers and being able to find the counties and zoom in and out. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Aug 2nd 62 Degrees, overcast skies w/light fog, 11.0 mph East wind, light dew. Sat Aug 1st saw High 94 Degrees overnight Low 59 Degrees, scattered heavy clouds in afternoon early evening, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Aug 3rd 64 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/fog-like cloud bank on Eastern horizon, no dew, 9.9 mph SE wind. Sun Aug 2nd saw High 85 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Aug 4th 63 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/larger cloud to South horizon, no dew, 10.7 mph South wind. Mon Aug 3rd saw High 89 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees, cloudy/cool till 1 p.m., then clear and warmer. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Aug 5th 60 Degrees, clear skies to East w/heavier broken clouds to West/North/South horizons, no dew, 4.0 mph SW wind. Tues Aug 4th sat High 91 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees, 5:30 p.m. 84 Degrees heavy clouds to N, NW & South, 6.4 mph SE wind, started sprinkling at 5:45 p.m. lasted 15 min. not enough to register in guage, some lightening to distant South. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Aug 6th 65 Degrees, overcast w/upper level broken clouds, 1.5 mph SE wind, heavy dew. Wed Aug 5th saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees, at 5:51 p.m. heavy clouds w/lots of lightening/thunder to West, 6 p.m. spkinkling, by 6:11 p.m. torential rain w/severe gail force SW winds, low visibility - less than 1/4 mile and some pea-size hail w/rain & melted, 6:19 p.m. storm subsiding visibility 1/2 mi. w/steady rain, 6:31 p.m increase in rain w/NW wind, ceased by 6:40 p.m., some tree damange and misplaced items in yard and field flooding to West and North. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Aug 7th 63 Degrees, clear skies, heavy dew, 7.2 mph SW wind. Thurs Aug 6th saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees, at approx 6 p.m. heavy clouds w/thunder/lightening to West/North, recv'd .01 inch moisture |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Aug 8th 72 Degrees, heavy cloud bank to NW and North, no dew, 6.3 mh NW wind. Layer of smokey clouds to West from fire. Fri Aug 7th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 66 Degrees, small line broken clouds to WEst moved thru mid-afternoon, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Aug 9th 66 Degrees, scattered broken clouds w/smokey layer to West, no dew, 1.7 mph West wind. Sat Aug 8th saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Aug 10th 62 Degrees, scattered broken clouds w/smokey layer to West, no dew, 4.5 mph NW wind. Sun Aug 9th saw High 105 Degrees overnight Low 59 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Aug 12th 63 Degrees, scattered clouds w/smokey haze on North and West horizons, no dew, 12.0 mph SE wind. Tues Aug 11th saw High 100 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees, Trace of moisture from sprinkle around 11:30-12:00 midnight, lots of lightening to North/East/South, w/thunderheads, not enough moisture to register in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Aug 13th 65 Degrees, clear skies w/heavier smoke haze on horizons, light dew, 10.3 mph West wind. Wed Aug 12th saw High 100 Degrees overnight Low 65 Degrees. .01 inch moisture in gauge came sometime in late evening/early morning. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Aug 14th 66 Degrees, clear skies w/heavy smoke haze and red sunrise, no dew, 3.3 mph SW wind. Thurs Aug 13th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 65 Degrees, a few clouds late in evening, no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Aug 15th 67 Degrees, overcast skies w/heavy smoke haze and red sunrise, no dew, 1.6 mph East wind. Fri Aug 14th saw High 92 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees, smokey haze all day w/Red sunset. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Aug 16th 66 Degrees, overcast skies to West/South w/smokey haze, heavy dew, 3.5 mph SW wind. Sat Aug 15th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees, thunderheads w/some lightening/thunder at 5 p.m. w/light sprinkle till 5:20 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Aug 17th 60 Degrees, light scattered broken clouds, otherwise clear skies, no smoke, heavy dew, 1.1 mph South wind. Sun Aug 16th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 58 Degrees, 4 p.m. brief 1-3 sprinkles, 6 p.m. thunder/lightening w/heavy rain shower. 6:10-6:25 p.m. rain w/mostly pea-sized some dime size hail w/rain finished by 6:30 p.m., recv'd .17 inch moisture, some puddles in roadway, winds were from SW to SE as storm moved East. Hail melted w/rain, so hail measurements are an estimate. No noticeable hail damage. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Aug 18th 69 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/light cloud bank to South and West, no smoke or dew, 7.0 mph SW wind. Mon Aug 17th saw High 97 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Aug 19th 76 Degrees, overcast w/heavy broken clouds, no dew, 4.4 mph East wind. Tues Aug 18th saw High 102 Degrees overnight Low 71 Degrees, .01 inch moisture came sometime after 11 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Aug 20th 68 Degrees, overcast w/light upper layer clouds, light dew, 2.0 mph SE wind. Wed Aug 19th saw High 99 Degrees overnight Low 62 Degrees, .01 inch moisture started at 7 p.m. as light sprinkle w/some lightening/thunder and stopped by 7:57 p.m. Lightening/thunder continued for another hour as storm moved East/Southeast. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Aug 21st 64 Degrees, overcast skies w/smoke & red sunrise, light dew, 3.5 mph SW wind. Thurs Aug 20th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 64 Degrees. At 11 p.m. approx. cloud moved through from NW w/wind/lightening, no moisture in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Aug 22nd 65 Degrees, overcast skies w/smoke/red sunrise, no dew, 3.1 mph SW wind. Fri Aug 21st saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 61 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Aug 23rd 58 Degrees, no clouds, skies filled w/smoke haze/red sunrise, no dew, 2.7 mph West wind. Sat Aug 22nd saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 57 Degrees, few scattered clouds midst the smokey haze in late afternoon. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Aug 24th 62 Degrees, no clouds, skies filled w/smoke haze/red sunrise, no dew, .7 mph NE wind. Sun Aug 23rd saw High 100 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Aug 25th 66 Degrees, scattered high clouds w/low level smoke haze slowing moving out, no dew, 2.5 mph NW wind. Mon Aug 24th saw High 106 Degrees overnight Low 63 Degrees, at 6 p.m. smoke haze was very heavy w/limiting visibility at 2 miles. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Aug 26th 64 Degrees, scattered light High clouds w/less low level smoke haze, no dew, no wind. Tues Aug 25th saw High 107 Degrees overnight Low 60 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Aug 27th 64 Degrees, scattered light high clouds w/less low level smoke haze, no dew, 1.5 mph SW wind. Wed Aug 26th saw High 103 Degrees overnight Low 63 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Aug 28th 67 Degrees, scattered light high clouds w/heavier clouds to NW, no dew, 11.7 mph North wind. Thurs Aug 27th saw High 100 Degrees overnight Low 65 Degrees, at 8 p.m. Thunder/Lightening in cloud to SW gone by 9 p.m., no moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Aug 29th 58 Degrees, scattered light high clouds w/heavier clouds to South, heavy dew, light fog, 4.6 mph South wind. Fri Aug 28th saw High 86 Degrees overnight Low 56 Degrees, at Dr. appt in South Denver when rain started there at 3 p.m. followed us to Last Chance Hazard Waste site, light sprinkle from there to home at 9 p.m., stopped at 10 p.m. recv'd .02 inch moisture, no lightening or thunder. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Aug 30th 57 Degrees, scattered light High clouds w/heavier clouds to South/West, heavy dew, 2.7 mph West wind. Sat Aug 29th saw High 89 Degrees overnight Low 55 Degrees, 3:57 p.m. light rain shower w/some thunder continued till 5 p.m. