Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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In the clouds, visibility 300 Ft / TEMP: 45.1F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 44.0F / BAR: 30.186 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 46.2F , MAX: 60.2F at 2:42pm , MIN: 34.8F at 6:20am , HDEWPT: 47.0F at 5:08pm , PEAK WIND: S 14 mph at 2:57pm , PRECIP: Rain 3am to 6am this morning. |
10/2/2019 |
7:00 AM |
1.37 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy with a few breaks starting to show, mountains obscured above 3800 ft / TEMP: 56.3F / WIND: NW 3-8 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 55.2F / BAR: 29.870 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 51.4F , MAX: 64.9F at 11:59pm , MIN: 44.9F at 3:43am , HDEWPT: 64.0F at 11:35pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 20 mph at 11:28pm , PRECIP: Rain started around 5pm ended around 3am this morning , Thunderstorms with quite a bit of cloud to ground lightening several close strikes observed , HRRATES: (inch/pr/hr) 1.38" at 6:30pm , 1.81" at 6:45pm , 1.55" at 9pm and 1.23" at 10pm.
10/3/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy / TEMP: 34.2F / WIND: WSW calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 32.7F / BAR: 30.311 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 53.3F , MAX: 65.0F at 12:26am , MIN: 41.4F at 11:49pm , HDEWPT: 64.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WNW 21 mph at 12:42am , PRECIP: short rain shower mid morning. Color almost at peak. |
10/4/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
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Light rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 40.8F / WIND: ENE 0-2 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 39.7F / BAR: 30.032 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.2F , MAX: 53.0F at 12:59pm , MIN: 34.1F at 6:55am , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 1:43pm , PEAK WIND: SE 11 mph at 10:55am , PRECIP: Rain, still raining this morning. |
10/5/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Clear / TEMP: 31.4F / WIND: SW 3-8 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 29.8F / BAR: 30.554 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.7F , MAX: 45.2F at 10:39am , MIN 33.6F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 44.0F at 10:27am , PEAK GUST: NW 28 mph at 5:03pm , PRECIP: Light rain and drizzle 7am to 9am. Mountains dusted with snow above 4000 ft. Foliage is about Peak some leaf fall in wind yesterday. |
10/6/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Scattered clouds / TEMP: 32.1F / WIND: WNW 0-3 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 30.3F / BAR: 30.425 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 40.0F , MAX: 51.9F at 2:19pm , MIN: 31.0F at 6:13am , HDEWPT: 39.0F at 4:47pm , PEAK WIND: SW 16 mph at 11:10am , PRECIP: None. 98% color |
10/7/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 54.4F / WIND: N calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 53.3F / BAR: 30.160 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.1F , MAX: 58.6F at 11:04pm , MIN: 31.2F at 5:28am , HDEWPT: 55.3F at 11:33pm , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 2:31pm , PRECIP: Two rain showers. 0.01" between 4:30pm and 5:00pm and 0.04" bwetween 5:30am and 6:00am this morning. |
10/8/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.85 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 47.7F / WIND: WNW 4-12 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 45.5F / BAR: 30.347 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 53.4F , MAX: 58.4F at 12:04am , MIN: 49.3F at 11:12pm , HDEWPT: 57.0F at 9:07am , PEAK WIND: SW 16 mph at 10:25am , PRECIP: Rain , HRRATE: 0.68 inches/pr hr at 9:53am , Some leaf loss yesterday. |
10/9/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 37.9F / WIND: NNW 1-5 mph / DEWPT: 36.3F / BAR: 30.534 R // Yesterdays MEAN: 49.9F , MAX: 58.1F at 2:50pm , MIN: 40.5F at 12:00am , PEAK WIND: W 17 mph atb 12:30am , PRECIP: None. We have reached peak color and started leaf fall. |
10/10/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Partly cloudy / TEMP: 38.8F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 36.9F / BAR: 30.536 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.1F , MAX: 57.0F at 1:56pm , MIN: 37.0F at 5:21am , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 11:55am , PEAK WIND: ESE 15 mph at 11:59am , PRECIP: NONE. Color still holding up , worth a look. |
10/11/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
A few high thin clouds with heavier clouds to the SE / TEMP: 40.2F / WIND: ESE calm / RH: 77% / DEWPT: 33.6F / BAR: 30.457 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 46.2F , MAX: 55.8F at 3:58pm , MIN: 38.6F at 6:52am , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 5:13pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 10 mph at 11:13am , PRECIP: None. Another great foliage viewing day. |
10/12/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // In the clouds, occasional light rain, 600 ft visibility / TEMP: 44.5F / WIND: NNE 2-7 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 43.4F / BAR: 30.142 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 50.2F , MAX: 60.7F at 2:10pm , MIN: 38.7F at 7:35am , HDEWPT: 38.2F at 11:10pm , PEAK GUST: ESE 19 mph at 11:13pm , PRECIP: Rain showers |
10/13/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3000 ft / TEMP: 48.2F / WIND: WSW 0-2 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 45.7F / BAR: 30.141 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 48.4F , MAX: 54.7F at 3:38pm , MIN: 44.4F at 3:26am , HDEWPT: 50.0F at 2:33pm , PEAK WIND: NE 14 mph at 12:12am , PRECIP: light rain showers between 7am and 8am. |
10/14/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 37.3F / WIND: N calm / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 36.3F / BAR: 30.104 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 50.3F , MAX: 62.0F at 2:55pm , MIN: 41.3F at 11:48pm , HDEWPT: 50.0F at 1:41am , PEAK WIND: SSW 16 mph at 11:26am , PRECIP: None. |
10/15/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 36.9F / WIND: W calm / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 33.1F / BAR: 30.181 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 49.5F , MAX: 65.0F at 1:10pm , MIN: 37.0F at 7:16am , HDEWPT: 47.0F at 7:18pm , PEAK GUST: ENE 18 mph at 11:52am , PRECIP: Off and On Rain showers. |
10/16/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
Clear / TEMP: 32.6F / WIND: N calm / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 29.7F / BAR: 30.171 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 44.2F , MAX: 54.1F at 1:29pm , MIN: 36.7F at 7:01am , HDEWPT: 39.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 19 mph at 9:05am , PRECIP: None. Lots of leaf drop yesterday. signaling an end to the best and longest foliage season I have seen. |
10/17/2019 |
7:00 AM |
1.78 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Moderate Rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 44.9F / WIND: ENE 5-15 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 43.9F / BAR: 29.081 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.4F , MAX: 55.6F at 11:47am , MIN: 32.5F at 6:40am , HDEWPT: 41.8F at 10:30pm , PEAK GUST: ESE 34 mph at 2:11pm , PRECIP: Rain started 10:20pm, still raining this morning. HRRATE: 0.86 inch/pr/hr at 3:28am and 0.87 inch /pr/hr at 5:31am , Winds gusted 22-34 mph from 12:30pm to 6:30pm and 20 to 35 mph from 12:00am to 6am this morning. I suspect the streams and brooks are very high but only minor flooding here. |
10/18/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.76 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Cloudy, occasional light drizzle, mountains obscured above 2800 ft / TEMP: 38.7F / WIND: W 7 Gusts to 19 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 37.7F / BAR: 29.651 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 44.2F , MAX: 47.9F at 12:19pm , MIN: 37.7F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 47.0F at 10:08am , PEAK GUST: ESE 35 mph at 12:59am , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 6pm = 0.65" and 11:30 to 7am this morning + 0.11", HRRATE: 0.78 inch/pr/hr at 8am. Storm total: 2.54". Most of the leaves are down. |
10/19/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
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0.00 |
Cloudy,mountains obscured above 3800 ft, snowline around 3500 ft. / TEMP: 36.1F / WIND: WSW 5 gusting to 20 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 34.0F / BAR: 30.096 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.4F , MAX: 45.2F at 12:38pm , MIN: 37.6F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 12:19pm , PEAK GUST: W 33 mph at 3:30pm , PRECIP: Periods of Rain 7am to 10:30pm. Heaviest in the morning. |
10/20/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.00 |
Increasing high clouds / TEMP: 29.6F / WIND: WNW calm / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 28.3F / BAR: 30.212 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.9F , MAX: 47.0F at 2:39pm , MIN: 32.6F at 11:39pm , HDEWPT: 37.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: S 20 mph at 11:05am , PRECIP: None. Most trees now bare. |
10/21/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
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7 AM OBS // CLEAR / TEMP: 37.0F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 36.0F / BAR: 30.271 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.6F , MAX: 46.9F at 3:38pm , MIN: 29.5F at 5:22am , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 6:49pm , PEAK WIND: NNE 10 mph at 12:19pm , PRECIP: Rain. |
10/22/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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0.00 |
Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 42.4F / WIND: NE 2-8 mph / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 39.4F / BAR: 30.264 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 46.7F , MAX: 60.8F at 2:26pm , MIN: 36.6F at 6:05am , HDEWPT: 49.0F at 12:12pm , PEAK WIND: NNW 9 mph at 10:53pm , PRECIP: None. |
10/23/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.44 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Very light rain, mountains obscured / TEMP; 45.4F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 97% / DEWPT: 44.6F / BAR: 29.931 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 46.8F , MAX: 54.4F at 11:19am , MIN: 40.3F at 2:44am , HDEWPT: 44.0f at 8:57pm , PEAK GUST: E 31 mph at 3:40pm (numerous gusts 22 to 31 mph from the SE between 2pm and 4pm) , PRECIP: Rain , HRRATE: 0.41 inch/pr/hr at 5:46am this morning. |
10/24/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in gauge, no other readings available |
10/25/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in gauge, no other readings available |
10/26/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in gauge, no other readings available |
10/27/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in gauge, no other readings available |
10/28/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.98 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in gauge, no other readings available |
10/29/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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0.00 |
Precipitation rain in the gauge, no other readings available |
10/30/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in the gauge, no other readings availible |
10/31/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Precipitation rain in the gauge, no other readings available |
11/1/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 45.5F / WIND: W 13 gusting to 44 mph / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 43.3F / BAR: 29.468 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: N/A , MAX: N/A , MIN: N/A , PEAK GUST: N/A , PRECIP: Rain , HRRate: 2.70 inch pr/hr at 4am, |
11/2/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy / TEMP: 27.2F / WIND: SW 3-8 mph / RH: 79% / DEWPT: 21.5F / BAR: 30.326 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.5F , MAX: 70.0F at 12:30am , MIN: 31.2F at 11:59pm / PEAK GUST: WSW 49 mph at 2am / PRECIP: None. |
11/3/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy / TEMP: 33.9F / WIND: W 4-13 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 29.0F / BAR: 30.080 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.4F , MAX: 43.9F at 3pm , MIN: 26.9F at 8am , PEAK GUST: W 18 mph at 2am , PRECIP: Passing shower overnight. |
11/4/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 31.4F / WIND: W 4 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 26.5F / BAR: 30.400 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 36.4F , MAX: 45.3F at 10:49am , MIN: 30.7F at 2:00am , HDEWPT: 30.7F at 1:55am , PEAK GUST: WSW 20 mph at 3:00pm , PRECIP: Light Rain shower late afternoon. |
11/5/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.00 |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy with a few sprinkles of rain, mountains partially obscured. / TEMP: 44.6F / WIND: WNW 4-10 mph / RH: 72% / DEWPT: 36.1F / BAR: 30.324 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.2F , MAX: 46.9F at 12:32pm , MIN: 31.4F at 6:21am , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 9:15pm , PEAK WIND: SW 15 mph at 10:12am , PRECIP: Trace of rain between 6am and 7am this morning, still sprinkling . |
11/6/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
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Scattered clouds, mountains visible / TEMP: 31.7F / WIND: WSW 6 gusting to 18 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 28.0F / BAR: 30.263 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.8F , MAX: 49.2F at 12:52pm , MIN: 36.3F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 7:19pm , PEAK GUST: W 27 mph at 8:38pm , PRECIP: Rain shower = 0.06 between 7pm and 8pm with a HRRATE of 0.24 inch/pr/hr 7:28pm and Snow 0.1"= 0.01 melted between 3am and 5am. Just a dusting on the ground this morning. |
11/7/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 39.2F / WIND: SSE 2 mph / RH: 62% / DEWPT: 26.9F / BAR: 30.242 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.3F , MAX: 40.4F at 11:12am , MIN: 28.6F at 7:27pm , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 32 mph at 9:44am , PRECIP: Trace of snow in mid morning flurries melted as it fell. |
11/8/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
1.5 |
0.13 |
1.3 |
0.11 |
Partly to mostly cloudy, summits obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 20.1F / WIND: W 2 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: 16.0F / BAR: 30.072 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.9F , MAX: 43.5F at 11:51am , MIN: 24,9F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 1:18pm , PEAK GUST: SW 26 mph at 11:50am , PRECIP: Snow intermittent melting on contact 9:20am to 12am then light 11am to 11pm. |
11/9/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.5 |
0.04 |
1.5 |
0.12 |
Clear / TEMP: 16.4F / WIND: WNW 4 mph / RH: 85% / DEWPT: 12.7F / BAR: 30.3944 steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.6F , MAX: 26.0F at 11:11am , MIN: 19.7F at 2:29am , HDEWPT: 22.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: SW 27 mph at 2:00pm , PRECIP: Off and On Snow 10am to 11pm. |
11/10/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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1.0 |
0.11 |
Partly cloudy, mountains clear , / TEMP: 22.0F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 15.0F / BAR: 30.161 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 23.9F , MAX: 33.2F at 11:15am , MIN: 15.8F at 5:24am , HDEWPT: 18.0F at 10:22am , PEAK GUST: W 20 mph at 7:59am , PRECIP: None. |
11/11/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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0.08 |
7 AM OBS // Occasional snow, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 28.8F / WIND: SSW 3-6 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 26.8F / BAR: 30.260 R rapidly / Yesterdays MEAN: 31.8F , MAX: 40.0F at 12:38pm , MIN: 21.2F at 4:51am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 9:09pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 18 mph at 8:30pm , PRECIP: Dusting of snow between 5am and 7am. |
11/12/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.45 |
4.2 |
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0.52 |
7 AM OBS // Light sleet, mountains obscured / TEMP: 25.9F / WIND: NNW 1-6 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 24.7F / BAR: 29.823 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 28.4F , MAX: 36.4F at 12:11am , MIN: 22.9F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 31.2F at 3:00am , PEAK GUST: W 22 mph at 1:34am , PRECIP: Snow 7am to 8:30pm 3.8" = 0.34 melted , Snow, Sleet and FZRA 8:30pm to 7am this morning 0.4" = 0.11 melted. |
11/13/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
2.5 |
0.21 |
5.0 |
0.61 |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, blowing snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 3.7F / WIND: WNW 9 Gusting to 24 mph / W/C -9.7F / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 0.7F / BAR: 30.184 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 19.3F , MAX: 28.1F at 8:51am , MIN: 7.4F at 11:40pm , HDEWPT: 27.0F at 8:04am , PEAK GUST: WNW 29 mph at 8:18pm , PRECIP: Periods of snow from 7am to 2pm, 1.5"= 0.14 melted. STORM TOTAL: 5.7"= 0.59 melted, (an additional 1" = 0.7 melted came in squalls between 4-5pm.) |
11/14/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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0.60 |
Mostly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 7.8F / WIND: NNE 2 mph / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 5.2F / BAR: 30.597 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 8.1F , MAX: 14.8F at 12:23pm , MIN: 3.6F at 6:52am , HDEWPT: 9.0F at 12:23pm , PEAK GUST: NW 29 mph at 9:09am , PRECIP: Off and on snow grains during the morning. |
11/15/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.2 |
0.01 |
5.0 |
0.59 |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5200 ft / TEMP: 28.9F / WIND: SSW 9 Gusting to 24 mph / RH: 80% / DEWPT: 23.8F / BAR: 30.203 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 15.5F , MAX: 24.3F at 12:51pm , MIN: 5.0F at 3:44am , HDEWPT: 19.0F at 12:41pm , PEAK WIND: ESE 15 mph at 1:59pm , PRECIP: Periods of light snow and or snow grains between 2pm and 8pm. |
11/16/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.6 |
0.03 |
5.5 |
0.60 |
7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 4.2F / WIND: SSW 2 mph / RH: 77% / DEWPT: -1.4F / BAR: 30.621 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.1F , MAX: 36.4F at 9:54am , MIN: 18.7F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 27.3F at 3:00pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 39 mph at 10:11pm ,( Winds gusted between 24 and 39 mph from 7am to 1am this morning.) PRECIP: off and on light snow 5pm to 10pm, Snow squall around 8pm. |
11/17/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
5.0 |
0.60 |
7 AM OBS // A few high clouds / TEMP: 7.8F / WIND: WSW calm / RH: 79% / DEWPT: 2.6F / BAR: 30.682 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 11.6F , MAX: 19.6F at 1:36pm , MIN: 4.1F at 6:32am , HDEWPT: 10.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 24 mph at 12:05am , PRECIP: None. |
11/18/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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5.0 |
0.61 |
High thin clouds, heavier clouds to the East / TEMP: 21.6F / WIND: NE 2-6 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 19.2F / BAR: 30.242 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 15.8F , MAX: 26.9F at 1:56pm , MIN: 6.2F at 12:24am , HDEWPT: 12.5F at 11:32pm , PEAK WIND: N 12 mph at 10:44pm , PRECIP: None. Several visits from a Bear looking for apples in the snow so don't put the feeders out yet. |
11/19/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
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4.0 |
0.58 |
Cloudy, visibility 600 ft in fog / TEMP: 32.7F / WIND: ENE 0-1 mmph / RH: 96% / DEWPT 31.7F / BAR: 29.858 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 27.6F , MAX: 33.3F at 12:40pm , MIN: 17.7F at 12:37am , HDEWPT: 30.3F at 8:18pm , PEAK WIND: NNE 17 mph at 6:23am , PRECIP: Rain 1am to 6am , No FZRA observed. |
11/20/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.28 |
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2.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.4F / WIND: NNE 0-1 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 30.4F / BAR: 30.051 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.2F , MAX: 35.2F at 12:11pm , MIN: 31.9F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 10:24am , PEAK WIND: WNW 7 mph at 8:10am , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 9pm with occasional snowflakes mixed in 3pm to 6pm. |
11/21/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
0.5 |
0.05 |
1.5 |
0.56 |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 29.2F / WIND: WNW 2-8 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 27.9F / BAR: 30.258 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.5F , MAX: 33.6F at 12:13pm , MIN: 29.3F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 12:05am , PEAK WIND: W 12 mph at 9:43pm , PRECIP: Off and on drizzle in the morning = 0.03" , snow in the evening 0.5" = 0.05" melted. |
11/22/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.1 |
0.02 |
1.0 |
M |
7:00 AM OBS // Cloudy mountains in an out of clouds / TEMP: 31.2F / WIND: NNW 0-5 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 30.1F / BAR: 29.821 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.4F , MAX: 33.6F at 11:43am , MIN: 27.0F at 8:11pm , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 11:31am , PEAK GUST: WNW 18 mph at 7:01am , PRECIP: Off and on Mixed snow and sleet Between 3am and 6am. |
11/23/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
1.3 |
0.08 |
2.0 |
0.64 |
7 AM OBS // Clear, blowing snow / TEMP: 17.9F / WIND: W 11 Gusting to 31 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 13.3F / BAR: 29.955 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.0F , MAX: 41.0F at 11:24am , MIN: 22.5F at 11:39pm , HDEWPT: 40.1F at 10:46am , PEAK GUST: WSW 34 mph at 4:35pm (numerous gusts 29 to 34 mph every half hour 12:30pm to 7am this morning) , PRECIP: Rain = 0.23" 10:45am To 3:25pm , Snow 1.3"= 0.08" melted 3:25pm to 11pm. (average of 3 snowboards) |
11/24/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
2.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains partially obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 25.8F / WIND: NNE 2-4 mph / RH: 73% / DEWPT: 18.3F / BAR: 29.785 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 23.6F , MAX: 29.1F at 2:15pm , MIN: 17.9F at 6:22am , HDEWPT: 19.0F at 5:53pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 33 mph at 3:37am , Precip: None. |
11/25/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.97 |
9.4 |
0.97 |
11.5 |
1.71 |
Overcast, mountains obscured above 3500 Ft / TEMP: 29.9F / WIND: W 6 Gusts to 17 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 28.6F / BAR: 29.741 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.3F , MAX: 30.8F at 11:58pm , MIN: 21.0F at 12:30am , HDEWPT: 29.6F at 11:30pm , PEAK WIND: WSW 16 mph at 10:27pm , PRECIP: Snow started about 9am ended at midnight , a bit of FZRA mixed in at times between 11am-11:30am. Heaviest snowfall between 2pm and 10pm. |
11/26/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
11.0 |
1.65 |
7 AM OBS // Clear with light ground fog / TEMP: 30.1F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 29.1F / BAR: 30.056 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.6F , MAX: 35.3F at 11:48am , MIN: 28.0F at 3:29am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 11:39am , PEAK GUST: WSW 23 mph at 4:06am , PRECIP: None. |
11/27/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
9.5 |
1.56 |