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Aug 31st 49 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 2.8 mph NW wind. Sun Aug 30th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 49 Degrees, at approx 6:30 p.m. very strong NW wind 5 min. duration w/blowing dirt visibility zero, second event at approx 10 p.m. w/short burst of rain drops/strong winds not enough to register in gauge. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Sept 1st 53 Degreees, light fog, a few scattered clouds w/larger cloud bank to South, heavy dew, 3.0 mph South wind. Mon Aug 31st saw High 80 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, started sprinkling at approx 7 p.m. w/lightening in clouds to West and NW. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Sept 2nd 49 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 1.9 mph West wind. Tues Sept 1st saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 47 Degrees. Nice cool fall day! |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Sept 3rd 55 Degrees, light scattered upper layer clouds, 6.9 mph North wind, no dew. Wed Sept 2nd saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Sept 4th 55 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 1.4 mph South wind. Thurs Sept 3rd saw High 85 Degrees overnight Low 53 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Sept 5th 63 Degrees, clear skies, no dew, 7.1 mph West wind. Fri Sept 4th saw High 98 Degrees overnight Low 56 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Sept 6th 66 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/heavy smokey cloud to South and West, no dew, 8.5 mph West wind. Sat Sept 5th saw High 105 Degrees overnight Low 65 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Sept 7th 55 Degrees, overcast skies filled w/smokey haze, bright orange sunrise, no dew or wind. Sun Sept 6th saw High 101 Degrees overnight Low 54 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Sept 8th 38 Degrees, overcast skies steady drizzle w/14.2 mph NE wind. Left for early Dr. appt B4 got moisture reading. Mon Sept 7th saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 38 Degrees, sky filled w/heavy smoke blocking out the sun, sun a red orage all day, making it feel like late afternoon all day long, at 8:15 p.m. 63 Degrees 18.3 mph NE wind. Rain/drizzle started early Tues Morning, at 11:37 a.m. 39 Degrees, guage registerd .63 inch moisture and still drizzling. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Sept 9th 32 Degrees overcast skies, was steady heavy wet snow at 6 a.m. - stopped sometime after that, 2.50 inch snow on surfaces w/.71 inch rain moisture in gauge from Tues Sept 8th till today, not including snow amount. No wind. Tues Sept 8th saw High 40 Degrees overnight Low 31 Degrees w/steady drizzle all day and into evening. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Sept 10th 42 Degrees, overcast skies, light wind, left for early Dr. appt B4 got moisture reading. I had removed inner tub Tues evening and left funnel w/large cylinder, at 12:18 p.m. Thurs. large cylinder had .28 inch moisture, assuming it's from heavy wet snow on Wed and light snow fall from 7:10 a.m. till noon, High 50 Degrees, 5.1 mph SE wind and overcast skies. Wed Sept 9th saw High 44 Degrees overnight Low 32 Degrees, hard killing frost in evening, squash & sweet potato leaves are black. Very little snow remains.
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7:00 a.m. Fri Sept 11th 43 Degrees, clear skies, heavy dew, 2.1 mph South wind. Thurs Sept 10th saw High 60 Degrees overnight Low 42 Degrees, heavy clouds developed late afternoon to South and West, with light sprinkle at 4 p.m., rain started at 8 p.m. w/light sprinkle and was a steady rain shower by 8:10 p.m. letting up by 9:26 p.m., recv'd .27 inch moisture. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Sept 12th 47 Degrees, clear skies, heavy dew, 6.2 mph SW wind. Fri Sept 11th saw High 70 Degrees overnight Low 44 Degrees, a brief rain sprinkle at 4:30 p.m. lasting 10 min approx, overcast, cloudy, cool day.