High thin clouds / TEMP: 31.2F / WIND: WNW calm / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 29.9F / BAR: 30.198 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 37.9F , MAX: 46.8F at 1:39pm , MIN: 30.1F at 6:56am , HDEWPT: 40.0f at 1:10pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 21 mph at 5:53pm , PRECIP: None. |
11/28/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.97 |
5.5 |
0.91 |
14.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.2F / WIND: W calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 30.2F / BAR: 29.701 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.3F , MAX: 39.7F at 2:50pm , MIN: 31.0F at 6:00am , HDEWPT: 33.9F at 1:00pm , PEAK GUST: NE 24 mph at 3:14pm , PRECIP: Period of sleet and snow mixed between 5:30pm and 7:15pm then all snow 7:15pm to 4:00am this morning. Thunder and lightening 7:15pm. |
11/29/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
0.9 |
0.07 |
14.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy occasional light snow / TEMP: 22.3F / WIND: SW 2-13 mph / RH:94% / DEWPT: 20.8F / BAR: 30.320 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.1F , MAX: 32.5F at 10:30am , MIN: 24.3F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 24,0F at 1:00pm , PEAK WIND: NNE 15 mph at 4:30pm , PRECIP: Snow 0.9 = 0.07" melted. |
11/30/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
14.5 |
M |
A few scattered clouds / TEMP: 7.7F / WIND: WNW 4-11 mph / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 4.4F / BAR: 30.160 R // Yesterdays Mean: 20.5F , MAX: 27.7F at 12:20pm , MIN: 12.4F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 12:07pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 22 mph at 4:01pm , PRECIP: NONE. |
12/1/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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A few high clouds / TEMP: 3.3F / WIND: WNW calm / RH: 88% / DEWPT: 0.5F / BAR: 30.237 R slowly / Yesterdays MEAN: 10.8F , MAX: 14.3F at 11:24am , MIN: 7.5F at 6:59am , HDEWPT: 10.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: S 24 mph at 12:11pm , PRECIP: a few snow flakes in the late afternoon. |
12/2/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
1.2 |
0.12 |
14.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, summits obscured above 5300 ft / TEMP: 19.5F / WIND: NNE 2-5 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 17.8F / BAR: 29.989 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 14.9F , MAX: 24.7F at 11:52am , MIN: 3.1F at 6:53am , HDEWPT: 19.0F at 11:38am , PEAK WIND: NE 17 mph at 11:03pm , PRECIP: light snow 11pm to 2am . |
12/3/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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14.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, summits obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 23.4F / WIND: W calm / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 20.6F / BAR: 29.629 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.5F , MAX: 25.4F at 12:47pm , MIN: 17.7F at 3:55am , HDEWPT: 22.2F at 12:17pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 14 mph at 12:18am , PRECIP: Trace of snow between 10pm and midnight. |
12/4/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.26 |
3.0 |
0.26 |
15.5 |
M |
Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 22.7F / WIND: WNW 6-12 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 18.0F / BAR: 29.597 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.0F , MAX: 24.5F at 8:09am , MIN: 18.4F at 10:50pm , HDEWPT: 21.0F at 8:09am , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 1:57pm , PRECIP: Snow between 9am and 9pm - 3.0"= 0.26 melted. |
12/5/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains in and out of clouds / TEMP: 28.6F / WIND: W 4 -11 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 26.7F / BAR: 29.625 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 25.7F , MAX: 31.6F at 2:15pm , MIN: 18.8F at 12:30am , HDEWPT: 28.5F at 10:30am , PEAK GUST: W 25 mph at 1:47am , PRECIP: Off and On snow flurries . (no idea why this report didn't get entered.) |
12/6/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
2.0 |
0.14 |
16.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly to mostly cloudy, a few light snow flurries, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 18.0F / WIND: WSW 6 Gusting to 20 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 14.8F / BAR: 30.110 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.7F , MAX: 30.7F at 10:30am , MIN: 17.7F at 11:21pm , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 9:52am , PEAK GUST: W 25 mph at 9:42pm , PRECIP: Snow 2.0"= 0.14 melted. |
12/7/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
3.5 |
0.13 |
18.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // light snow from a hazy blue sky / TEMP: 14.2F / WIND: SW 4-14 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 11.8F / BAR: 30.346 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.1F , MAX: 26.8F at12:37pm , MIN: 17.2F at 3:46am , HDEWPT: 20.0F at 12:38pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 27 mph at 12:15am , PRECIP: Snow 3.5" = 0.13 melted , as close as we can come to Colorado Powder. |
12/8/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
1.5 |
0.04 |
19.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS / Clear / TEMP: 8.4F / WIND: W Calm / RH: 85% / DEWPT: 4.8F / BAR: 30.613 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 15.9F , MAX: 20.4F at 1:07pm , MIN: 12.5F at 10:48pm , HDEWPT: 16.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 20 mph at 3:24am , PRECIP: Very light snow continued all day ending around 1am this morning. |
12/9/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
0.6 |
0.06 |
18.0 |
2.83 |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 24.6F / WIND: NE 0-2 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 23.1F / BAR: 30.343 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 18.2F , MAX: 25.8F at 1:28pm , MIN: 7.0F at 8:00am , HDEWPT: 19.1F at 2:30pm , PEAK WIND: NNE 19 mph at 2:30pm , PRECIP: Snow between 4am and 6am. |
12/10/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
10.0 |
2.47 |
7 AM OBS // Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 45.2F / WIND: NW 5-15 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 42.4F , BAR: 29.728 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 32.3F , MAX: 49.0F at 10:03pm , MIN: 20.3F at 12:16am , HDEWPT: 47.0F at 9:32pm , PEAK GUST: SSW 32 mph at 9:42pm , PRECIP: Occasional Rain. |
12/11/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
9.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 17.9F / WIND: WNW 4-12 mph / RH: 71% / DEWPT: 10.1F / BAR: 30.261 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 41.4F , MAX: 47.6F at 10:07am , MIN: 27.6F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 10:13am , PEAK GUST: W 28 mph at 10:29pm , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 5:10pm, HRRATE: 0.21 inch/pr/hr at 4:13pm ,then a trace of snow 5:10pm to 6:30pm. |
12/12/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.3 |
0.02 |
8.0 |
M |
Light snow flurries, mountains obscured / TEMP: 11.8F / WIND: W 6-13 mph / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 6.3F / BAR: 30.659 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.0F , MAX: 27.6F at 12:00am , MIN: 17.2F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 22.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 35 mph at 10:19pm , PRECP: snow flurries between 9pm and 11pm. A few light flurries started again at 7am this morning. |
12/13/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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8.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Mostly clear / TEMP: 19.9F / WIND: NNE 4-8 mph / RH: 71% / DEWPT: 12.0F / BAR: 30.632 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 14.9F , MAX: 20.7F at 11:58am , MIN: 11.4F at 8:22pm , HDEWPT: 12.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WNW 30 mph at 1:34am , PRECIP: A few morning flurries only a Trace. |
12/14/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
5.5 |
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7 AM OBS // Rain / TEMP: 37.0F / WIND: NE 5-10 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 36.1F / BAR: 29.984 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.4F , MAX: 35.9F at 12:22pm , MIN: 12.5F at 12:13am , HDEWPT: 32.1F at 12:22pm , PEAK GUST: NE 25 mph at 10:14pm , PRECIP: Rain. |
12/15/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.69 |
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5.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Light snow mountains obscured / TEMP: 32.1F / WIND: W 15 Gusting to 45 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 30.0F / BAR: 20.288 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.1F , MAX: 44.9F at 11:29pm , MIN: 32.6F at 12:21am , HDEWPT: 44.0F at 11:23pm , PEAK GUST: NNE 22 mph at 11:37pm , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 8:30pm , HRRate 0.23 inch pr/hr at 7:41am ,Trace of snow between 4am and 7:00am this morning. Numerous wind gusts between 30 and 45 mph since 1am this morning. |
12/16/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
2.0 |
0.16 |
5.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Scattered high clouds/ TEMP: 11.3F / WIND: NW 9 gusting to 27 mph / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 6.0F / BAR: 30.263 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 28.7F , MAX: 43.2F at 12:00am , MIN: 14.5F at 11:38pm , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 49 mph at 7:53am , PRECIP: Off and on snow flurries 7am to 3pm then heavy squalls 3pm to 5pm. Due to the high winds snowfall is an estimate and melted amount is an average of two gauges.one in the open the other partially sheltered , the third gauge blew away. Numerous Gusts of 30 to 49 mph were recorded every half hour from 1am Sun to 1am this morning. |
12/17/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
5.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast,mountains visible / TEMP: 18.8F / WIND: W calm / RH: 83% / DEWPT: 14.5F / BAR: 30.217 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 15.2F , MAX: 19.0F at 1:23pm , MIN: 11.0F at 7:28am , HDEWPT: 12.5F at 11:57pm , PEAK GUST: W 35 mph at 6:12am , numerous gusts 25-35 mph from 7am to 5:30am pm , PRECIP: None. |
12/18/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.33 |
4.2 |
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9.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 20.2F / WIND: WSW 1-8 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 18.1F / BAR: 29.855 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 20.2F , MAX: 22.3F at 9:30am / MIN: 17.8F at 2:30am / PEAK WIND: W 12 mph at 1:30am , PRECIP: Snow 4.2" = 0.33 melted. Heaviest in the late afternoon and evening. |
12/19/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.41 |
6.4 |
0.41 |
15.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, blowing snow , mountains obscured / TEMP: -4.5F / WIND: NW 13 Gusting to 33 mph / W/C: -23.7F / RH: 83% / DEWPT: -8.4F / BAR: 30.138 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 20.6F , MAX: 29.2F at 11:16am , MIN: 5.8F at 11:49pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 28 mph at 9:59pm , PRECIP: Snow and Heavy Snow squalls with Whiteout conditions between 5pm to 12am. |
12/20/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
13.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 Ft / TEMP: -0.3F / W/C: -13.3F / WIND: NW 7 mph Gusting to 20 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: -4.0F / BAR: 30.646 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 0.0F , MAX: 5.8F at 12:00am , MIN: -5.4F at 7:30am , High W/C: -12.8F at 3pm Low W/C: -26F at 8:37am , HDEWPT: 2.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 36 mph at 9:44am , PRECIP: None , W/C of -20F to -26F from 5am to 10am. |
12/21/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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13.0 |
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Clear / TEMP: 0.7F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 88% / DEWPT: -2.0F / BAR: 30.824 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 3.7F , MAX: 12.0F at 1:35pm , MIN: -1.0F at 12:06am , HDEWPT: 6.0F at 2:07pm , PEAK GUST: NW 25 mph at 12:15am , PRECIP: Trace of snow around 9pm. |
12/22/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
13.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Mostly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 14.1F / WIND: W calm / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 12.2F / BAR: 30.424 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 11.3F , MAX: 23.4F at 1:14pm , MIN: -0.3F at 4:58am , HDEWPT: 17.0F at 12:12pm , PEAK WIND: W 11 mph at 12:01am , PRECIP: None. |
12/23/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
11.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 34.7F / WIND: WSW 3-14 mph / RH: 80% / DEWPT: 28.9F / BAR: 30.127 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.2F , MAX: 39.0F at 11:52am , MIN: 12.8F at 12:09am , HDEWPT: 28.0F at 10:21am , PEAK GUST: W 22 mph at 1:37pm , PRECIP: None. |
12/24/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
10.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Mostly clear , summits above 4800 ft in and out of clouds / TEMP: 24.2F / WIND: NW 7 Gusting to 22 mph / RH: 79% / DEWPT: 19.1F / BAR: 30.152 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 37.5F , MAX: 47.5F at 1:37pm , MIN: 31.3F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 8:27pm , PEAK GUST: SSW 46 mph at 10:00pm , PRECIP: None. |
12/25/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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M |
7 AM OBS // Broken Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 14.0F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 11.4F / BAR: 30.359 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 25.8F , MAX: 34.3F at 12:00am , MIN: 16.3F at 10:50pm , HDEWPT: 28.0F at 12:26am , PEAK GUST: NW 29 mph at 3:58am , PRECIP: None. Still full snow cover so a White Christmas as usual. |
12/26/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
9.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 19.7F / WIND: W 5 Gusting to 19 mph / RH: 76% / DEWPT: 13.6F / BAR: 30.489 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 22.9F , MAX: 32.2F at 1:32pm , MIN: 13.6F at 6:00am , HDEWPT: 22.0F at 6:30am , PEAK WIND: W 9 mph at 8:41am , PRECIP: None. ( 0ne report at the beginning of the month and the other at the end not entered , must be age) |
12/27/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, very light FRZ drizzle, mountains obscured above 3800 ft / TEMP: 24.7F / WIND: N calm / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 30.345 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 24.6F , MAX: 33.5F at 10:21am , MIN: 19.7F at 6:19am , HDEWPT: 19.0F at 3:07pm , PEAK WIND: WSW 9 mph at 4:42pm , PRECIP: FRZ drizzle between 4am and 7am this morning. slippery under foot. |
12/28/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
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7 AM OBS // Snow flurries, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.6F / WIND: NNW 7 Gusting to 23 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 29.8F / BAR: 30.166 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.0F , MAX: 41.9F at 6:57pm , MIN: 22.2F at 12:45am , HDWPT: 40.0F at 5:30pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 29 mph at 9:59pm , PRECIP: FZRA 7am to 1:30pm melted down to 0.04" , Rain 2:00pm to 3:30pm = 0.16 , Snow flurries 5:30am to 7am = Trace. A few bare spots showing in windswept areas and around stonewalls. |
12/29/2019 |
7:00 AM |
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7.0 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 26.4F / WIND: N 0.2 mph / RH: 76% / DEWPT: 19.9F / BAR: 30.330 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.9F , MAX: 37.0F at 12:14pm , MIN: 27.9F at 11:31pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WNW 26 mph at 3:04am , PRECIP: Trace of snow between 7am and 8am. |
12/30/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.29 |
3.0 |
0.29 |
10.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 20.6F / WIND: NE 6 Gusting to 20 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 19.0F / BAR: 30.238 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 28.0F , MAX: 33.0F at 12:16pm , MIN: 24,6F at 11:51pm , HDEWPT: 23.0F at 1:03am , PEAK GUST: NW 21 mph at 2:28am , PRECIP: Snow began about 10pm still snowing this morning, Core and Gauge same amount. |
12/31/2019 |
7:00 AM |
0.99 |
6.0 |
0.99 |
14.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 24.1F / WIND: SE 5-16 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 22.6F / BAR: 29.965 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 20.6F , MAX: 24.6F at 12:00am , MIN: 17.8F at 1:33pm , HDEWPT: 23.0F at 12:13am , PEAK GUST: NE 21 mph at 10:02am , PRECIP: Snow and Sleet all day still snowing this morning, predominantly snow. Storm total so far 9.0"= 1.28 melted |
1/1/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
3.8 |
0.24 |
16.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 25.3F / WIND: WNW 5 Gusting to 21 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 24.1F / BAR: 29.589 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.1F , MAX: 29.7F at 11:57pm , MIN: 21.2F at 12:54am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 11:18pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 29 mph at 11:18pm , PRECIP: Snow of and on all day then period of heavier snow 6pm to 3am this morning. Storm Total: 12.8" = 1.52" melted |
1/2/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
2.9 |
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17.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 24.5F / WIND: WNW 2-6 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 23.0F / BAR: 29.925 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.8F , MAX: 29.8F at 12:00am , MIN: 25.2F at 7:00am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 30 mph at 11:29am , numerous gusts 25 to 30 mph between 10:30am and 12pm. PRECIP: Snow 10am to 1am this morning. |
1/3/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 34.0F / WIND: W 2-5 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 32.7F / BAR: 29.849 Steady // Yesterdays Mean: 26.8F , MAX: 33.1F at 12:00pm , MIN: 24.1F at 7:40am , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 12:00pm , PEAK GUST: NW 20 mph at 10:51am , PRECIP: None. |
1/4/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
13.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 33.5F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 30.9F / BAR: 29.852 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 37.0F , MAX: 41.5F at 11:51am , MIN: 30.8F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 12:51pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 21 mph at 4:04am , PRECIP: None. |
1/5/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
3.0 |
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15.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Snow flurries, mountains obscured / TEM: 22.5F / WIND: NNW 3-15 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 20.5F / BAR: 29.715 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.0F , MAX: 36.1F at 10:43am , MIN: 30.1F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 12:00am , PEAK WIND: SE 15 mph at 1:49am , PRECIP: Snow started around 11:30am ,still flurries this morning. |
1/6/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
1.0 |
0.06 |
15.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 6.9F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 4.3F / BAR: 30.031 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 20.5F , Max: 30.1F at 12:30am , MIN: 11.8F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 29.3F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 30 mph at 3:00pm , PRECIP: Snow Flurries and light snow 7am to 2am this morning |
1/7/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
1.8 |
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16.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow flurries, mountains obscured above 3900 / TEMP: 20.6F / WIND: W 0-2 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 18.4F / BAR: 30.104 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 14.7F , MAX: 22.8F at 9:58pm , MIN: 6.9F at 6:40am , HDEWPT: 21.2F at 9:35pm , PEAK GUST: NW 18 mph at 3:45am , PRECIP: Light snow 1pm to 11pm then Flurries around 1am still flurries this morning. |
1/8/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
1.9 |
0.13 |
16.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 20.1F / WIND: N calm / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 18.4F / BAR:/ 29.891 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 22.1F , MAX: 25.1F at 12:53pm , MIN: 19.6F at 5:59pm , HDEWPT: 22.0F at 2:27am , PEAK GUST: NW 21 mph at 3:37am , PRECIP: Off and on snow flurries and periods of light snow 7am to 10am and 3am to 7am still snowing |
1/9/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
4.2 |
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20.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, blowing and drifting snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 3.7F / W/C: -12.0F , WIND: NW 10 gusting to 30 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 0.7F / BAR: 30.615 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.9F , MAX: 28.6F at 12:09pm , MIN: 11.8F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 26.0F at 11:21am , PEAK GUST: NW 33 mph at 7:15pm , PRECIP: Snow 7am to noon then a series of heavy squalls between 1pm and 11pm. |
1/10/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Snow pellets, mountains visible / TEMP: 15.1F / WIND: calm / RH: 80% / DEWPT: 10.0F / BAR: 30.620 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 7.8F , MAX: 12.9F at 1:37pm , MIN: 2.8F at 8:17am , HDEWPT: 9.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 34 mph at 1:13am , PRECIP: None up to midnite then snow pellets started 6am this morning. |
1/11/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
0.7 |
0.09 |
17.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy light fog, mountains partially obscured / TEMP: 36.3F / WIND: N 0-1 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 35.3F / BAR: 30.278 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 27.5F / MAX: 40.4F at 11:59pm , MIN: 9.2F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 39.0F at 10:21pm , PEAK GUST: W 32 mph at 1:27pm / PRECIP: Snow 7am to 12 noon, 0.7" = 0.09 melted, Rain 1am to 4am this morning = 0.10. |
1/12/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.35 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
9.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light drizzle, mountains obscured / TEMP; 34.3F / WIND: NE 7 Gusting to 22 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 33.9F / BAR: 29.806 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 47.9F , MAX: 55.8F at 2:25pm , MIN: 35.5F at 4:30am , HDEWPT: 50.0F at 9:09am , PEAK GUST: SW 37 mph at 9:34am , PRECIP: Off and on Rain = 0.04" 7am to 11:30am, then Rain 4am to 7am this morning = 0.31"still drizzling. Lost a large amount of snow. Temp remained above 50 degrees from 9:30am yesterday to 1am this morning. Will check the record books on this one. |
1/13/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.57 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
8.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3800 ft / TEMP: 16.4F / WIND: NW 0-3 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 13.2F / BAR: 30.596 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.3F , MAX: 53.3F at 12:00am , MIN: 17.5F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 50.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: 38 mph at 12:49pm , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 2pm, HRRATE: 2.06 inch/pr/hr at 10:41am. Full snow cover in woods, some bare spots in fields.
{EDIT: Observer reported 8.0 for total snow depth and 0.00 for total snow melted core. This appears to be a typo. Changed melted value of 0.00 to NA until observer can be contacted to verify. CoCoSTAFF DNT} |
1/14/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.2 |
0.03 |
8.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 26.8F / WIND: WNW 0-1 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 24.5F / BAR: 30.497 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 19.9F , MAX: 28.7F at 9:46pm , MIN: 15.7F at 5:45am , HDEWPT: 28.0F at 9:39pm , PEAK WIND: N14 mph at 9:35pm , PRECIP: Very light Snow and Freezing drizzle 11am to 5pm. |
1/15/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
0.8 |
0.07 |
9.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.0F / WIND: WNW 4-11 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 29.7F / BAR: 30.168 R // Yesterdays MEAN: 27.5F , MAX: 32.1F at 12:30pm , MIN: 24.5F at 10:00pm , PEAK WIND: E 16 mph at 2:00am , PRECIP: light snow off and on all day still snowing this morning. |
1/16/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
1.9 |
0.15 |
9.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 26.8F / WIND: NE calm / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 25.6F / BAR: 29.930 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.5F , MAX:32.9F at 10:20am , MIN: 24.7F at 2:38am , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 4:25am , PEAK GUST: NW 22 mph at 4:23pm , PRECIP: Snow, started around 3am this morning. |
1/17/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
5.7 |
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13.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: -6.7F / WIND: WNW 13 Gusting to 31 mph / W/C -26.6F / RH: 81% / DEWPT: -10.7F / BAR: 30.560 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 24.1F , MAX: 30.2F at 1:00pm , MIN: 9.7F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 1:00pm , PEAK GUST: NW 31 mph at 11:17pm , PRECIP: Snow between 7am and 1am 5.7"= 0.40 melted. Storm Total: 7.6"= 0.55 melted. |
1/18/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
13.0 |
M |
High thin clouds, mountains visible / TEMP: -5.3F / WIND: N calm / RH: 82% / DEWPT: -9.4F / BAR: 30.768 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: -0.8F , MAX: 9.7f at 12:00am , MIN: -7.3F at 7:23am , HDEWPT: 6.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 31 mph at 1:54am , PRECIP: None. Red sunrise this morning. |
1/19/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.44 |
7.8 |
0.44 |
20.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy,mountains obscured / TEMP: 15.0F / WIND: NE calm / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 13.1F / BAR: 29.727 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 4.5F , MAX: 13.8F at 11:49pm , MIN: -6.0F at 7:26am , HDEWPT: 11.2F at 11:59pm , PEAK GUST: W 21 mph at 3:16am , PRECIP: Snow , very dry snow you can clear the almost 8" with a broom. |
1/20/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
1.0 |
0.06 |
19.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 2.1F / WIND: SW 6-15 mph / RH: 87% / BAR: 30.267 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 16.0F , MAX: 27.4F at 11:33am , MIN: 6.2F at 10:34pm , HDEWPT: 26.0F at 11:28am , PEAK GUST: W 26 mph at 11:48am , PRECIP: Off and on snow flurries 10am to 8pm. |
1/21/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
19.0 |
M |
Clear / TEMP: 2.6F / WIND: SW 2-4 mph / RH: 85% / DEWPT: -1.0F / BAR: 30.554 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 6.6F , MAX: 13.3F at 1:08pm , MIN: 0.9F at 7:51am , HDEWPT: 9.0F at 1:44pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 30 mph at 8:52am , PRECIP: None |
1/22/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
19.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 20.3F / WIND: WSW 3-9 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 15.7F / BAR: 30.526 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 10.0F , MAX: 17.7F at 11:43pm , MIN: 2.3F at 7:12am , HDEWPT: 12.0F at 11:59pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 22 mph at 2:15pm , PRECIP: None. |
1/23/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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18.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // A few high clouds / TEMP: 24.4F / WIND: W 0-2 mph / RH: 59% / DEWPT: 13.5F / BAR: 30.444 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 25.0F , MAX: 36.2F at 12:55pm , MIN: 17.9F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 23.0F at 12:56pm , PEAK GUST: W 19 mph at 11:43pm , PRECIP: None. |
1/24/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
17.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Mostly clear / TEMP: 23.0F / WIND: N calm / RH: 65% / DEWPT: 13.3F / BAR: 30.549 R rapidly / Yesterdays MEAN: 32.2F , MAX: 46.9F at 12:00pm , MIN: 24.1F at 7:20am , HDEWPT: 26.2F at 4:00pm , PEAK GUST: W 21 mph at 3:30am , PRECIP: None.
1/25/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
7 AM OBS // Mostly cloudy, summits in and out of clouds / TEMP: 26.2F / WIND: N 2-8 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 24.7F / BAR: 30.446 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.5F , MAX: 39.8F at 1:58pm , MIN: 22.8F at 7:12am , HDEWPT: 26.0F at 1:48pm , PEAK WIND: W 14 mph at 2:39pm PRECIP: None |
1/26/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 32.1F / WIND: WSW 0-3 mph / RH: 97% / DEWPT: 31.3F / BAR: 29.786 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.3F , MAX: 33.7F at 10:53am , MIN: 25.2F at 5:17am , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 11:02pm , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 4:31pm , PRECIP: Snow and Sleet. |
1/27/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
1.6 |
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18.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow flurries, mountains obscured / TEMP: 30.0F / WIND: WSW 5-10 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 28.5F / BAR: 29.644 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 32.3F , MAX: 36.5F at 11:06am , MIN: 29.9F at 9:24pm , HDEWPT: 36.0F at 11:06am , PEAK GUST: NNW 28 mph at 9:30pm / PRECIP: Snow started in the morning still snowing this morning. |
1/28/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
1.5 |
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19.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3000 ft / TEMP: 24.9F / WIND: WSW 0-4 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 23.3F / BAR: 29.820 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.0F , MAX: 36.1F at 10:21am , MIN: 27.8F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 10:10am , PEAK GUST: WSW 28 mph at 12:30am , PRECIP: light snow 7am to 1am this morning then off and on flurries. |
1/29/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 12.2F / WIND: W 2-5 mph / RH: 88% / DEWPT: 9.3F / BAR:30.138 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 24.6F , MAX:
29.0F at 11:28am , MIN: 19.1F at 11:05pm , HDEWPT: 26.3F at 12:00am , PEAK WIND:: WSW 15 mph at 10:11am , PRECIP: Trace of snow about 10pm. |
1/30/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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19.0 |
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Clear / TEMP: 0.6F / WIND: Calm / RH: 87% / BAR: 30.483 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 15.2F , MAX: 27.9F at 12:48pm , MIN: 1.8F at 11:16pm , HDEWPT: 16.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 22 mph at 1:52pm , PRECIP: None. |
1/31/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
18.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // A few high clouds / TEMP: 12.7F / WIND: calm / RH: 79% / DEWPT: 7.4F / BAR: 30.455 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 13.5F , MAX: 27.6F at 1:53pm , MIN: 0.2F at 6:29am , HDEWPT: 11.0F at 12:44pm , PEAK WIND: SW 14 mph at 12:14am , PRECIP: None. |
2/1/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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18.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains obscured above 5500 ft / TEMP: 26.4F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 83% / DEWPT: 21.9F / BAR: 30.150 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 23.1F , MAX: 34.9F at 1:10pm , MIN: 12.1F at 6:27am , HDEWPT: 20.0F at 11:25pm , PEAK WIND: SW 13 mph at 2:25pm , PRECIP: None. |
2/2/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast,mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 23.0F / WIND: W 1-6 mph / RH: 85% / DEWPT: 19.4F / 29.673 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.0F , MAX: 34.6F at 1:01pm , MIN: 25.7F at 1:21am , HDEWPT: 27.0F at 2:07pm , PEAK WIND: SSW 8 mph at 3:14pm , PRECIP: A few flakes of snow off and on during the afternoon and evening. |
2/3/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly to mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 3800 ft / TEMP: 24.4F / WIND: W 5 gusting to 18 mph / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 21.6F / BAR: 29.767 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 25.4F , MAX: 29.9F at 10:39am , MIN: 22.2F at 10:51pm , HDEWPT: 24.0F at 12:00am , PEAK WIND: SW 14 mph at 12:05pm , PRECIP: Off and on light snow flurries between 7:30am nan 9:30am. |
2/4/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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17.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 21.9F / WIND: W calm / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 19.4F / BAR: 29.978 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.0F , MAX: 33.2F at 1:51pm , MIN: 23.4F at 11:55pm , HDEWPT: 28.0F at 4:10pm , PEAK GUST: SW 27 mph at 7:41pm , PRECIP: Off and on very light snow. |
2/5/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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17.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Light snow just starting, mountains obscured / TEMP: 23.0F / WIND: WSW 1-8 mph / RH: 79% / DEWPT: 17.6F / BAR: 30.068 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 27.0F , MAX: 31.7F at 7:12pm , MIN: 21.6F at 6:17am , HDEWPT: 28.0F at 6:53pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 20 mph at 7:21pm , PRECIP: trace of freezing drizzle around 11am and around 3pm. |
2/6/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
1.9 |
0.14 |
17.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow and snow grains, mountains obscured / TEMP: 15.6F / WIND: N calm / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 13.2F / BAR: 30.080 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.7F , MAX: 27.8F at 12:00am , MIN: 12.7F at 10:26pm , HDEWPT: 24.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: SW 26 mph at 6:01am , PRECIP: Snow. |
2/7/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
1.0 |
0.22 |
17.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light sleet and Freezing rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 25.6F / WIND: NNE 2-12 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 24.7F / BAR: 29.424 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 19.9F , MAX: 24.9F at 7:08pm , MIN: 13.7F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 24.0F at 7:08pm , PEAK GUST: SW 16 mph at 10:52am , PRECIP: Off and on snow,sleet and a small amount of FZR , Crust is 1/4" of sleet laced with FZR. |
2/8/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.84 |
6.8 |
0.84 |
24.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, Blowing snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 6.1F / WIND: WSW 8 Gusting to 20 mph / RH: 88% / DEWPT: 3.3F / BAR: 29.967 R rapidly (Had a low pressure yesterday of 28.906 at 3:19pm) // Yesterdays MEAN: 22.6F , MAX: 26.5F at 9:49am , MIN: 10.9F at 11:52pm , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 6:15pm , PEAK GUST: ENE 28 mph at 6:38pm / PRECIP: Sleet with a bit of ZRN mixed in 7am to 1:15pm , 1.4" = 0.29 melted , Snow 1:15pm to 11pm , 5.4" = 0.55 melted. The turnover to snow was instantaneous from light sleet to a wall of white. Don't believe I have seen one that fast. |
2/9/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
24.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: -7.6F / WIND: W Calm / RH: 85% / DEWPT: -10.9F / BAR: 30.696 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 7.1F , MAX: 14.2F at 1:08pm , MIN: 1.1F at 9:09pm , HDEWPT: 10.0F at 1:00pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 27 mph at 3:22am , PRECIP: None. |
2/10/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
1.9 |
0.07 |
24.5 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.4F / WIND: W 4 Gusting to 21 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 29.3F / BAR: 30.208 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 10.4F , MAX: 26.8F at 1:40pm , MIN: -7.6F at 6:28am , HDEWPT: 18.0F at 3:23pm , PEAK WIND: NW 17 mph at 12:32am , PRECIP: Snow |
2/11/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
1.3 |
0.13 |
24.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains obscured above 4900 ft / TEMP: 20.7F / WIND: W Calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 19.2F / BAR: 30.196 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 28.8F , MAX: 34.0F at 12:27pm , MIN: 17.5F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 11:24am , PEAK GUST: NW 22 mph at 2:56pm , PRECIP: Snow 7am to 2pm 1.0" = 0.11 melted., Off and on Flurries 4pm to 8pm 0.3" = 0.02 melted. |
2/12/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
2.4 |
0.17 |
25.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 23.6F / WIND: WSW 6 Gusts to 20 mph / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 21.6F / BAR: 30.099 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.6F , MAX: 32.0F at 12:12pm , MIN: 20.2F at 5:56am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 12:07pm , PEAK GUST: W 29 mph at 10:27pm , PRECIP: Periods of snow between 10am and 7am this morning. Still snowing at 7am. |
2/13/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
0.5 |
0.06 |
25.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 28.1F / WIND: E calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 26.5F / BAR: 29.837 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.3F , MAX: 31.0F at 2:17pm , MIN: 23.3F at 7:44pm , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 9:46am , PEAK GUST: SW 29 mph at 11:36am , PRECIP: Periods of snow ending around 11am then snow started again around 3am, still snowing this morning. |
2/14/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
2.0 |
0.16 |
27.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Mostly clear, Blowing snow ,Summits in and out of clouds / TEMP: -0.5F / WIND: W 5 gusts to 20 mph / W/C: -10.4F / RH: 81% / DEWPT: -4.4F / BAR: 30.239 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 27.8F , MAX: 33.4F at 2:04pm , MIN: 17.3F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 30.0F at 11:53am , PEAK GUST: WSW 30 mph at 9:41pm , PRECIP: Light snow 7am to 1am this morning.