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7:00 a.m. Sun Sept 13th 46 Degrees, clear skies, heavy dew, 2.3 mph SW wind. Sat Sept 12th saw High 84 Degrees overnight Low 45 Degrees, clear warm day. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Sept 14th 55 Degrees, high hazy skies, no dew, 5.1 mph West wind. Sun Sept 13th saw High 92 Degrees overnight Low 48 Degrees, clear warm day. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Sept 15th 57 Degrees, hazy smokey skies, no dew, 1.6 mph NW wind. Mon Sept 14th saw High 91 Degrees overnight Low 54 Degrees, clear warm day, leaves are turning. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Sept 16th 58 Degrees, heavy smokey haze, no dew, 5.6 mph North wind. Tues Sept 15th saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 56 Degrees, clear warm day. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Sept 17th 52 Degrees, heavy smoke haze - 1 1/2 mile visibility, light dew, 4.4 mph SW wind. Wed Sept 17th saw High 79 Degrees overnight Low 50 Degrees, smoke haze got heavier as day wore on. |
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7:00 a.m. Fri Sept 18th 50 Degrees, heavy smoke haze - 1 1/2 mile visibility, heavy dew, 2.9 mph West wind. Thurs Sept 18th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 49 Degrees, smoke haze eased a bit toward evening. |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Sept 19th 55 Degrees, light smoke haze on horizon, light upper layer broken clouds, no dew, no wind. Fri Sept 18th saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, smoke haze lightening up. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Sept 20th 55 Degrees, broken clouds w/heavier cloud to West and North, light dew, 1.8 mph South wind. Sat Sept 19th saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 53 Degrees, light smoke haze all day, leaves are falling from trees. |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Sept 21st 53 Degrees, scattered broken clouds w/smoke haze to North and South, light dew, 3.7 mph West wind. Sun Sept 20th saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, light smoke haze all day. 9:25 p.m. some lightening to Southwest, light sprinkle lasting 5 min. |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Sept 22nd 51 Degres, smoke haze on West and South horizons otherwise clear skies, no dew, 3.6 mph West wind. Mon Sept 21st saw High 94 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees, light smoke haze all day. |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Sept 23rd 63 Degrees, overcast w/heavy clouds, no dew, 4.2 mph North wind. Tues Sept 22nd saw High 94 Degrees overnight Low 53 Degrees, light smoke haze all day. |
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7:00 a.m. Thurs Sept 24th 51 Degrees, few scattered light upper layer clouds, smoke haze to West & North, 2.1 mph West wind, no dew. Wed Sept 23rd saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 50 Degrees, 7:35 a.m. brief light sprinkle lasting 5 min, trace of moisture. |
9/26/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Sat Sept 26th 60 Degrees broken heavy upper cloud cover w/light smoke haze in lower atomosphere, 4.2 mph West wind, no dew. Fri Sept 25th saw High 93 Degrees overnight Low 58 Degrees. Fri 6 a.m. 62 Degrees, no wind measurement or cloud oberservations as left b4 sunrise. Thurs saw High 96 Degrees overnight Low 51 Degrees. |
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7:00 a.m. Sun Sept 27th 53 Degrees, heavy overcast skies and lightly sprinkling w/.01 accum at 7 a.m., smoke haze layer and strong smoke smell in air, 2.8 mph North wind. Sat Sept 26th saw High 83 Degrees overnight Low 43 Degrees, heavy thick acrid smoke haze, with some ash in air, moved in between 3-4 p.m. w/visibility reduced to 1/4 mile from Northwest fire in Cameron Peak and Laramie areas. |
9/28/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Mon Sept 28th 36 Degrees, mostly clear skies w/ one cloud to NW and light smoke haze on West horizon, 7.3 mph West wind, no dew. Sun Sept 27th saw High 59 Degrees overnight Low 35 Degrees light rain ceased at approx 9 a.m. w/additional .02 inch light rain since 7 a.m. |
9/29/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Tues Sept 29th 41 Degrees, light scattered upper layer of clouds and layer smoke haze on West horizon, 5.0 mph West wind, no dew. Mon Sept 28th saw High 67 Degrees overnight Low 36 Degrees, broken clouds moved through mid-afternoon, no moisture, layer of smoke haze to West/North horizon. |
9/30/2020 |
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7:00 a.m. Wed Sept 30th 49 Degrees, clear skies w/layer smoke haze on Southwest & West horizons, 3.9 mph North wind, no dew. Tues Sept 29th saw High 87 Degrees overnight Low 42 Degrees, light smoke smell in air. |