2/15/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
27.0 |
M |
7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: -9.6F / WIND: W calm / RH: 79% / DEWPT: -14.3F / BAR: 30.761 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 3.0F , MAX: 17.3F at 12:00am , MIN: -7.0F at 11:55pm , Low W/C: -20.0F at 9:04pm , HDEWPT: 14.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 27 mph at 3:37am , PRECIP: None |
2/16/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
1.6 |
0.09 |
28.0 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy , mountains obscured above 4900 ft / TEMP: 22.9F / WIND: WSW 6 Gusting to 18 mph / RH: 85% / DEWPT: 19.1F / BAR: 30.206 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 6.1F , MAX: 25.0F at 2:24pm , MIN: -11.7F at 3:19am , LOW W/C: -21.0F at 4:04am , HDEWPT: 9.0F at 2:22pm , PEAK WIND: WSW 17 mph at 9:42am , PRECIP: Snow between 1am and 5am. |
2/17/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4200 ft / TEMP: 22.2F / WIND: NW 5 gusts to 16 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 18.2F / BAR: 30.227 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 25.5F, MAX: 31.7F at 2:49pm , MIN: 8.6F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 2:40pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 28 mph at 5:59am , PRECIP: None. |
2/18/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 8.6F / WIND: NNE 3-14 mph / RH: 76% / DEWPT: 2.2F / BAR: 30.593 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.4F , MAX: 28.7F at 12:04am , MIN: 5.2F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 23.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 22 mph at 10:43am , PRECIP: a few morning snow flurries. |
2/19/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4900 ft / TEMP: 25.9F / WIND: WNW 8 Gusting to 26 mph / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 23.1F / BAR: 30.065 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 17.8F , MAX: 29.9F at 8:24pm , MIN: 4.4F at 1:31am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 8:10pm , PEAK GUST: ENE 33 mph at 2:34pm , PRECIP: Snow between 9:45am and 1am with a bit of sleet mixed in around 10pm. Very windy throughout the storm making snow measuremment difficult. |
2/20/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 2.6F / WIND: NW 3-6 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: -1.1F / BAR: 30.67 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 22.1F , MAX: 32.3F at 12:00am , MIN: 7.3F at 11:51pm , HDEWPT: 31.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUUST: NW 37 mph at 8:07pm , PRECIP: Light Snow in the morning, Heavy snow squall in afternoon. Very windy all day with drifting. |
2/21/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 1.9F / WIND: W 0-2 mph / RH: 70% / DEWPT: -6.4F / BAR: 30.599 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 6.9F , MAX: 16.5F at 1:33pm , MIN: 0.8F at 9:50pm , HDEWPT: 6.0F at 12:26pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 28 moh at 12:14pm , PRECIP: Trace of snow between 8:30am and 10am. |
2/22/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, Mountains cloud capped above 5300 ft / TEMP; 20.2F , WIND: WSW 6-15 mph , RH: 58% / DEWPT: 7.8F / BAR: 30.230 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 12.9F , MAX: 21.8F at 1:51pm , MIN: -0.9F at 1:24am , HDEWPT: 8.0F at 7:45pm , PEAK GUST: W 29 mph at 9:21pm , PRECIP: None. |
2/23/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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A few high thin clouds in the East / TEMP: 26.3F / WIND: W 0-1 mph / RH: 76% / DEWPT: 19.8F / BAR: 30.228 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 26.9F , MAX: 35.5F at 1:59pm , MIN: 19.9F at 3:02am , HDEWPT: 20.0F at 1:44pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 26 mph at 9:48am , PRECIP: None. Small sap run , first time I have ever had it run this early. |
2/24/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7.66 |
Mostly clear / TEMP: 26.9F / WIND: WSW 0-1 mph / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 19.7F / BAR: 30.099 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.4F , MAX: 45.7F at 1:12pm , MIN: 25.4F at 6:25am , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 12:13am , PEAK GUST: WSW 20 mph at 12:13am , PRECIP: NONE. // Snowpack showed 4" damp powder , 2.7" frozen crust , 11" powder , 1.5" crust , 8" loose granular , 2" of frozen snow and ice. |
2/25/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 33.8F / WIND: N calm / RH: 75% / DEWPT: 26.7F / BAR: 30.031 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.8F , MAX: 52.3F at 2:18pm , MIN: 26.2F at 5:48am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 11:11am , PEAK GUST: SW 25 mph at 12:22pm , PRECIP: None. |
2/26/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy, mountains obscured above 2900 ft / TEMP: 33.0F / WIND: N calm / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 31.7F / BAR: 30.118 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.1F , MAX: 45.0F at 11:23am , MIN: 33.7F at 6:55am , HDEWPT: 35.0F at 4:07pm , PEAK WIND: SW 10 mph at 2:33pm , PRECIP: Trace of rain Between 4pm and 5pm. |
2/27/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
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Light to moderate Snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.6F / WIND: E 8 to 13 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 30.6F / BAR: 29.584 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 35.5F , MAX: 38.7F at 12:02pm , MIN: 33.0F at 6:18am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 8:11am , PEAK WIND: E 15 mph at 11:50pm , PRECIP: Sleet and snow started about 3am this morning. Very short period of sleet then over to snow. |
2/28/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 15.6F / WIND: NW 5 Gusting to 19 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 13.4F / BAR: 29.617 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 28.4F , MAX: 34.3F at 12:27am , MIN: 18.5F at 11:23pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 4:13am / PEAK GUST: E 31 mph at 5:26am , PRECIP: Moderate to Heavy Snow 3am to 8:30pm , (Storm Totals: 15.5" = 1.80 melted.) |
2/29/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Partly cloudy, summits in and out of clouds / TEMP: 15.5F / WIND: NW 0-9 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 12.3F / BAR: 29.823 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 18.8F , MAX: 25.0F at 10:05am , MIN: 15.3F at 6:12am , HDEWPT: 22.0F at 10:02am , PEAK GUST: NW 30 mph at 10:18am , numerous gusts 25 to 30 mph bwtween 10am and 11:30am Precip: Off and on snow flurries 1pm to 5pm. |
3/1/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy,light snow mountains obscured / TEMP: 8.1F / WIND: W 0-3 mph / RH: 88% / DEWPT: 5.3F / BAR: 3.137 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 14.7F , MAX: 21.1F at 9:03am , MIN: 7.6F at 11:45pm , HDEWPT: 17.0F at 9:16am , PEAK GUST: WSW 20 mph at 11:45pm , PRECIP: Off and on periods of snow between 9:15am and 7am this morning , still snowing. |
3/2/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP 13.0F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 10.6F / BAR: 30.230 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 11.9f , MAX: 21.9F at 2:21pm , MIN: 6.7F at 3:00am , HDEWPT: 16.0f at 2:15pm , PEAK GUST: SW 22 mph at 10:12am , PRECIP: Very light snow flurries amounted to a Trace in the morning. |
3/3/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy with a few breaks to the East, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 37.1F / WIND: WNW 3-12 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 35.5F / BAR: 29.835 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 22.6F , MAX: 32.9F at 11:14pm , MIN: 6.8F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 31.4F at 1:58pm , PEAK WIND: SW 14 mph at 7:03pm , PRECIP: Trace of snow in the morning and Trace of rain around 8pm. |
3/4/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, a few flakes of snow just ended, mountains obscured above 4200 ft / TEMP: 33.2F / WIND: W 6-14 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 30.9F / BAR: 29.434 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 41.9F , MAX: 51.4F at 1:26pm , MIN: 32.8F at 12:07am , HDEWPT: 39.0F at 8:48am , PEAK WIND: SW 17 mph at 8:55am , PRECIP: Light rain 8pm to 10pm = 0.04" , 1am to 5am = 0.20" , HRRATE: 0.17 inch/pr/hr at 2:47am , A few snow grains 5am to 7am " Trace. |
3/5/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 26.7F / WIND: W 5-9 mph / RH: 81% / DEWPT: 21.7F / BAR: 30.029 Rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.3F , MAX: 39.4F at 2:44am , MIN: 29.1F at 11:32pm , HDEWPT: 38.0F at 2:34am , PEAK GUST: WNW 37 mph at 2:50pm , PRECIP: Snow 10pm to 2am. |
3/6/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Scattered clouds / TEMP: 24.6F / WIND: NW 0-4 mph / RH: 88% / DEWPT: 21.6F / BAR: 30.204 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.2F , MAX: 40.8F at 12:51pm , MIN: 23.9F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 27.0F at 12:00pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 26 mph at 8:26am , PRECIP: None. |
3/7/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 16.1F / WIND: W Calm / RH: 52% / DEWPT: 1.5F / BAR: 30.270 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.9F , MAX: 39.1F at 11:36am , MIN: 23.5F at 12:29am , HDEWPT: 27.0F at 1:59pm , PEAK GUST: W 19 mph at 11:24pm , PRECIP: Trace of snow between 9pm and 10pm. Great sap run. |
3/8/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 23.5F / WIND: WNW 3 gusting to 19 mph / RH: 41% / DEWPT: 3.2F / BAR: 30.398 steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 23.2F , MAX: 33.6F at 1:55pm , MIN: 14.9F at 6:08am , HDEWPT: 14.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 19 mph at 12:07am , PRECIP: None. |
3/9/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 41.1F / WIND: W 4-16 mph / RH: 50% / DEWPT: 23.9F / BAR: 30.295 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 32.5F , MAX: 41.5F at 2:55pm , MIN: 20.1F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 24.3F at 11:58pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 26 mph at 4:24am , PRECIP: None. |
3/10/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 35.3F / WIND: W 0-2 mph / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 27.8F / BAR: 30.176 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 47.3F , MAX: 56.7F at 3:00pm , MIN: 38.9F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 10:33pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 25 mph at 1:08pm , PRECIP: None , Lots of snow melt along with a great sap run. No flooding streams and brooks still ice and snow locked. |
3/11/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 26.6F / WIND: WSW 3 Gusting to 21 mph / RH: 85% / DEWPT: 23.0F / BAR: 30.145 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 42.6F , MAX: 55.8F at 1:55pm , MIN: 34.9F at 8:07am , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 8:01pm , PEAK GUST: SW 26 mph at 2:09pm , PRECIP: Rain 4pm to 10:30pm = 0.28" , Snow between 3am and 5am 0.1 = 0.01" melted. |
3/12/2020 |
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Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 22.5F / WIND: N calm / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 18.9F / BAR: 30.334 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.7F , MAX: 40.9F at 12:00am , MIN: 22.4F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 39.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 27 mph at 12:37am , PRECIP: Trace of snow between 8:30pm and 10pm. |
3/13/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 Ft / TEMP: 31.0F / WIND: / NE 5-13 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 29.5F / BAR: 30.165 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 28.3F , MAX: 38.7F at 4:29pm / MIN: 19.7F at 3:33am , HDEWPT: 27.0F at 6:16pm , PEAK WIND: ESE 13 mph at 10:12pm , PRECIP: Snow between 3am and 6am this morning. |
3/14/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Snow flurries , Windy , mountains obcsured / TEMP: 29.6F / WIND: SSW 9 Gusting to 28 mph / RH: 79% / DEWPT: 23.9F / BAR: 30.080 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 35.6F , MAX: 45.4F at 1:10pm , MIN: 29.6F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 1:07pm . PEAK GUST: SSE 48 mph at 12:04pm, numerous gusts 40 48 mph between 11:30am and 3pm , some branches down but no major damage. PRECIP: Snow 7am to 11am 2.0" = 0.51" melted , Off and on Rain mixed with snow at times 11am to 8pm = 0.21" , Snow flurries 4am to 7am this morning = a Trace. Still snowing. |
3/15/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // High overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 18.3F / WIND: WNW 4-15 mph / RH: 77% / DEWPT: 12.6F / BAR: 30.541 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.4F , MAX: 40.5F at 1:40pm , MIN: 28.0F at 11:53pm , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 7:22am , PEAK GUST: NW 37 mph at 5:13am , numerous gust 30 to 37 mph all day, several trees down , PRECIP: Light snow 7am to 10am. |
3/16/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 7.5F / WIND: W 0-2 mph / RH: 75% / DEWPT: 1.2F / BAR: 30.787 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 22.7F , MAX: 31.6F at 2:16pm , MIN: 12.6F at 11:41pm , HDEWPT: 16.0F at 10 59am , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 11:58am , PRECIP: None. |
3/17/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Light snow just starting, mountains visible / TEMP: 24.8F / WIND: WSW 0-1 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: 20.7F / BAR: 30.353 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 21.5F / MAX: 35.2F at 3:10pm , MIN: 7.5F at 6:49am , HDEWPT: 14.0F at 11:17pm , PEAK WIND: W 14 mph at 4:07pm , PRECIP: NONE. |
3/18/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4200 ft / TEMP: 27.7F / WIND: NW 1-3 mph / RH: 76% / DEWPT: 21.1F / BAR: 30.438 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.8F , MAX: 36.9F at 4:43pm , MIN: 19.2F at 3:05am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 3:46pm , PEAK GUST: SE 25 mph at 11:14am , PRECIP: Snow of varying intensities. |
3/19/2020 |
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Overcast, snow just started , mountains obscured above 3200 ft / TEMP; 31.3F / WIND: N 2-5 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 28.7F / BAR: 30.540 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.1F , MAX: 40.1F at 3:03pm , MIN: 27.7F at 6:23am , HDEWPT: 28.0f at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WNW 25 mph at 12:37am , PRECIP: None. |
3/20/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Clouds and light fog, mountains obscured / TEMP: 31.7F / WIND: N Calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 30.0F / BAR: 30.023 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.9F , MAX: 44.8F at 11:31am , MIN: 30.3F at 3:44am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 3:02pm , PEAK GUST: NE 26 mph at 1:14pm , PRECIP: Trace of Snow between 7am and 8am and Rain = 0.03"between 4am an 6am this morning. Some icy spots on open porch area. |
3/21/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 23.8F / WIND: WNW 10 Gusting to 29 mph / RH: 68% / DEWPT: 14.8F / BAR: 30.237 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 41.5F , MAX: 57.5F at 5:02pm , MIN: 31.2F at 3:29am , HDEWPT: 53.0F at 4:42pm , PEAK GUST: SW 39 mph at 8:53pm , (numerous gusts 30-39 mph all night) , PRECIP: Off and on light rain showers between 12pm and 5pm. |
3/22/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 8.6F / WIND: NW 2-5 mph / RH: 67% / DEWPT: -0.1 / BAR: 30.794 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 27.5F , MAX: 39.5F at 12:00am , MIN: 16.5F at 11:42pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: 39.0F at 12:45am , PRECIP: None. Windy all day. Stonewalls showing up and a few bare spots in south facing fields. |
3/23/2020 |
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12.5 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 18.3F / WIND: N Calm / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 11.4F / BAR: 30.775 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 20.4F , MAX: 31.7F at 3:01pm , MIN: 8.5F at 6:38am , HDEWPT: 8.0F at 3:19pm , PEAK WIND: NW 16 mph at 2:36pm , PRECIP: None. |
3/24/2020 |
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7 AM OBS: Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 25.8F / WIND: N calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 24.3F / BAR: 30.221 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 23.6F , MAX: 29.4F at 1:25pm , MIN: 14.2F at 3:37am , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 6:43pm , PEAK GUST: ESE 33 mph at 2:55pm , PRECIP: Heavy Snow . |
3/25/2020 |
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A few high thin clouds / TEMP: 20.3F / WIND: N calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 18.8F / BAR: 30.359 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.2F , MAX: 35.2F at 1:26pm , MIN: 22.9F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 2:26pm , PEAK WIND: WNW 16 mph at 11:47am , PRECIP: None. |
3/26/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 22.3F / WIND: W calm / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 20.6F / BAR: 30.196 Steady // YESTERDAYS MEAN: 30.6F , MAX: 45.2F at 2:45pm , MIN: 19.3F at 6:01am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 11:30am , PEAK GUST: W 19 mph at 5:34am , PRECIP: None. Stonewalls showing again. |
3/27/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, light snow just starting , mountains obscured above 3200 Ft / TEMP: 33.0F / WIND: SSW 3 - 14 mph / RH: 88% / DEWPT: 29.8F / BAR: 29.838R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 36.1F , MAX: 51.1F at 2:40pm , MIN: 22.2F at 6:29am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 4:30pm , PEAK WIND: SW 11 mph at 3:04pm , PRECIP: Light rain showers between 11:30pm and 2:30am this morning , Trace of snow at 7am this morning. |
3/28/2020 |
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0.01 |
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Clear / TEMP: 26.6F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 73% / DEWPT: 19.1F / BAR: 30.269 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 36.7F , MAX: 43.4F at 2:52pm , MIN: 32.8F at 7:38am , HDEWPT: 37.0F at 1:55am , PEAK GUST: SSW: 35 mph at 3:59am (numerous gusts 30 to 35 mph between 3:30am and 4:30am) , PRECIP: Snow 7am to 8am. |
3/29/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 37.4F / WIND: NNE 1-4 mph / RH: 63% / DEWPT: 25.9F / BAR: 30.287 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.0F , MAX: 49.1F at 3;11pm , MIN: 26.6F at 6:44am , HDEWPT: 23.0F at 12:00am , PEAK WIND: SSE 14 mph at 3:07pm , PRECIP: None.//Bare spots in wind blown areas of fields and on South side of stonewalls 95% snow cover , Woods 100% snow cover. |
3/30/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains in and out of clouds / TEMP: 29.7F / WIND: ENE 4-12 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 28.4F / BAR: 30.138 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.9F , MAX: 42.5F at 9:19am , MIN: 30.3F at 11:40pm , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 10:25am , PEAK GUST: ENE 34 mph at 8:44pm , PRECIP: Mixed sleet,snow and ice pellets from 10am to around 2am this morning. Thunderstorm with snow and sleet at 9:40pm to 10:15pm , vivid lightening. |
3/31/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3500ft / TEMP: 26.9F / WIND: E calm / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 24.9F / BAR: 30.233 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 31.6F , MAX: 38.1F at 11:30am , MIN: 28.2F at 10:30pm , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 11:27am , PEAK GUST: NE 25 mph at 12:32am , PRECIP: Very light snow between 8pm and 10pm and 1am and 2am this morning. |
4/1/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 24.3F / WIND: ENE calm / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 20.7F / BAR: 30.035 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.2F , MAX: 43.8F at 2:49pm , MIN: 26.9F at 6:23am , HDEWPT: 26.0F at 1:00am , HIGH WIND: ENE 13 mph at 12:00am , PRECIP: None. |
4/2/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 29.9F / WIND: SW 6-13 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 28.1F / BAR: 29.835 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 32.7F , MAX: 39.5F at 4:00pm , MIN: 24.3F at 6:32am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 3:00pm , PEAK WIND: NW 13 mph at 9:14am , PRECIP: Snow started around 4am this morning. |
4/3/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Light drizzle, mountains obscured / TEMP: 37.2F / WIND: ENE 0-4 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 36.2F / BAR: 29.818 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 32.4F , MAX: 35.1F at 1:08pm , MIN: 29.9F at 6:47am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 2:07pm , PEAK WIND: W 16 mph at 4:42pm , PRECIP: Snow 7am to 8pm 3.0" = 0.37" melted , Rain 8pm to 7am this morning with a short period of sleet mixed in 8pm to 10pm = 0.63". Still drizzle this morning this morning.. |
4/4/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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A few breaks showing in clouds, mountains obscured above 3000 ft / TEMP: 33.2F / WIND: NE 1-5 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 32.2F / BAR: 30.171 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.3F , MAX: 41.3F at 3:05pm , MIN: 32.5F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 12:42pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 14 mph at 3:22pm , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 8:30pm (1.07") , STORM TOTAL: (2.12"). Snow pack still 100% cover in woods and 90% in fields. |
4/5/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // High overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 33.5F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 32.0F / BAR: 30.139 steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 40.4F , MAX: 49.8F at 3:52pm , MIN: 32.7F at 5:35am , HDEWPT: 38.0F at 12:08pm , PEAK WIND: N 12 mph at 1:37pm , PRECIP: None. |
4/6/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 31.5F / WIND: SSW 1-3 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 28.1F / BAR: 30.115 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 42.4F , MAX: 53.6F at 1:07pm , MIN: 33.1F at 6:20am , HDEWPT: 41.0F at 6:18pm , PEAK GUST: W 25 mph at 8:29pm , PRECIP: Rain 6:30pm to 9pm . Did some snowshoeing and average snow depth in the woods is 19". Fields still have average of 8" , total at the snow stake is 22". |
4/7/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 31.1F / WIND: W calm / RH: 73% / DEWPT: 23.5F / BAR: 29.999 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 40.2F , MAX: 48.3F at 2:32pm , MIN: 31.3F at 7:01am , HDEWPT: 37.0f at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: SW 30 mph at 3:57pm , PRECIP: None. |
4/8/2020 |
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A few scattered high clouds / TEMP: 28.8F / WIND: W calm / RH: 71% / DEWPT: 20.6F / BAR: 29.709 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 40.2F , MAX: 49.4F at 12:18pm , MIN: 30.5F at 5:41am , HDEWPT: 27.0F at 12:13am , PEAK GUST: W 26 mph at 4:11pm , PRECIP: None. |
4/9/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 33.5F / WIND: NNE 0-5 mph / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 28.6F / BAR: 29.613 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.5F , MAX: 49.9F at 12:58pm , MIN: 28.2F at 6:07am , HDEWPT: 25.0f at 8:48am , PEAK WIND: WSW 13 mph at 3:38pm , PRECIP: None. |
4/10/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Snow and blowing snow 1/8th mile visibility / TEMP: 29.1F / WIND: / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 27.8F / BAR: 29.120 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.8F , MAX: 39.5F at 9:09am , MIN: 29.9F at 11:23pm , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 10:58am , PEAK GUST: NE 21 mph at 3:06pm , PRECIP: Rain started 11:30am mixed with snow at times , all snow after 1pm. Still snowing this morning. |
4/11/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // A few very light snow flurries, mountains obscured above 3000 Ft / TEMP: 27.2F / WIND: WNW 8 Gusting to 21 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 24.7F / BAR: 29.749 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 30.5F , MAX: 34.3F at 12:24pm , MIN: 28.6F at 8:40pm , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 11:33am , PEAK GUST: W 30 mph at 12:09pm , PRECIP: Continuous Snow ended around 5pm then off and on flurries,, still a few this morning. STORM TOTALS: Rain = 0.07", Snow 16.5" = 1.80" melted. |
4/12/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 29.5F / WIND: W 3-12 mph / RH: 80% / DEWPT: 23.7F / BAR: 30.247 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.7F , MAX: 35.8F at 2:20pm , MIN: 26.0F at 11:58pm , HDEWPT: 28.5F at 1:00am , PEAK GUST: W 32 mph at 12:41pm , PRECIP: Off and on snow flurries 7am to 5pm. |
4/13/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, Light rain shower, mountains partially obscured / TEMP; 38.1F / WIND: NNE 3-5 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 35.7F / BAR: 30.074 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.3F , MAX: 51.2F at 3:13pm , MIN: 26.0F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 32.0F at 6:39pm , PEAK WIND: N 17 mph at 11:32am , PRECIP: Light rain.shower 7am this morning. |
4/14/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // A few scattered clouds / TEMP: 33.9F / WIND: WSW 7 Gusting to 21 mph / RH: 73% / DEWPT: 26.2F / BAR: 29.972 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.4F , MAX: 54.3F at 3:13pm , MIN: 36.7F at 5:58am , HDEWPT: 52.0F at 5:16pm , PEAK GUST: SSE 37 mph at 10:39am , PRECIP: Rain 7am to 11pm. HRRate: 0.71" pr/hr at 8:44pm. Woods 100% snowcovered , Fields 30% , Big snow loss yesterday , !6" at the stake down from 25", Very few puddles most of it went into the ground. No flooding just high water in brooks and streams. |
4/15/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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7 AM OBS // High clouds, mountains visible / TEMP; 30.5F / WIND: W 2-15 mph / RH:59% / DEWPT: 17.9F / BAR: 30.027 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.3F , MAX: 46.8F at 12:00am , MIN: 33.7F at 6:45am , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 39 mph at 1:24am , PRECIP: None. 14" snow at the stake. / Had a bear during the last warm spell but so far he hasn't come back. Very little wildlife observed this winter. |
4/16/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 25.1F / WIND: W 2 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 21.8F / BAR: 30.065 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.8F , MAX: 42.2f at 12:09pm , MIN: 27.9F at 11:08pm , HDEWPT: 23.0F at 7:38am , PEAK GUST: SSE 24 mph at 10:38am , PRECIP: Snow Squalls between 2am and 6:00am. 100% snow cover all areas this morning , 13.5" at the stake. |
4/17/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy with a few flakes of snow, mountains obscured above 3900ft / TEMP: 25.2F / WIND: SW 3 Gusting to 18 mph / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 21.6F / BAR: 30.198R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.9F , MAX: 37.0F at 1:05pm , MIN: 24.4F at 3:56am , HDEWPT: 24.0F at 7:24am , PEAK GUST: NNW 21 mph at 2:47pm , PRECIP: Off and on snow flurries all day and a snow squall between 2am and 6am this morning. |
4/18/2020 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 28.1F / WIND: NE calm / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 24.7F / BAR: 30.034 Steady .
// Yesterdays MEAN: 30.8F , MAX:38.0F at 3:26pm , MIN: 25.1F at 5:18am , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 11:36am , PEAK GUST: W 24 mph at 3:32pm , PRECIP: off and on snow flurries 7am to 6pm . |
4/19/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 31.9F / WIND: WSW 1-4 mph / RH: 65% / DEWPT: 21.5F / BAR: 29.908 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.0F , MAX: 39.3F at 3:18pm , MIN: 27.9F at 5:48am , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 10:16am , PEAK WIND: ESE 12 mph at 11:29am , PRECIP: Light snow 7am to 11am, then a few flurries off and on ending around 3pm. |
4/20/2020 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 29.4F / WIND: WNW 6-15 mph / RH: 67% / DEWPT: 19.8F / BAR: 29.808 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.0F , MAX: 58.0F at 2:21pm , MIN: 29.0F aat 12:00am , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 7:58pm , PEAK GUST: W 27 mph at 1:40pm , PRECIP: Rain shower between 8:15pm and 9pm. |
4/21/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // High clouds, sun showing thru, mountains visible / TEMP: 30.7F / WIND: NNE 0-2 mph / RH: 55% / DEWPT: 16.4F / BAR: 29,720 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 36.7F , MAX: 44.9F at 3:40pm , MIN: 28.3F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 37.0F AT 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 27 mph at 3:11am , PRECIP: None. Croci are out in full bloom and loaded with honey bees , Snow at the stake 10" , woods still full cover, fields opening up rapidly. |
4/22/2020 |
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Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 20.6F / WIND: W 2-10 mph / RH: 89% / BAR: 29.637 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 33.9F , MAX: 44.9F at 10:13am , MIN: 26.7F at 2:15am , HDEWPT: 36.0F at 2:12pm , PEAK GUST: SSE 36 mph at 10:47am (numerous gusts 30-36 mph between 10am and 12pm) , PRECIP: Rain 2pm to 4:45pm = 0.10" , Snow 4:45pm to 7pm 2.4" = 0.28" melted. Snow started again around 6:30 this morning,still snowing.All surfaces snow covered. 12" at the stake. |
4/23/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 20.8F / WIND: WSW 2 mph / RH: 64% / DEWPT: 10.5F / BAR: 30.045 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 24.5F , MAX: 28.9F at 11:10am , MIN: 20.5F at 6:05am , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 27 mph at 2:01pm wind gusts of 20 to 27 mph all day , PRECIP: Snow , 14" at the stake |
4/24/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Increasing clouds, mountains visible / TEMP: 29.0F / WIND: SE Calm / RH: 48% / DEWPT: 11.7F / BAR: 30.069 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 30.3F , MAX: 40.1F at 3:43pm , MIN: 19.3F at 5:32am , HDEWPT: 19.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: NW 25 mph at 5:58am , PRECIP: None. Most of the new snow melted except on North facing areas and in the woods. |
4/25/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 38.5F / WIND: WSW 0-1 mph / RH: 39% / DEWPT: 15.7F / BAR: 30.117 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.4F , MAX: 51.5F at 4:04pm , MIN: 26.8F at 5:19am , HDEWPT: 24.0F at 6:21am , PEAK WIND: WNW 13 mph at 7:38pm , PRECIP: None. 10" snow at the stake. |
4/26/2020 |
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High overcast, mountains visible / TEMP 35.2F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 66% / DEWPT: 23.5F / BAR: 30.235 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.4F , MAX: 58.1F at 2:05pm , MIN: 35.2F at 5:23am , HDEWPT: 26.0F at 1:49pm , PEAK WIND: N 14 mph at 12:29pm , PRECIP: None. Snow at the stake 9". |
4/27/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Moderate to heavy snow / TEMP: 31.9F / WIND: E Calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 30.9F / BAR: 30.094 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 41.1F , MAX: 52.7F at 12:58pm , MIN: 32.2F at 11:30pm , HDEWPT: 36.0F at 6:02pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 19 mph at 9:36pm , PRECIP: Rain = 0.29" between 6pm and 10:30pm , Snow 6.0" = 0.80" melted from 10:30pm to 7am this morning still snowing. All surfaces snow covered. |
4/28/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 4200 ft / TEMP: 31.2F / WIND: ENE 0-1 mph / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 27.5F / BAR: 30.213 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 32.6F , MAX: 33.7F at 10:57am , MIN: 31.5F at 2:02am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 10:57am , PEAK WIND: E 15 mph at 1:15pm , PRECIP: Snow 3.0" = 0.38" melted. STORM TOTALS: Rain 0.29" - Snow 9.0 = 1.18" melted - Precip 1.47" - Duration 6pm 4/26 to 8pm 4/27. 17" snow at the stake. |
4/29/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 33.3F / WIND: SW Calm / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 30.4F / BAR: 30.424 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 35.7F , MAX: 42.0F at 12:45pm , MIN: 30.5F at 5:11am , HDEWPT: 36.0F at 1:46pm , PEAK WIND: NNE 12 mph at 11:32am , PRECIP: Trace of snow between 9am and 9:30am. 14.5" snow at the stake. 100% cover fields and woods. |
4/30/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 39.5F / WIND: NNE 5-10 mph / RH: 44% / DEWPT: 19.4F / BAR: 30.345 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 44.1F , MAX: 55.4F at 3:21pm , MIN: 30.7F at 5:44am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 7:12am , PEAK GUST: SSE 21 mph at 7:16pm , PRECIP: Rain shower. 10" snow at the stake, Met a bear going out to the stake this morning looked to have come thru the winter in great shape. Lot of melting yesterday Woods 80% cover, fields 20% cover. |
5/1/2020 |
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0.54 |
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Rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 42.7F / WIND: NNW 3-6 mph / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 41.6F / BAR: 29.977 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 40.0F , MAX: 44.5F at 12:00am , MIN: 36.8F at 3:37am , HDEWPT: 36.0F at 10:53pm , PEAK GUST: SSE 36 mph at 10:53pm, numerous gusts 30-36 mph between 10pm and 11pm. , PRECIP: Rain started around 12:30am this morning. 6" snow at the stake. Only patches remain in fields, woods still 60 % cover. |
5/2/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4500 ft / TEMP: 38.7F / WIND: W 4-10 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: 34.9F / BAR: 29.975 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.8F , MAX: 53.0F at 4:50pm , MIN: 38.6F at 12:02am , HDEWPT: 52.0F at 4:46pm , PEAK GUST: W 27 mph at 9:45pm , PRECIP: Rain , Only patches of snow remain this morning. Woods about 40% snow cover Fields just patches. 2" at the stake. |
5/3/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 42.3F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 36.9F / BAR: 29.864 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 47.3F , MAX: 58.6F at 1:59pm , MIN: 37.5F at 5:27am , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 28 mph at 2:01am , PRECIP: None. Trace of snow left at the stake this morning. Fields patches , woods 40% cover with up to a foot in many places. |
5/4/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4200 ft / TEMP: 45.8F / WIND: W calm / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 39.3F / BAR: 29.677 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 55.3F , MAX: 70.5F at 2:14pm , MIN: 41.9F at 5:53am , HDEWPT: 49.0F at 1:46pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 25 mph at 2:22pm , PRECIP: None , Trace of snow at the stake - patches in the woods. |
5/5/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 32.9F / WIND: WNW 2-9 mph / RH: 86% / DEWPT: 29.2F / BAR: 29.902 R slowly / Yesterdays MEAN: 44.4F , MAX: 55.1F at 12:01am , MIN: 37.6F at 8:35pm , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 9:34am , PEAK GUST: WNW 23 mph at 5:34pm , PRECIP: Rain Off and On 3pm to 4:30pm. , Snow 6am this morning to 7am still snowing, 0.1" on snowboard = 0.01 melted ,Trace of white on lawns and roofs. |
5/6/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 34.4F / WIND: W calm / RH: 82% / DEWPT: 29.5F / BAR: 30.079 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 36.2F , MAX: 40.3F at 2:57pm , MIN: 32.4F at 8:03am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: SW 20 mph at 12:02pm , PRECIP: Snow ended around 9:15am melted on contact. Amount in the gauge is from snow. |
5/7/2020 |
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Scattered clouds / TEMP: 40.2F / WIND: NNW 2-11 mph / RH: 56% / DEWPT: 23.4F / BAR: 29.791 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 42.5F , MAX: 53.2F at 1:41pm , MIN: 31.5F at 5:42am , HDEWPT: 34.0F at 8:27am , PEAK WIND: W 10 mph at 1:33am , PRECIP: None. Some trees starting to bud out. Only patches of snow remain mostly in the woods. First daffodil yesterday. |
5/8/2020 |
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7 AM OBS / Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / All surfaces except paved roads snow covered / TEMP: 31.4F / WIND: WSW 6-9 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 29.1F / BAR: 29.788 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 46.2F , MAX: 56.3F at 2:44pm , MIN: 34.2F at 5:46am , HDEWPT: 30.0F at 12:21am , PEAK GUST: NNW 19 mph at 11:14am , PRECIP: Sleet and snow , TSTRM with snow around 1:45am. |
5/9/2020 |
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7 AM OBS / Light to occasionally moderate snow / TEMP: 28.5F / WIND: WNW 3-10 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 25.9F / BAR: 20.586 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 38.8F , MAX: 48.4F at 2:56pm , MIN: 30.9F at 6:21am , HDEWPT: 36.0F at 10:22am , PEAK GUST: WSW 28 mph at 1:46pm , PRECIP: Snow started around 10:30pm still snowing this morning. Very dry snow more like you would see in January. Not common but not a record up here. |
5/10/2020 |
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7 AM OBS / Occasional light snow, mountains obscured / TEMP: 28.8F / WIND: WNW 5- 12 mph / RH: 77% / BAR: 29.949 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 29.0F , MAX: 32.4F at 2:21pm , MIN: 26.2F at 8:20pm , HDEWPT: 29.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: W 31 mph at 5:07pm , numerous gusts 20 to 31 mph from 9am to midnight , PRECIP: Steady Snow ended around 10:30am then periods of snow until 6am this morning, snowing again at 7am obs. STORM TOTAL: 6.4"= 0.44 melted. |
5/11/2020 |
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7 AM OBS (Computer back up tonight) // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 38.1F / WIND: W 2-12 mph / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 31.8F , BAR: 29.992 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 34.1F , MAX: 41.5F at 5:24pm , MIN: 26.4F at 12:12am , HDEWPT: 30.0F at 10:10pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 27 mph at 3:45am , PRECIP: Trace of snow in flurries off and on between 11am and 6pm. Woods 100% cover fields 80% cover. |
5/12/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 32.0F / WIND: NW 7 Gusting to 20 mph / RH: 90% / DEWPT: 29.4F / BAR: 29.901 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 42.8F , MAX: 57.2F at 11:59am , MIN: 34.6F at 3:37am , HDEWPT: 42.0F at 3:21pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 19 mph at 1:17am , PRECIP: Rain 3:30pm to 6pm = 0.23" and 7:30 to 9pm = 0.02" , Snow 11:30pm to 3am 0.3" = 0.06 melted. Light covering of snow on ground this morning. |
5/13/2020 |
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Mostly clear, single cloud on the summit above 5000 ft / TEMP: 30.4F / WIND: SW 2 gusts to 20 mph / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 24.4F / BAR: 30.220 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 35.9F , MAX: 42.7F at 1:26pm , MIN: 31.3F at 5:47am , HDEWPT: 33.0F at 8:42am , PEAK GUST: WSW 30 mph at 10:43am , PRECIP: None. only a few patches of snow remain mostly in the woods. May snowfall is not uncommon up here but measurable snow on 7 of the first 12 days is likely a record. |
5/14/2020 |
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A few high thin clouds / TEMP: 41.1F / WIND: WNW 1-9 mph / RH: 53% / DEWPT: 25.3F / BAR: 30.358 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 39.3F , MAX: 49.2F at 2:49pm , MIN: 27.5F at 5:17am , HDEWPT: 25.0F at 6:41am , PEAK GUST: WSW 32 mph at 8:14pm (numerous gusts 20 to 32 mph from 7am to 8:30pm) , PRECIP: None. |
5/15/2020 |
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Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 48.3F / WIND: NNE 0-3 mph / RH: 43% / DEWPT: 26.8F / BAR: 30.065 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 49.0F , MAX: 61.6F at 2:22pm , MIN: 35.9F at 4:26am , HDEWPT: 30.0F at 10:25pm , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 12:59pm , PRECIP: None. |
5/16/2020 |
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Overcast with a few breaks , mountains obscured above 3000 ft / TEMP: 45.0F / WIND: W 6- 14 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 43.4F / BAR: 30.041 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 49.1F , MAX: 58.1F at 3:11pm , MIN: 44.1F at 8:15am , HDEWPT: 48.0F at 8:02pm , PEAK GUST: NW 25 mph at 7:54pm , PRECIP: Rain showers , HRRATE: 1.41 inch/pr/hr at 7:58pm. |
5/17/2020 |
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A few high thin clouds / TEMP: 42.8F / WIND: WSW calm / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 41.6F / BAR: 30.402 R alowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 48.5F , MAX: 53.4F at 11:22am , MIN: 43.4F at 11:25pm , HDEWPT: 47.0F at 1:41am , PEAK GUST: W 24 mph at 7:39am , PRECIP: Light rain showers off and on between 1:30pm and 3pm just enough to wet the grass. Some tree buds starting to swell. |
5/18/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 48.7F / WIND: NE 1-4 mph / RH: 54% / DEWPT: 32.8F / BAR: 30.334 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 52.0F , MAX: 63.6F at 2:12pm , MIN: 39.5F at 4:09am , HDEWPT: 48.0F at 10:12am , PEAK WIND: S 15 mph at 9:35am , PRECIP: None. |
5/19/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Mostly clear / TEMP: 44.9F / ENE 2-10 mph / RH: 61% / DEWPT: 32.3F / BAR: 30.474 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 56.3F , MAX: 69.0F at 1:44pm , MIN: 46.5F at 5:52am , HDEWPT: 39.7F at 6:30pm , PEAK WIND: NE 14 mph at 2:43pm , PRECIP: None. Black flies starting. |
5/20/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 47.8F / WIND: ENE 0-1 mph / RH: 70% / DEWPT: 38.5F / BAR: 30.558 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 52.3F , MAX: 63.7F at 2:49pm , MIN: 39.0F at 5:09am , HDEWPT: 40.0F at 12:40pm , PEAK GUST: ESE 19 mph at 9:59am , PRECIP: None., Great day for yard and garden work , Snow Figure Seven on Mt Adams great this year. |
5/21/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 56.4F / WIND: WSW 0-7 mph / RH: 46% / DEWPT: 35.3F / BAR: 30.440 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 56.7F , MAX: 72.0F at 2:14pm , MIN: 39.4F at 5:17am , HDEWPT: 42.0F at 8:43am , PEAK WIND: NNE 13 mph at 5:09pm , PRECIP: None. |
5/22/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 63.5F / WIND: W 1-4 mph / RH: 35% / DEWPT: 35.3F / BAR: 30.149 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 64.2F , MAX: 75.6F at 3:23pm , MIN: 48.7F at 12:36am , HDEWPT: 43.0F at 11:48am , PEAK GUST: W 20 mph at 11:14am , PRECIP: None. Very dry conditions |
5/23/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds / TEMP: 61.0F / WIND: NE 0-2 mph / RH: 51% / DEWPT: 42.7F / BAR: 30.131 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.1F , MAX: 82.2F at 3:01pm , MIN: 58.0F at 3:59am , HDEWPT: 48.0F at 1:01pm , PEAK GUST: SW 22 mph at 5:22am , PRECIP: None , Trees starting to leaf-out. Bear was back this morning. |
5/24/2020 |
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Clear, patchy frost / TEMP: 44.7 / WIND: NE 0-2 mph / RH: 60% / DEWPT: 31.7F / BAR: 30.398 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 61.3F , MAX: 72.7F at 1:42pm , MIN: 43.0F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 6:34am , PEAK GUST: ESE 28 mph at 5:59pm , PRECIP: None. |
5/25/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 43.7F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 36.0F / BAR: 30.350 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 52.4F , MAX: 68.5F at 2:54pm , MIN: 36.0F at 5:17am , HDEWPT: 41.0F at 2:51pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 14 mph at 2:13pm , PRECIP: None. Plum tree starting to blossom , some small leaves on most trees. |
5/26/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4200 ft / TEMP: 56.8F / WIND: SW 0-2 mph / RH: 95% / DEWPT: 55.4F / BAR: 30.296 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 55.9F , MAX: 76.2F at 1:46pm , MIN: 38.1F at 5:15am , HDEWPT: 55.8F at 4:30pm , PEAK WIND: NW 17 mph at 1:56pm , PRECIP: NONE. |
5/27/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 65.6F / WIND: W calm / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 61.6F / BAR: 30.248 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.0F , MAX: 85.4F at 2:14pm , MIN: 53.7F at 5:49am , HDEWPT: 65.0F at 11:20am , PEAK WIND: SW 15 mph at 12:42pm , PRECIP: None. |
5/28/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 66.6F / WIND: WNW 3-8 mph / RH: 83% / DEWPT: 61.3F / BAR: 30.175 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.6F , MAX: 90.7F at 12:44pm , MIN: 60.6F at 3:37am , HDEWPT: 68.0F at 9:20am , PEAK WIND: SW 15 mph at 1:04pm , PRECIP: None , Several thunderstorms formed over the mountains in afternoon. |
5/29/2020 |
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Partly cloudy / TEMP: 71.0F / WIND: SW 1-4 mph / RH:80% / DEWPT: 64.5F / BAR: 30.003 steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 73.1F , MAX: 84.0F at 3:30pm , MIN: 64.8F at 5:37am , HDEWPT: 68.0F at 12:40pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 19 mph at 3:50pm , PRECIP: None (16 days in a row with no precip ) apple trees in full bloom,also lilacs in bloom. |
5/30/2020 |
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7 AM OBS / Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 4200 Ft / TEMP: 62.7F / WIND: WSW 7 Gusting to 23 mph / RH: 85% / DEWPT: 58.1F / BAR: 29.779 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.7F , MAX: 85.2F at 12:17pm , MIN: 64.8F at 11:56pm , HDEWPT: 71.0F at 1:13pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 26 mph at 8:51pm / PRECIP: Rain shower, 0.02" 12:55pm and 1pm with a HRATE of 0.73 inch/pr/hr and 0.23" in several TSTRMS 8:30pm to 1:30am. |
5/31/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3000 ft / TEMP: 40.9F / WIND: NW 4-8 mph / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 37.3F / BAR: 30.045 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 61.2F , MAX: 65.9F at 10:38am , MIN: 53.2F at 9:41pm , HDEWPT: 63.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: WSW 31 mph at 8:39am , PRECIP: Off and on rain showers 11pm to 4:30am. Almost all trees leafed out. |
6/1/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 40.8F / WIND: SW 2 mph / RH: 80% / DEWPT: 35.1F / BAR: 30.278 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.9F , MAX: 53.3F at 12:02am , MIN: 34.1F at 11:44am , HDEWPT: 51.0F at 12:02am , PEAK GUST: NNW 23 mph at 10:09am , PRECIP: Occasional very light showers in morning only a Trace. |
6/2/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear, frost on roofs and lawns , TEMP: 40.6F , WIND: SW calm / RH: 87% / DEWPT: 38.0F / BAR: 30.172 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 44.0F , MAX: 55.2F at 1:42pm , MIN: 33.4F at , HDEWPT: 39.0F at 1:22pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 24 mph at 2:08pm , PRECIP: None , snow figure 7 still holding together on MT Adams. |
6/3/2020 |
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Light rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 47.0F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 45.4F / BAR: 29.727 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 48.6F , MAX: 61.6F at 12:17pm , MIN: 33.9F at 5:06am , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 8:41pm , PEAK GUST: S 19 mph at 11:20am , PRECIP: a Trace of rain between 5pm and 6pm then light rain began 5:30am this morning still raining.
6/4/2020 |
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Cloudy with occasional breaks, mountains obscured above 3800 ft / TEMP: 54.6F / WIND: WSW 2-9 mph / RH: 93% / DEWPT: 52.6F / BAR: 29.843 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 52.8F , MAX: 58.1F at 1:38pm , MIN: 46.7F at 5:48am , HDEWPT: 55.0F at 3:03pm , PEAK GUST: NNW 18 mph at 7:23pm , PRECIP: Rain showers , started planting garden. |
6/5/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 65.3F / WIND: WNW 1-3 mph / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 57.9F / BAR: 29.936 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.6F , MAX:72.9F at 5:08pm , MIN: 53.9F at 12:00am , HDEWPT: 60.0F at 1:58pm , PEAK GUST: SW 19 mph at 2:23pm , PRECIP: None. Very poor flowering on fruit trees this year at our location. Wild strawberries going crazy but blueberries don't look good at all. |
6/6/2020 |
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Cloudy, mountains obscured, shower just ended / TEMP: 61.8F / WIND: E calm / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 59.5F / BAR: 29.805 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 70.6F , MAX: 82.7F at 2:05pm , MIN: 58.1F at 4:24am , HDEWPT: 65.0F at 11:31am , PEAK WIND: W 17 mph at 4:01pm , PRECIP: Light rain shower between 6:30am and 7am. Snow figure 7 on mt. Adams broke yesterday, last year was on May 28th. |
6/7/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 2900 ft / TEMP: 49.5F / WIND: SSW calm / RH: 89% / DEWPT: 46.5F / BAR: 29.925 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.2F , MAX: 76.2F at 10:53am , MIN: 55.7F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 66.0F at 9:01am , PEAK GUST: NW 21 mph at 11:35am , PRECIP: Period of light thunder showers. Rhododendrons starting to bloom.
6/8/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds / TEMP: 50.4F / WIND: WSW 1-4 mph / RH: 73% / DEWPT: 42.1F / BAR: 30.061 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 53.2F , MAX: 58.3F at 1:57pm , MIN: 48.0F at 8:17am , HDEWPT: 51.0F at 12:00am , PEAK GUST: N 21 mph at 2:40pm and NW at 3:44pm. PRECIP: None. Peonies budding, last year not until June 23rd , Several snow fields left and Great Gully is full all the way. |
6/9/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 55.3F / WIND: WNW 0-2 mph / RH: 66% / DEWPT: 44.1F / BAR: 30.013 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 56.8F , MAX: 67.5F at 2:53pm , MIN: 47.4F at 3:53pm , HDEWPT: 48.0F at 9:30am , PEAK GUST: NNW 20 mph at 11:58am , PRECIP: None. |
6/10/2020 |
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High thin clouds / TEMP: 49.4F / WIND: NNW 1-6 mph / RH: 91% / DEWPT: 46.9F / STATION PRESS: 30.186 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 56.7F , MAX: 63.6F at 3:44pm , MIN: 49.3F at 11:57pm , HDEWPT: 54.0F at 2:52pm , PEAK WIND: NW 15 mph at 7:01am. our 600 ft well ran dry yesterday. We now have several dry wells in town. Very dry conditions. |
6/11/2020 |
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7 AM OBS / Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 55.7F / WIND: NE 0-4 mph / RH: 94% / DEWPT: 54.0F / STATION PRESS: 30.020 F slowly / Yesterdays MEAN: 57.6F , MAX: 68.3F at 12:25pm , MIN: 46.5F at 5:34am , HDEWPT: 55.0F at 12:18pm , PEAK GUST: SSE 30 mph at 1:24pm , (numerous gusts 20-30 mph 9:30am to 8pm) , PRECIP: None. |
6/12/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 61.2F / WIND: SSW calm / RH: 73% / DEWPT: 52.5F / STATION PRESS: 30.120 S // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.8F , MAX: 79.7F at 2:48pm , MIN: 51.5F at 12:10am , HDEWPT: 68.0F at 12:36pm , PEAK GUST: SSW 26 mph at 1:48pm , PRECIP: Rain shower. |
6/13/2020 |
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Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 48.0F , WIND: NW 0-1 mph / RH: 78% / DEWPT: 41.5F / STATION PRESS: 30.204 R slowly / Yesterdays MEAN: 64.6F , MAX: 76.5F at 1:14pm , MIN: 51.8F at 11:59pm , HDEWPT: 56.0F at 12:57pm , PEAK GUST: SSW 24 mph at 1:14pm and from the WSW at 3:01pm , PRECIP: None. |
6/14/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 46.7F / WIND: SE 0-1 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: 42.4F / STATION PRESS: 30.534 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 48.5F , MAX: 54.9F at 10:54am , MIN: 44.3F at 7:52pm , HDEWPT: 45.0F at 10:42am , PEAK WIND: W 12 mph at 8:42am , PRECIP: None. Dry conditions continue. |
6/15/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 49.1F / WIND: SE calm / RH: 92% / DEWPT: 46.9F / STATION PRESS: 30.575 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 51.9F , MAX: 60.3F at 2:35pm , MIN: 40.5F at 5:31am , HDEWPT: 50.0F at 5:22pm , PEAK WIND: N 9 mph at 4:37pm , PRECIP: light drizzle between 5pm and 6pm . |
6/16/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 52.6F / WIND: E calm / RH: 80% / DEWPT: 46.6F / STATION PRESS: 30.538 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 57.2F , MAX: 67.4F at 2:42pm , MIN: 44.9F at 5:26am , HDEWPT: 51.0F at 7:37am , PEAK WIND: NW 11 mph at 11:38am , PRECIP: None. |
6/17/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 57.8F / WIND: WNW calm / RH: 81% / DEWPT: 52.0F / STATION PRESS: 30.394 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.6F , MAX: 78.5F at 2:34pm , MIN: 46.5F at 5:23am , HDEWPT: 52.0F at 6:57pm , PEAK WIND: S 17 mph at 3:21pm , PRECIP: None.
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6/18/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 63.7F / WIND: W calm / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 55.3F / STATION PRESS: 30.264 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.2F , MAX: 84.5F at 1:12pm , MIN: 51.4F at5:23am , HDEWPT: 57.0F at 9:10am , PEAK WIND: S 12 mph at 10:45am , PRECIP: None. |
6/19/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds to the South / TEMP: 70.4F / WIND: WNW 0-1 mph / RH: 74% / DEWPT: 61.7F / STATION PRESS: 30.141 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.6F , MAX: 89.1F at 1:45pm , MIN: 59.6F at 5:40am , HDEWPT: 61.0F at 9:57am , PEAK WIND: SW 12 mph at 2:42pm , PRECIP: None. Very dry conditions. Several blue bird pairs nesting in our area this year. |
6/20/2020 |
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Partly cloudy / TEMP: 67.0F / WIND: WNW 1-4 mph / RH: 84% / DEWPT: 62.0F / STATION PRESS: 30.100 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.4F , MAX: 89.2F at 2:54am , MIN: 65.5F at 9:45pm , HDEWPT: 70.9F at 5:30am , PEAK WIND: SSW 14 mph at 9:51am , PRECIP: TSTRMS between 5pm and 6pm two close strikes no damage but sparks from appliances. No wind with storms , HRRATE: 0.61 inch/pr/hr at 5:18pm. |
6/21/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 64.2F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 96% / DEWPT: 63.0F / STATION PRESS: 30.074 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.6F , MAX: 86.5F at 12:46pm , MIN: 65.3F at 5:25am , HDEWPT: 67.0F at 8:15am , PEAK WIND: NW 14 mph at 1:52pm , PRECIP: Thunderstorms around all day but no rain until 9:30pm, HRRATE: 1.10 inch/pr/hr at 9:55pm, all over by 10:30pm. Patches of snow still remain on mountains. |
6/22/2020 |
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Fog VSBY 100 ft / TEMP: 63.3F / WIND: NE Calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 62.1F / SP: 30.068 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 70.1F , MAX: 83.6F at 11:52am , MIN: 60.8F at 5:32am , HDWPNT: 71.0F at 12:46pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 12 mph at 6:15pm , PCPN: Rain from TSTMS passing SE of us between 1pm and 3pm. |
6/23/2020 |
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A few high clouds / TEMP: 64.8F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 97% / DWPNT: 63.9F / SP: 29.924 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.8F , MAX: 83.8F at 2:01pm , MIN: 63.2F at 5:37am , HDWPNT: 72.0F at 1:15pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 16 mph at 2:51pm , PCPN: TSTMS 2:50pm to 3:15pm = 0.68", HRRATE 1.09 inch/pr/hr at 2:54pm / 3:23pm to 3:35pm = 0.31", HRRATE 1.01" inch/pr/hr at 3:25pm / 3:45pm to 4pm = 0.14" , HRRATE 0.72 inch pr/hr at 3:49pm. No wind with the storms. |
6/24/2020 |
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Clouds and Fog 1/2 mile VSBY / TEMP: 64.5F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 63.3F / SP: 29.715 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 73.4F , MAX: 85.6F at 1:31pm , MIN: 62.3F at 5:18am , HDWPNT: 73.0F at 11:53am , PEAK GUST: S 24 mph at 1:03pm / PCPN: None. // Poppies and peonies in full bloom. Very beneficial rains the last few days. |
6/25/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 56.2F / WIND: SW Calm / RH: 85% / DWPNT: 51.1F / SP: 29.981 R Rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.8F , MAX: 82.4F at 3:00pm , MIN: 58.8F at 11:59pm , HDWPNT: 71.0F at 1:26pm , PEAK GUST: SW 18 mph at 4:54pm and WNW at 5:30pm , PCPN: Trace of rain between 1:30pm and 2pm. |
6/26/2020 |
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Partly cloudy / TEMP: 61.3F / WIND: W calm / RH: 79% / DWPNT: 54.7F / SP: 30.014 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.3F , MAX: 76.6F at 1:30pm , MIN: 52.1F at 5:49am , HDWPNT: 56.0F at 1:29pm , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 10:42am (numerous gusts to 21mph between 10:42am and 4pm) , PCPN: None. |
6/27/2020 |
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High thin clouds / TEMP: 59.7F / WIND: NNW Calm / RH: 82% / DWPNT: 54.2F / SP: 29.912 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 66.8F , MAX: 78.3F at 12:56pm , MIN: 56.3F at 3:30am , HDWPNT: 59.0F at 12:23pm , PEAK WIND: S 15 mph at 8:14pm , PCPN: None. Paved road yesterday. |
6/28/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 59.8F / WIND: NW Calm / RH: 88% / DWPNT: 56.2F / SP: 29.815 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 66.8F , MAX: 76.7F at 10:14am , MIN: 55.4F at 4:07am , HDWPNT: 61.0F at 10:54am , HHeat index:77.0F at 10:04am , PEAK WIND: WNW 11 mph at 9:17am , PCPN: None. Several patches of snow remain on Mt Adams. Plums and Apples have less fruit forming than normal. |
6/29/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Rain , mountains obscured / TEMP: 60.8F / WIND: E 1-4 mph / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 59.7F / SP: 29.921 R slowly // Yestedays MEAN: 66.6F , MAX: 79.1F at 1:07pm , MIN: 55.9F at 5:27am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 1:19pm , HHeat Index , 80.0F at 12:48pm , PEAK WIND: E 13 mph at 1:14pm , PCPN: A trace of rain between 5pm and 6pm, continuous rain started at 6:30pm still raining this morning. HRRATE: 0.13 inch/pr/hr at 8:30pm. TSTMS passed to our South between 3pm and 7pm only an occasional rumble heard here. |
6/30/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Light Rain showers, mountains obscured / TEMP: 60.5F WIND: E calm / RH: 97% / DWPNT: 59.6F / SP: 30.043 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 60.9F , MAX: 62.5F at 12:00am , MIN: 59.9F at 8:30am , HDWPNT: 61.0F at 12:00am , HHeat index: 64.0F at 12:00am , PEAK WIND: SE 12 mph at 1:03pm , PCPN: Continuous rain becoming showery after midnight. HRRATE: 0.42 inch/pr hr at 2:54am. Still raining at OBS. All of this rain went into the ground no puddles to be seen, great for our wells. |
7/1/2020 |
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In the clouds VSBY 1/8th mile / TEMP: 62.1F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 97% / DWPNT: 61.2F / SP: 29.985 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.7F , MAX: 70.6F at 2:05pm , MIN: 60.0F at 12:27am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 2:01pm , HHeat Index: 72.0F at 2:01pm , PG: NE 15 mph at 2:50pm , PCPN: Rain and rain showers 7am to 3am this morning. HRRATE: 1.33 inch/pr hr at 9:39pm and 2.78 inch/pr/hr at 1:44am this morning. STORM TOTAL: 2.82" |
7/2/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // A few high thin clouds / TEMP: 64.5F / WIND: WNW 2-4 mph / RH: 97% / DEWPT: 63.6F / SP: 29.900 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.4F , MAX: 71.7F at 6:54pm , MIN: 61.5F at 5:14am , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 1:18am , HHeat Index: 73.0F at 2:34pm , PEAK WIND: W 7 mph at 9:53am , PCPN: Periods of Rain 7:15am to 8am - 9am to 11am - 8:30pm to 10pm totaling 0.74" giving us a 4 day total of 3.56" of badly needed water. |
7/3/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains partially obscured / TEMP: 64.4F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 94% / DWPNT: 62.6F / SP: 29.925 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 71.9F , MAX: 84.5F at 2:51pm , MIN: 61.1F at 12:45am , HDWPNT: 72.0F at 1:35pm , HHeat Index: 90.0F at 2:47pm , PEAK GUST: SW 18 mph at 12:30pm and from the N at 3:44pm , PCPN: None. |
7/4/2020 |
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Clear , Dissipating valley fog / TEMP: 62.2F / WIND: NW 0-1 mph / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 60.8F / SP: 30.008 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.4 / MAX: 72.8F at 1:43pm , MIN: 61.1F at 11:59pm , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 9:49am , HHeat index 74.0F at 1:27pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 16 mph at 1:59pm , PCPN: None , Patches of snow remain on the mountain. |
7/5/2020 |
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Partly cloudy / TEMP: 59.5F / WIND: W calm / RH: 83% / DWPNT: 54.3F / SP: 30.025 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.5F , MAX: 80.0F at 1:13pm , MIN: 59.9F at 3:10am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 10:34am , HHeat index 80.0F at 1:06pm , PEAK WIND: SSW 15 mph at 9:50am , PCPN: None. |
7/6/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Mostly clear with a few scatterd clouds to the North / TEMP: 59.7F / WIND: NNE Calm / RH: 90% / DWPNT: 56.8F / SP: 30.136 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.2F , MAX: 80.7F at 12:34pm , MIN: 58.5F at 5:30am , HDWPNT: 62.F at 8:46am , HHeat index; 80.0F at 12:26pm , PEAK WIND: SW 17 mph at 12:15pm , PCPN: None. final patch of snow on the mountain gone this morning. |
7/7/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 59.0F / WIND: NNE Calm / RH: 93% ; DWPNT: 57.0F / SP: 30.233 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.5F , MAX: 80.3F at 2:04pm , MIN: 55.6F at 5:38am , HDWPT: 61.0F at 12:00am , HHeat index 80.0F at 2:02pm , PEAK WIND: E 11 mph at 12:01pm , PCPN: None. |
7/8/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, summits obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 60.3F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 58.9F / SP: 30.078 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.8F , MAX: 79.6F at 2:11pm , MIN: 58.8F at 12:21am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 11:11am , HHEAT Index: 81.0F at 12:44pm , PEAK WIND: ESE 12 mph at 12:46pm , PCPN: None. Drying up again could use some rain. |
7/9/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 64.5F / WIND: SSE calm / RH: 97% / DWPNT: 63.6F / SP: 30.096 R slowly / Yesterdays MEAN: 66.7F , MAX: 82.9F at 2:01pm , MIN: 58.6F at 1:39am , HDWPNT: 73.0F at 1:07pm , HHeat Index 88.0F at 1:45pm , PEAK GUST: NNW 45 mph at 4:55pm , numerous gusts 35 to 45 mph between 4pm and 5pm , PCPN: TSTRMS between 4:16pm and 6pm , very little lightning but lots of wind and a period of Soft Hail 1/4" to 1/2: diameter.around 5pm. just prior to the hail a Roar similar to a low flying aircraft was observed . No damage other then a few branches down. HRRATE: 1.84 inch/pr/hr at 4:48pm. |
7/10/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 67.6F / WIND: NNE calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 66.4F / SP: 30.121 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 72.4F , MAX: 85.9F at 2:32pm , MIN: 59.9F at 5:17am , HDWPNT: 73.0F at 12:56pm , HHEAT Index: 90.0F at 12:56pm , HUV index: 8.2 at 12:19pm , PEAK WIND: S 13 mph at 1:31pm , PCPN: None. |
7/11/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clouds, Fog, light mist / TEMP: 67.3F / WIND: E 1 mph / RH: 97% / DWPNT: 66.4F / SP: 29.815 F Rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.2F , MAX: 86.4F at 12:08pm , MIN: 65.2F at 4:38am , HDWPNT: 75.0F at 10:36am , HHEAT Index: 93.0F at 11:55am , HUV Index: 8.0 at 12:14pm , Peak Gust: SSE 24 mph at 1pm , PCPN: Rain showers |
7/12/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, summits obscured / TEMP: 69.1F / WIND: ESE 1-4 mph / RH: 90% / DWPNT: 65.8F / SP: 29.571 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 71.8F , MAX: 83.3F at 2:45pm , MIN: 67.2F at 2:50am , HDWPNT: 73.0F at 1:46pm , HHEAT INDEX: 88.0F at 2:34pm , HUV index: 9.2at 1:38pm , PEAK GUST: SSE 24 mph at 2:52pm , PCPN: Off and on light SHRA , HRRATE: 0.52 inch/pr/hr at 4:32pm. |
7/13/2020 |
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Scattered clouds / TEMP: 64.0F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 62.5F / SP: 29.847 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.3F , MAX: 78.0F at 1:57pm , MIN: 64.5F at 11:57pm , HDWPNT: 72.0F at 12:45pm , HHEAT Index: 81.0F at 1:52pm , HUV Index: 8.2 at 12:25pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 23 mph at 11:14am , PCPN: SHRA off and on all day , HRRATE: 0.23 inch/pr/hr at 9:36am. |
7/14/2020 |
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Thunder showers, mountains obscured / TEMP: 62.1F / RH: 97% / WIND: NW calm / DWPNT: 61.2F / SP: 29.984 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.7F , MAX: 80.7F at 1:27pm , MIN: 61.1F at 11:51pm , HDWPNT: 68.0F at 10:28am , HHEAT Index: 82.0F at 1:23pm , HUV Index: 7.9 at 12:47pm , PEAK WIND: SW 16 mph at 3:07pm , PCPN: Thunder storms between 3pm and 4pm , HRRATE: 2.22 inch /pr/hr at 3:17pm |
7/15/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 56.6F / WIND: ENE 1-5 mph / RH: 97% / DWPNT: 55.8F / SP: 30.310 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 59.8F , MAX: 62.2F at 7:01am , MIN: 55.3F at 8:29am , HDWPNT: 61.0F at 6:09am , HHEAT INDEX: 63.0F at 6:18am , HUV INDEX: 1.9 at 1:47pm , PEAK GUST: NNW 18 mph at 8:12am , PCPN: TSRA continuous from 7:10am to 2pm , and SHRA around 5pm and 8pm. Recorded 1.10" 7:10am to 8:14am - 1.92" 8:14am to 8:51am - 1.07" 8:51am to 12:48pm and 0.07" 5pm to 8pm , STORM TOTAL: 4.16" (HRRATES: inch/pr/hr: 1.83 at 7:30am , 1.75 at 8:00am , 1.54 at 8:30am , 1.12 at 9:00am , 0.93 at 9:30am.) |
7/16/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 53.8F / WIND: N calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 52.7F / SP: 30.438 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 61.1F , MAX: 67.5F at 3:50pm , MIN: 56.0F at 11:59pm , HDWPNT: 62.0F at 2:33pm , HHEAT INDEX: 69.0F at 3:50pm , HUV INDEX: 7.6 at 11:02am , PEAK WIND: NE 10 mph at 11:51am , PCPN: SHRA mid afternoon , (Tuesdays storm was centered around Randolph Hill and abutting areas of Gorham, most dirt roads in this area sustained some washout damage. and washouts occurred along the sides of Rte 2 on Gorham Hill. In Randolph the valley and West End of town had much lighter Rainfall. Several periods of .25" diameter hail occurred between 9am and 11:00am , Very little wind observed.) |
7/17/2020 |
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Light rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 54.7F / WIND: NNW 1 mph / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 53.6F / SP: 30.234 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 61.0F , MAX: 70.9F at 2:33pm , MIN: 52.8F at 5:19am , HDWPNT: 63.0F at 2:23pm , HHEAT INDEX: 72.0F at 2:31pm , HUV INDEX: 7.7 at 1:45pm , PEAK WIND: E 15 mph at 2:18pm , PCPN: SHRA between 3:30am and 7am still raining. raspberries almost ready to pick. |
7/18/2020 |
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Clear, Fog on summit of Adams above 5000 ft / TEMP: 66.1F / WIND: WNW 4-12 mph / RH: 91% / DWPNT: 63.5F / SP: 30.136 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 60.1F , MAX: 67.6F at 6:14pm , MIN: 54.5F at 5:36am , HDWPNT: 65.0F at 5:53pm , HHEAT INDEX: 69.0F at 5:52pm , HUV INDEX: 4.1at 2:21pm , PEAK WIND: W 16 mph at 4:59pm , PCPN: SHRA 0.09" between 7am and 9:30am - 0.03" between 3:30pm and 4pm. blueberries ripening early this year. |
7/19/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 65.4F / WIND: W calm / RH: 92% / DWPNT: 63.0F / SP: 29.990 F slowly / / Yesterdays MEAN: 72.3F , MAX: 82.1F at 2:15pm , MIN: 63.6F at 5:32am , HDWPNT: 69.0F at 11:56am , HHEAT INDEX: 85.0F at 2:16pm , HUV INDEX: 7.2 at 12:40pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 20 mph at 1:12pm , PCPN: None. |
7/20/2020 |
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Partly cloudy,summits obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 72.5F , WIND: SW 4-8 mph , RH: 82% / DWPNT: 66.7F / SP: 29.814 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 76.1F , MAX: 88.6F at 2:27pm , MIN: 64.5F at 6:02am , HDWPNT: 71.0F at 11:54am , HHEAT INDEX: 94.0F at 2:02pm , HUV INDEX: 8.3 at 11:55am , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 5:23pm , PCPN: SHRA between 11:30pm and 1:00am , HRRATE: 0.57 inch/pr/hr at 12:00am. |
7/21/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 66.2F / WIND: W 1-4 mph / RH: 85% / DWPNT: 61.6F / SP: 30.029 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 74.6F , MAX: 83.8F at 12:42pm , MIN: 67.9F at 11:56pm , HDWPNT: 72.0F at 8:58am , HHEAT INDEX: 88.0F at 12:21pm , HUV INDEX: 8.0 at 1:09pm , PEAK GUST: W 20 mph at 6:58am , PRCN: None |
7/22/2020 |
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Cloudy, mountains obscured above 5300 Ft / TEMP: 59.9F / WIND: S calm / RH: 87% / DWPNT: 56.0F / SP: 30.184 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.0F at 1:22pm , MIN: 60.2F at 11:30pm , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 2:17pm , HHEAT INDEX: 79.0F at 1:22pm ,HUV INDEX: 8.9 at 1:16pm , PEAK GUST: S 19 mph at 12:27pm , PCPN: Trace of Rain around 2pm. |
7/23/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy with a few breaks showing, mountains obscured / TEMP: 61.8F / WIND: SE calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 60.6F / SP: 30.074 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.5F , MAX: 74.0F at 1:32pm , MIN: 58.1F at 1:47am , HDWPNT: 64.0F at12:12pm , HHEAT INDEX: 76.0F at 12:35pm , HUV INDEX: 8.0 at 12:31pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 8 mph at 12:31pm , PCPN: SHRA |
7/24/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly Cloudy, mountains obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 63.4F / WIND: SSW 1-2 mph / RH:91% / DWPNT: 60.7F / SP: 30.167 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.9F , MAX: 78.7F at 2:31pm , MIN: 60.4F at 5:29am , HDWPNT: 72.0F at 12:41pm , HHEAT INDEX: 81.0F at 2:16pm , HUV INDEX: 8.2 at 1:49pm , PEAK WIND: W 12 mph at 4:05pm , PCPN: SHRA , Picked raspberries and blueberries. |
7/25/2020 |
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A few high broken clouds otherwise clear / TEMP: 60.8F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 89% / DWPNT: 57.5F / SP: 30.176 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.5F , MAX: 80.9F at 2:48pm , MIN: 60.5F at 5:27am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 10:51am ,HHEAT INDEX: 82.0F at 2:48pm / HUV INDEX: 7.3 at 12:16pm , PEAK WIND: WSW 10 mph at 12:54am , PCPN: None. |
7/26/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 67.7F / WIND: WNW 3 gusting to 19 mph / RH: 72% / DWPNT: 58.3F / SP: 30.005 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 70.2F , MAX: 83.1F at 2:17pm , MIN: 57.1F at 5:08am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 11:33am , HHEAT INDEX: 85.0F at 2:16pm , HUV INDEX: 7.5 at 12:04pm , PEAK WIND: W 15 mph at 11:30pm , PCPN: None. |
7/27/2020 |
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Very light rain, mountains obscured above 3000 Ft / TEMP: 68.9F / WIND: W 1-3 mph / RH: 93% / DWPNT: 66.8F / SP: 29.829 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 73.9F , MAX: 82.5F at 11:57am , MIN: 67.4F at 4:50am , HDWPNT: 69.0F at 3:59pm , HHEAT INDEX: 85.0F at 11:54am , HHUV INDEX: 8.7 at 11:35am , PEAK GUST: WSW 26 mph at 5:56am , ( numerous gusts 20-26 mph from 5:30am to midnight.) , PCPN: SHRA between 4:30am and 7am this morning. Temp remained above 70F all night until 5:30am this morning. I have not observed this in the last 20 yrs. |
7/28/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, summits in and out of Fog / TEMP: 72.6F / WIND: NW 4-14 mph / RH: 87% / DWPNT: 68.5F / SP: 29.737 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 75.9F , MAX: 85.4F at 2:38pm , MIN: 68.9F at 5:33am , HDWPNT: 75.0F at 1:00pm , HHEAT INDEX: 94.0F at 2:33pm , HUV INDEX: 8.7 at 12:31pm , PEAK GUST: NW 20 mph at 4:14am , PCPN: SHRA between 8:30am and 9:00am. Again we did not drop below 70F all night. Fortunately the wind has stayed up during the heat. |
7/29/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 65.7F / WIND: W 1-2 mph / RH: 78% / DWPNT: 58.7F / SP: 29.973 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 73.5F , MAX: 84.2F at 2:21pm , MIN: 64.3F at 10:45pm , HDWPNT: 71.0F at 11:46am , HHEAT INDEX: 90.0F at 2:18pm , HUV INDEX: 8.2 at 12:41pm , PEAK GUST: W 21 mph at 4:52pm , PCPN: Trace of rain several times between 3pm and 6pm. (A few drops and mist) |
7/30/2020 |
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Mostly clear, except for clouds obscuring the summits above 4000 ft / TEMP: 66.0F / WIND SSW 1-3 mph / RH: 85% / DWPNT: 61.4F / SP: 29.907 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 72.8F , MAX: 85.2F at 3:29pm , MIN: 62.5F at 5:47am , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 11:11am , HHEAT INDEX: 87.0F at 12:24pm , HUV INDEX: 7.2 at 12:17pm , PEAK WIND: SW 17 mph at 3:13pm , PCPN: None. soil drying out again. need rain. Blueberries ready to pick. |
7/31/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 62.7F / WIND: SW 0-6 mph / RH: 90% / DWPNT: 59.7F / SP: 29.922 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 71.2F , MAX: 83.4F at 1:35pm , MIN: 62.8F at 11:58pm , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 9:03am , HHEAT INDEX: 85.0F at 1:23pm , HUV INDEX: 7.2 at 12:16pm , PEAK WIND: W 17 mph at 4:05pm , PCPN: Trace of rain as TSTMS passed by to our South around 6pm. |
8/1/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear, Fog bank on summits above 5000 ft / TEMP: 60.5F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 93% / DWPNT: 58,5F / SP: 30.029 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.8F , MAX: 79.8F at 2:03pm , MIN: 58.8F at 5:51am , HDEWPT: 68.0F at 3:02pm , HHEAT INDEX: 80.0F at 1:55pm , HUV INDEX: 7.4 at 1:10pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 11mph at 8:47am and SW at 10:22am , PCPN: SHRA 2:38pm to 2:45pm. |
8/2/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast,mountains visible / TEMP: 62.9F / WIND: ENE calm / RH: 67% / DWPNT: 59.6F / SP: 30.067 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.0F , MAX: 82.0F at 1:25pm , MIN: 56.9F at 5:38am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 11:12am , HHEAT INDEX: 84.0F at 1:17pm , HUV INDEX: 7.9 at 12:26pm , PEAK WIND: SW 10 mph at 12:07pm , PCPN: None. |
8/3/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // A few high an middle clouds , mountains visible / TEMP: 66.9F / WIND: ENE calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 65.7F / SP: 29.901 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.9F , MAX: 75.6F at 12:03pm , MIN: 59.3F at 4:50am , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 10:32am , HHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 11:45am , HUV INDEX: 3.3 at 11:33am , PEAK GUST: SE 22 mph at 4:57pm , PCPN: Trace of Rain between 5pm and 6pm and SHRA between 2am and 2:15am = 0.02" |
8/4/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 60.5F / WIND: W calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 59.1F / SP: 30.183 Steady // Yewsterdays MEAN: 69.0F , MAX: 75.9F at 10:38am , MIN: 62.4F at 11:02pm , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 7:01am , HHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 10 38am , HUV INDEX: 6.5 at 10.36am , PEAK GUST: W 26 mph at 10:14am , PCPN: Very light rain between 5am and 6:30am this morning. |
8/5/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, summits obscured in Fog above 4500 ft / TEMP: 64.7F / WIND: SW 2-12 mph / RH: 90% / DWPNT: 61.7F / SP: 29.984 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.4F , MAX: 68.6F at 8:09pm , MIN: 59.8F at 5:47am , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 7:46pm , HHEAT INDEX: 71.0F at 8:04pm , HUV INDEX: 2.3 at 10:42am , PEAK GUST: SSE 40 mph at 7:40pm (numerous gusts 32 to 40 mph 8pm to 10pm) , PCPN: Off and ON SHRA 8am to 2:30pm = 0.24" - Rain 2:30pm to 11:00pm = 1.49" (Moon broke from clouds at 11:25pm could see the mountains) / Mt Washington had a gust of 147 mph I believe a new record for August /. |
8/6/2020 |
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High clouds to the SE, summits in the Fog above 4900 ft / TEMP: 56.8F / WIND: WSW 1-4 mph / RH: 80% / DWPNT: 50.7F / SP: 30.159 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.0F , MAX: 79.0F at 2:22pm , MIN: 59.2F at 11:47pm , HDWPT: 66.0F at 10:28am , HHEAT INDEX: 80.0F at 1:44pm , HUV INDEX: 7.9 at 12:11pm , PEAK GUST: SSW 29 mph at 12:21am , PCPN: None , Additional info on TS Low station pressure was 29.698 at 9:21pm and HRRATE was 5.05 inch/pr/hr at 6:15pm , only slight tree damage. |
8/7/2020 |
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High thin clouds in the South otherwise clear / TEMP: 52.7F / WIND: S calm / RH: 92% / DWPNT: 50.4F / SP: 30.303 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 62.9F , MAX: 72.4F at 2:49pm , MIN: 54.8F at 5:36am , HDWPNT: 58.0F at 2:42pm , HHEAT INDEX: 72.0F at 2:41pm , HUV INDEX: 7.8 at 12:43pm , PEAK GUST: NNW 22 mph at 12:57pm , PCPN: None. |
8/8/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // High thin clouds / TEMP: 60.3F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 89% / DWPNT: 57.0F / SP: 30.272 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 64.8F , MAX: 77.3F at 1:48pm , MIN: 52.3F at 5:51am , HDWPT: 62.0F at 5:26pm , HHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 1:46pm , HUV INDEX: 8.4 at 12:28pm , PEAK WIND: ESE 9 mph at 4:22pm , PCPN: None. Raspberries done, blueberries still holding on , blackberries starting to form. |
8/9/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, summits obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 64.8F / WIND: SW 0-6 mph / RH: 92% / DWPNT: 61.1F / SP: 30.173 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.2F , MAX: 82.7F at 2:20pm , MIN: 57.6F at 4:38am , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 11:32am , HHEAT INDEX: 84.0F at 1:55pm , HUV INDEX: 6.6 at 12:31pm , PEAK WIND: SSW 11 mph at 12:21pm , PCPN: None. |
8/10/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy a few breaks to the north, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 64.4F , WIND: NW calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 62.9F / SP: 30.083 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 71.0F , MAX: 82.8F at 1:24pm , MIN: 61.2F at 5:36am , HDWPNT: 69.0F at 10:18am , HHEAT INDEX: 86.0F at 1:20pm , HUV INDEX: 7.8 at 12:59pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 14 mph at 1:56pm and SW at 2:08pm , PCPN: Period of Rain this morning. |
8/11/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 68.0F / WIND: W calm / RH: 90% / DWPNT: 65.0F / SP: 30.040 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 70.3F , MAX: 81.0F at 2:26pm , MIN: 63.4F at 2:24am , HDWPNT: 71.0F at 11:27am , HHEAT INDEX: 84.0F at 2:07pm , HUV INDEX: 8.1 at 12:32pm , PEAK WIND: SW 15 mph at 12:36pm , PCPN: None. Vegetable garden producing well this year. First touches of red on a couple of the maples. |
8/12/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains obscured above 3000 ft / TEMP: 67.8F / WIND: SSW 0-4 mph / RH: 91% / DWPNT: 65.1F / SP: 30.039 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 75.2F , MAX: 89.1F at 12:18pm , MIN: 66.0F at 12:00am , HDWPNT: 73.0F at 12:27pm , HHEAT INDEX: 98.0F at 12:39pm , HUV INDEX: 7.3 at 12:37pm , PEAK WIND: S 12 mph at 11:57am , PCPN: SHRA at 5:20 pm lasted only a couple of minutes. |
8/13/2020 |
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A few high thin clouds / TEMP: 60.8F / WIND: SSW 0-1 mph / RH: 88% / DWPNT: 57.2F / SP: 30.229 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 72.4F , MAX: 82.3F at 2:17pm , MIN: 62.4F at 11:40pm , HDWPNT: 70.0F at 12:52pm , HHEAT INDEX: 85.0F at 1:12pm , HUV INDEX: 7.6 at 12:17pm , PEAK WIND: W 16 mph at 6:01am , PCPN: None. |
8/14/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // few high thin clouds to the South / TEMP: 61.2F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 88% / DWPNT: 56.1F / SP: 30.206 Steady // YESTERDAYS MEAN: 70.1F , MAX: 81.9F at 1:21pm , MIN: 59.3F at 5:16am , HDWPNT: 67.0F at 10:12am , HHEAT INDEX: 83.0F at 1:00pm , HUV INDEX: 7.4 at 12:39pm , PEAK WIND: NNW 11 mph at 4:39pm , PCPN: None. |
8/15/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 56.9F / WIND: N calm / RH: 93% / DWPNT: 54.9F / SP: 30.219 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.3F , MAX: 77.6F at 2:48pm , MIN: 57.6F at 5:19am , HDWPNT: 62.0F at 1:07pm , HHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 11:57am , HUV INDEX: 7.3 at 12:27pm , PEAK WIND: ESE 9 mph at 11:27am , PCPN: None. / Need rain again. |
8/16/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear with valley fog below and summit fog above us / TEMP: 54.3F / WIND: N calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 53.3F / SP: 30.220 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 62.0F , MAX: 69.5F at 3:37pm , MIN: 54.5F at 4:17am , HDWPT: 62.0F at 10:34am , HHEAT INDEX: 70.0F at 11:16am , HUV INDEX: 7.0 at 12:02pm , PEAK WIND: ENE 13 mph at 11:04am , PCPN: None. |
8/17/2020 |
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Cloudy, mountains obscured / TEMP: 55.4F / WIND: E calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 54.0F / SP: 30.030 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 62.2F , MAX: 74.4F at 1:19pm , MIN: 53.5F at 3:52am , HDWPNT: 63.0F at 10:50am , HHEAT INDEX: 76.0F at 1:15pm , HUV INDEX: 7.2 at 12:40pm , PEAK WIND: S 15 mph at 2:12pm , PCPN: None. |
8/18/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast with a few breaks, mountains visible / TEMP: 56.7F / WIND: SW 0-2 mph / RH:95% / DWPNT: 55.3F / SP: 29.867 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.6F , MAX: 77.9F at 1:45pm , MIN: 54.4F at 2:39am , HDWPNT: 63.0F at 1:24pm , HHEAT INDEX: 79.0F at 1:45pm , HUV INDEX: 7.0 at 12:59pm , PEAK WIND: WNW 14 mph at 5:58pm , PCPN: Rain, HRARATE: 0.49 inch/pr/hr at 4:28am this morning . |
8/19/2020 |
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A few high clouds to the S and SE, Summits Fog covered above 4800 ft / TEMP: 52.8F / WIND: W 0-1 mph / RH: 94% / SP: 30.005 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 61.9F , MAX: 71.0F at 2:34pm , MIN: 55.3F at 11:49pm , HDWPNT: 64.0F at 12:49pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 72.0F at 2:33pm , HUV INDEX: 6.8 at 1:02pm . PEAK WIND: WNW 17 mph at 10:28am , PCPN: thunder showers between 11am and 11:45am = 0.26" rain , HRRATE: 3.05 inch/pr/hr at 11:19am and a passing shower = 0.01" at 9pm. |
8/20/2020 |
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Cloudy with a few breaks starting to show, mountains obscured above 3500 ft / TEMP: 50.6F / WIND: SW 1-3 mph / RH: 93% / DWPNT: 48.7F / SP: 30.143 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 58.3F , MAX: 71.2F at 12:46pm , MIN: 52.0F at 10:00pm , HDWPT: 59.0F at 1:11pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 71.0F at 12:40pm , HUV INDEX: 7.4 at 12:40pm , HIGH WIND: SSW 17 mph at 12:38pm , PCPN: SHRA between 1pm and 1:30pm , HRRATE: 0.89 inch/pr/hr at 1:13pm |
8/21/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Partly cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 60.3F / WIND: WSW 3-14 mph / RH: 76% / DWPNT: 52.7F / SP: 29.974 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 57.9F , MAX: 68.9F at 2:11pm , MIN: 49.1F at 5:24am , HDWPNT: 55.0F at 12:53pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 68.0F at 1:35pm , HUV INDEX: 7.2 at 11:57am , PEAK GUST: SSE 18 mph at 10:21am and from the SW at 19:40am. , PCPN: SHRA between 4:30 and 5am. |
8/22/2020 |
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In the Clouds, visiblity 600 ft / TEMP: 57.8F / WIND: W calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 56.7F / SP: 30.018 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.0F , MAX: 77.0F at 1:07pm , MIN: 55.3F at 12:00am , HDWPNT: 63.0F at 12:26pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 12:39pm , HUV INDEX: 7.3 at 12:22pm , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 5:50am and NNW at 7:50am , PCPN: SHRA between 4:30pm and 5pm. |
8/23/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds, mountains visible / TEMP: 54.2F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 52.8F / SP: 30.147 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 62.8F , MAX: 76.6F at 1:42pm , MIN: 56.0F at 4:25am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 1:24pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 1:35pm , HUV INDEX: 6.4 at 1:05pm , PEAK WIND: NNW 13 mph at 1:54pm , PCPN: SHRA 1:45pm to 2:30pm = 0.21" , HRRATE: 3.25 inch/pr/hr at 1:59pm. |
8/24/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains visible / TEMP: 64.0F / WIND: WNW calm / RH: 94% / DWPNT: 62.2F / SP: 30.088 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 64.2F , MAX: 76.4F at 2:34pm , MIN: 54.0F at 5:37am , HDWPNT: 66.0F at 3:36pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 2:25pm , HUV INDEX: 6.9 at 1:20pm , PEAK Gust: W 14 mph at 3:44pm , PCPN: None. |
8/25/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 67.6F / WIND: SW 1-6 mph / RH: 85% / DWPNT: 62.9F / SP: 29.784 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 71.1F , MAX: 85.4F at 12:59pm , MIN: 63.9F at 6:23am , HDWPNT: 69.0F at 9:59am , HiHEAT INDEX: 89.0F at 1:08pm , HUV INDEX: 6.9 at 12:42pm , PEAK WIND: SSW 14 mph at 2:41pm , PCPN: A trace of rain between 5pm and 5:30pm , then a SHRA between 9:30pm and 10pm. |
8/26/2020 |
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Mostly cloudy, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 49.8F / WIND: NW 1-6 mph / RH: 79% / DWPNT: 43.5F / SP: 29.921 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 66.6F , MAX: 75.2F at 12:42pm , MIN: 56.2F at 11:57pm , HDWPNT: 68.0F at 1:42pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 78.0F at 12:42pm , HUV INDEX: 6.3 at 12:27pm , PEAK GUST: NW 25 mph at 4:06pm , PCPN: A few sprinkles between 4pm and 5pm. |
8/27/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, summits obscured above 5000 ft / TEMP: 47.3F / WIND: NW 3-12 mph / RH: 78% / DWPNT: 40.8F / SP: 29.852 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 54.6F , MAX: 63.8F at 2:26pm , MIN: 49.4F at 7:50am , HDWPNT: 49.0F at 12:29am , HiHEAT INDEX: 62.0F at 2:23pm , HUV INDEX: 5.6 at 12:15pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 30 mph at 1:02pm (numerous gusts 20-30 mph between 9:30am and 5pm) , PCPN: none. Soil drying up fast.
8/28/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 49.3F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 84% / DWPNT: 44.7F / SP: 29.888 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 54.2F , MAX: 67.8F at 2:34pm , MIN: 45.6F at 4:54am , HDWPNT: 51.0F at 12:18pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 67.0F at 2:34pm , HiUV INDEX: 6.3 at 12:08pm , PEAK GUST: WNW 22 mph at 12:36am , PCPN: None. crab apples ready to pick. |
8/29/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, light drizzle, mountains partially obscured by fog and precipitation / TEMP: 55.0F / WIND: ENE 1-4 mph / RH: 84% / DWPNT: 50.3F , SP: 29.824 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 60.3F , MAX: 74.1F at 2:37pm , MIN: 49.1F at 6:25am , HiHEAT INDEX: 74.0f at 2;24pm , HUV INDEX: 6.1 at 12:50pm , PEAK GUST: SW 18 mph at 3:39pm , PCPN: Trace of Rain around 6am this morning. |
8/30/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, light mist, mountains obscured above 3800 ft / TEMP: 52.1F / WIND: WNW 9 gusting to 25 mph / RH: 93% / DWPNT: 50.1F / SP: 29.562 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 53.9F , MAX: 56.3F at 5:27pm , MIN: 51.7F at 10:46am , HDWPNT: 55.0F at 4:48pm , HiHEAT INDEX: 56.0F at 4:34pm , HiUV INDEX: 2.1 at 1:22pm , PEAK GUST: NE 25 mph at 8:38am , PCPN: Rain 0.45" between 7:10am and 11am - 0.08" between 3:30pm and 4:30pm - 0.5" between 12:30am and 7am this morning. STORM TOTAL: 0.58", HRRATE: 0.81 inch/pr/hr at 7:41am. Late report Internet problem this morning. |
8/31/2020 |
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Clear except for a cloud on summit above 5500 ft / TEMP: 49.3F / WIND: WSW 1 mph / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 48.2F / SP: 30 173 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 53.6F , MAX: 61.0F at 12:18am , MIN: 50.9F at 9:53pm , HDWPNT: 60.0F at 12:10am , HiHEAT INDEX: 62.0F at 12:13am , HUV INDEX: 1.6 at 12:24pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 31 mph at 2:35am (frequent gusts 20 to 31 mph from 12am to 8:30am) , PCPN: Rain showers and drizzle. |
9/1/2020 |
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Scattered clouds, valley Fog , mountains viaible / TEMP: 48.3F / WIND: NE calm / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 47.2F / SP: 30.295 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 57.3F , MAX: 70.8F at 1:41pm , MIN: 47.7F at 5:55am , HDWPNT: 54.0F at 9:35am , HUV INDEX: 6.2 at 12:52pm , PEAK WIND: SW 12 mph at 8:17am , PCPN: None. |
9/2/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains visible / TEMP: 52.8F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 94% / DWPNT: 51.1F / SP: 30.143 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 57.6F , MAX: 70.7F at 12:06pm , MIN: 47.4F at 6:06am , HDWPNT: 61.0F at 11:18am . HIHEAT INDEX: 71.0F at 11:41am , HUV INDEX: 6.0 at 12:01pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 16 mph at 5:26pm , PCPN: None. Color starting to show right on time this year. |
9/3/2020 |
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Scattered clouds, mountains visible / TEMP: 57.2F / WIND: WNW 1-4 mph / RH: 96% / DWPNT: 56.1F / SP: 29.924 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 59.9F , MAX: 66.7F at 10:50am , MIN: 51.9F at 4:48am , HDEWPT: 62.0F at 10:47am , HiHEAT INDEX: 68.0F at 10:47am , HUV INDEX: 3.8 at 10:44am , PEAK GUST: SE 22 mph at 4:52pm , PCPN: Trace of rain around 10am then SHRA 11pm to 1:45am , HRRATE: 1.10 inch/pr/hr at 11:11pm. |
9/4/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds, mountains cloud capped above 4800 ft / TEMP: 62.2F / WIND: WNW 4 gusting to 18 mph / RH: 81% / DWPNT: 56.3F / SP: 29.805 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.7F , MAX: 78.0F at 1:05pm , MIN: 57.2F at 6:30am , HDWPNT: 64.0F at 11:47am , HiHEAT INDEX: 79.0F at 1:00pm , HUV INDEX: 6.7 at 12:50pm , PEAK WIND: NNW 15 mph at 1:02am , PCPN: None. |
9/5/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Mostly cloudy with a few breaks, mountains obscured above 4000 ft / TEMP: 51.4F / WIND: WSW 4-12 mph / RH: 85% / DWPNT: 47.0F / SP: 30.187 R rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 63.8F , MAX: 73.9f at 2:02pm , MIN: 54.8F at 11:57pm , HDWPNT: 60.0F at 8:44am , HiHEAT INDEX: 74.0F at 2:02pm , HUV INDEX: 5.9 at 12:13pm / PEAK GUST: SW 22 mph at 1:02pm , PCPN: None. |
9/6/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds, mountains obscured above 5300 ft / TEMP: 49.3F / WIND: WSW calm / RH: 89% / DWPNT: 46.2F / SP: 30.265 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 57.8F , MAX: 70.1F at 1:19pm , MIN: 50.3F at 11:56pm , HDWPNT: 51.0F at 9:37am , HiHEAT INDEX: 68.0F at 1:09pm , HUV INDEX: 5.5 at 12:11pm , PEAK GUST: NW 19 mph at 11:37am , PCPN: A few drops of rain around 4pm. |
9/7/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, summits fog capped above 5200 ft / TEMP: 53.0F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 88% / DWPNT: 49.5F / SP: 30.211 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 57.4F , MAX: 70.4F at 12:25pm / MIN: 47.7F at 11:46pm / HDWPNT: 55.0F at 9:23am / HiHEAT INDEX: 69.0F at 12:25pm / HUV INDEX: 5.4 at 12:57pm , PEAK WIND: WNW 15 mph at 10:38am , PCPN: None. Dry conditions with little additional color change, need rain before freeze-up. |
9/8/2020 |
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High thin clouds, mountains visible / TEMP: 54.8F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 94% / DWPNT: 53.0F / SP: 30.191 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 62.3F , MAX: 75.3F at 12:41pm , MIN: 46.0F at 3:06am , HDWPNT: 59.0F at 8:55am , HiHEAT INDEX:75.0F at 10:18am , HUVINDEX: 5.4 at 12:41pm , PEAK GUST: SSE 30 mph at 12:16pm and SSW at 12:44pm (numerous gusts 20-30 mph 9:30am and 1pm) , PCPN: None. |
9/9/2020 |
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High thin clouds and haze / TEMP: 60.2F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 58.8F / SP: 30.352 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.1F , MAX: 80.5F at 1:03pm , MIN: 54.7f at 6:35am , HDWPNT: 65.0F at 11:24am , HiHEAT INDEX: 82.0F at 1:03pm , HUV INDEX: 4.9 at 12:18pm , PEAK WIND: WNW 17 mph at 11:33am , PCPN: None.
9/10/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Fog starting to lift, mountains obscured, heavy dew overnight / TEMP: 58.2F / WIND: WNW calm / RH:96% , DWPNT: 57.1F / SP: 30.327 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 69.6F , MAX: 83.6F at 2:26pm , MIN: 60.0F at 6:24am , HDWPNT: 70.0F at 11:27am , HiHEAT INDEX: 88.0F at 1:49pm , HUV INDEX: 4.7 at 12:26pm , PEAK WIND: ESE 9 mph at 12:56pm , PCPN: None. |
9/11/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, mountains partially obscured in fog above 5000 Ft / TEMP: 49.9F / WIND: WSW 0-5 mph / RH: 86% / DWPNT: 46.1F / SP: 30.301 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.9F , MAX: 84.8F at 12:49pm , MIN: 58.2F at 6:35am , HDWPNT: 69.0F at 10:24am , HiHEAT INDEX: 87.0F at 12:31pm , HUV INDEX: 5.1 at 12:30pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 21 mph at 10:57am , PCPN: None ,
Color coming along , need rain. |
9/12/2020 |
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Clear, patches of frost/ TEMP: 38.9F / WIND: NW calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 37.6F / SP: 30.492 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 53.7F , MAX: 64.1F at 2:26pm , MIN: 43.0F at 11:32pm , HDWPNT: 55.0F at 12:00am , HUV INDEX: 5.9 at 12:13pm , PEAK WIND: W 13 mph at 1:10am , PCPN: None. Apples ready to pick a little early this year.
9/13/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // A few high thin clouds / TEMP: 43.1F / WIND: N calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 42.1F / SP: 30.303 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 51.9F , MAX: 68.1F at 2:49pm , MIN: 38.9F at 6:03am , HDWPNT: 50.0F at 1:30pm , HUV INDEX: 5.4 at 12:35pm , PEAK WIND: SSE 11 mph at 3:44pm , PCPN: None. Patches of bright red starting to show in the maples. So far no deer or bear at the apples. |
9/14/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Light Rain, mountains obscured above 2800 ft / TEMP: 56.0F / WIND: NW 2 mph / RH: 92% / DWPNT: 53.7F / SP: 30.090 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 56.6F , MAX: 70.3F at 1:24pm , MIN: 43.1F at 4:42am , HDWPNT: 58.0F at 8:56pm , HUV INDEX: 6.1 at 12:13pm , PEAK GUST: SW 16 mph at 11:23pm , PCPN: SHRA 0.02 between 6:30pm and 7:30pm - 0.03 between 1:30am and 2am - 0.02 between 6:40am and 7am this morning. |
9/15/2020 |
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Haze / TEMP: 38.2F / WIND: WSW 0-3 mph / RH: 88% / DWPNT: 35.0F / SP: 30.430 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 54.8F , MAX: 63.5F at 12:03am , MIN: 43.2F at 10:07pm , HDWPNT: 59.0F at 1:10am , HUV INDEX: 4.2 at 11:44am , PEAK GUST: NW 23 mph at 1:41am , PCPN: SHRA between 7am and 7:30am , Deer at the apples this morning , very dry and growing season continues with dull foliage color so far. |
9/16/2020 |
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Hazy blue sky occasional smell of smoke / TEMP: 40.9F / WIND: W 1-4 mph / RH: 84% / DWPNT: 36.4F / SP: 30.234 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 48.6F , MAX: 60.1F at 2:49pm , MIN: 38.2F at 6:37am , HDWPNT: 43.0F at 1:48pm , PEAK GUST: S 18 mph at 12:22am , HUV INDEX: 2.6 at 11:34am , PCPN: None. |
9/17/2020 |
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Overcast, mountains obscured above 4700 ft / TEMP: 57.6F / WIND: WNW 0-2 mph / RH: 70% / DWPNT: 47.9F / SP: 30.057 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 58.7F , MAX: 77.3F at 2:45pm , MIN: 40.4F at 6:27am , HDWPNT: 47.0F at 2:41pm , HUV INDEX: 4.1 at 11:55am , PEAK GUST: NW 21 mph at 7:24pm , PCPN: None. color starting to show in most trees. |
9/18/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Overcast, mountains obscured above 3900 ft / TEMP: 45.9F / WIND: SE calm / RH: 86% / DWPNT: 41.9F / SP: 30.176 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 56.1F , MAX: 60.2F at 12:00am , MIN: 50.1F at 10:22pm , HDWPNT: 52.0F at 10:56am , HUV INDEX: 2.4 at 12:11pm , PEAK GUST: WSW 18 mph at 1:08am , PCPN: None. |
9/19/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 32.3F / WIND: SSW Calm / RH: 80% / DWPNT: 26.8F / SP: 30.387 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 49.7F , MAX: 61.3F at 1:39pm , MIN: 38.2F at 11:50pm , HDWPNT: 47.0F at 12:00am , HUV INDEX: 4.7 at 12:23pm , PEAK GUST: NNW 18 mph at 6:39pm , PCPN: None. Very dry 0.28" for Sept.to date. Not good for wells. Picked all the Gardens yesterday. Color coming up fast now. |
9/20/2020 |
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A few scattered clouds / TEMP: 32.7F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 78% / DWPT: 26.6F / SP: 30.639 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.0F , MAX: 55.8F at 2:19pm , MIN: 32.3F at 6:39am , HDWPNT: 33.0F at 8:48am , HUV INDEX: 4.0 at 12:06pm , PEAK GUST: NNW 18 mph ay 11:42am , PCPN: None , SEPT: has 0.28" rain and an ET of 1.94". |
9/21/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 31.6F / WIND: W calm / RH: 87% / DWPNT: 28.2F / SP: 30.752 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 43.4F , MAX: 58.7F at 1:58pm , MIN: 32.5F at 3:17am / HDWPNT: 33.0F at 8:49am , PEAK GUST: NNW 12 mph at 11:55am , HUV INDEX: 3.8 at 12:47pm , PCPN: None. |
9/22/2020 |
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High thin clouds / TEMP: 35.6F / WIND: SW calm / RH: 79% / DWPNT: 29.7F / SP: 30.363 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 45.2F , MAX: 61.1F at 2:18pm , MIN: 31.3F at 6:28am , HDWPNT: 35.0F at 9:11am , PEAK WIND: ENE 8 mph at 10:37am , HUV INDEX: 3.7 at 12:11pm , PCPN: None. Color getting better. |
9/23/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // A few scattered clouds, mountains cloud capped above 5000 Ft / TEMP: 48.2F / WIND: WNW 5-12 mph / RH: 80% / DWPNT: 42.3F / SP: 29.856 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 48.0F , MAX: 61.0F at 2:05pm , MIN: 35.2F at 7:36am , HDWPNT: 42.0F at 9:49pm , HUV INDEX: 3.3 at 11:31am , PEAK GUST: WSW 18 mph at 11:38pm , PCPN: None. Color a bit dull but coming on fast. |
9/24/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear except for a cloud bank over the mountains above 4000 Ft / WIND: W 0-3 mph / RH: 86% / DWPNT: 49.6F / SP: 29.971 R slowly / Yesterdays MEAN: 56.9f , MAX: 68.5F at 1:02pm , MIN: 47.8F at 5:36am , HDWPNT: 53.0F at 1:28pm , HUV INDEX: 4.0 at 12:32pm , PEAK GUST: W 21 mph at 8:11am , PCPN: None. // 0.28" for Sept to date with an ET of 2.30", Very dry soil conditions. |
9/25/2020 |
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Scattered clouds, mountains obscured above 5300 ft / TEMP: 49.8F / WIND: SSE calm / RH: 93% / DWPNT: 48.0F / SP: 30.167 R slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 61.1F , MAX: 72.1F at 3:09pm , MIN: 52.8F at 5:29am , HDWPNT: 55.0F at 11:02am , HUV INDEX: 3.9 at 12:28pm , PEAK GUST: SW 20 mph at 10:59pm , PCPN: none. About 90% color. |
9/26/2020 |
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Clear / TEMP: 49.7F / WIND: N calm / RH: 94% / DWPNT: 48.0F / SP: 30.224 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 58.4F , MAX: 70.1F at 2:42pm , MIN: 49.8F at 6:42am , HDWPNT: 59.0F at 4:19pm , HUV INDEX: 3.8 at 11:36am , PEAK WIND: WNW 9 mph at 12:52am , PCPN: None. We are very near peak color this morning. Last year Peak was on Oct 9th. |
9/27/2020 |
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Partly cloudy, mountains obscured above 5300 ft / TEMP: 58.2F / WIND: NNW calm / RH: 90% / DWPNT: 55.3F / SP: 30.069 F slowly // Yesterdays MEAN: 62.0F , MAX: 79.3F at 2:18pm , MIN: 48.5F at 3:36am , HDWPNT: 59.0F at 12:06pm , HUV INDEX: 3.5 at 11:55am , PEAK GUST: NNE 14 moh at 11:14pm , PCPN None. About 98% color. |
9/28/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Cloudy, light mist, mountains obscured / TEMP: 63.6F / WIND: N calm / RH: 95% / DWPNT: 62.1F / SP: 30.011 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 65.2F , MAX: 77.7F at 12:22pm , MIN: 56.5F at 1:00am , HDWPNT: 61.0F at 9:58am , HUV INDEX: 3.6 at 11:43am , PEAK GUST: SSW 21 mph at 11:27am , PCPN: Very light misting starting around 5am this morning. FULL COLOR is here. |
9/29/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clear / TEMP: 58.2F / WIND: ESE calm / RH: 94% / DWPNT: 56.6F / SP: 29.972 Steady // Yesterdays MEAN: 68.4F , MAX: 78.5F at 2:45pm , MIN: 62.4F at 4:28am , HDWPNT: 65.0F at 8:31am , HUV INDEX: 4.8 at 12:40pm , PEAK GUST: S 27 mph at 2:57pm , Numerous gusts 20-27 mph 10:30am to 4:30pm from S and SSE , PCPN: Trace of mist between 7am and 7:30am . Some leaf drop in yesterdays winds. |
9/30/2020 |
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7 AM OBS // Clouds and Rain, mountains obscured / TEMP: 67.0F / WIND: SSE 9 Gusting to 33 mph / RH: 92% / DWPNT: 64.6F / SP: 29.360 F rapidly // Yesterdays MEAN: 67.9F , MAX: 82.3F at 12:34pm , MIN: 58.2F at 6:42am , HDWPNT: 63.0F at 9:20am , HUV INDEX: 4.5 at 12:19pm , PEAK GUST: SW 21 mph at 12:16pm , PCPN: Rain 0.31" between 7:11pm and 12am - 1.00" 12am to 7am this morning , HRRATE: 0.76 inch/pr/hr at 4:20am , Winds overnight Gusted 28-36 mph from 2am to 7am this morning, still strong. One day of full foliage as many of the leaves have fallen this morning. |